Worthingway Newsletter: 12-4-17

Check the Worthingway athletic website WW Athleticsforwinter sports information.

Weekly updates are also posted at the school websiteWW Middle School.

December 2, Sat: SAT Testing WEC

December 8, Fri: WayDay

*8th Grade Caroling 4 – 7 p.m.

December 11, Mon: “Hidden in Plain Sight” Presentation Worthington Hills ES 7 p.m.

*Choir Concert 7:30 WW Gym

December 12, Tues: Books and Bagels 8 a.m.

December 13, Wed: Costa Rica 2018 Mtg. 6:45 – 8:15 p.m. WW Lib (Newcomb)

December 15, Fri: End of 2nd Qtr.

December 18, Mon - January 1, Mon: Winter Break

January 2, Tues: Welcome back from Winter Break!

January 6, Sat: Builders Club OWL 11 a.m.

January 9, Tues: Dewey’s Pizza Night 4 – 10 p.m.

May 18, Fri: 8th Grade End of Year Party

June 3, Sun –June 15, Fri: Summer Debate Camp OSU


PTA News:

Your help, please!

Are you willing to help a low-income student at Worthingway receive a gift card at Christmas? This may be the only gift this child receives for the holidays. The PTA is helping to raise money for students in need and we need your help. Your gift will directly make a difference in a student’s life. The gift will be tax deductible, so please consider using this opportunity for year-end gifts that you are planning to make.

Contributions will be accepted online and by check. We have a donor who will be paying the transaction fees associated with online gifts. Checks, payable to Worthingway PTA, can be sent to the office. Thanks for helping members of our Worthingway family.

Spirit nights

The Honey Baked Ham fundraiser continues through Dec. 24. It makes a perfect gift for a hard-to-buy-for relative. You are buying gift cards to the Honey Baked Ham Store. There are two local stores and many nationwide.

Reminder: Jan. 9Dewey's Pizza - 640 High St. - 4PM - 10PM

Hidden in Plain Sight:

A drug awareness seminar and presentation for parents only. A Powerpoint presentation highlights how youth are using technology to purchase and abuse drugs right under their parents’ watch. A mock bedroom exhibitset up by Drug-Free Delaware Coalition which shows where drugs and drug paraphernalia are hidden in plain sight – also demonstrates certain clues of drug use that may be in a bedroom. There will be direct engagement with parents – parents go through the bedroom and try to identify clues of drug use prior to a walk-through with the instructor. Also included is a question and answer component throughout the entire presentation.

Worthington Hills Elementary 1221 Candlewood Dr., Columbus, Oh. 43235. Monday, December 11th from 7 – 9 p.m.. Please RSVP by emailing .


Books and Bagels:

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 12th at 8:00am in the library. The book selection for this month is Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan. Any interested students should read the story and join us for a lively discussion and delicious treats!

Builders Club:

The Worthington-Linworth Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a new Builders Club for all middle school students in the Worthington area. 6th, 7th and 8th graders from any of the public or private schools are welcome to join us at an informational meeting onSaturday January 6th at 11amat the Old Worthington Library.

Builders Club teaches middle school youth about service to their community while also building their own confidence, compassion and leadership skills.Email Jim Janosik at with questions.


Worthingway is having an Intramural basketball league. The league is open to boys and girls, 7th and 8th graders from Worthingway Middle School, who are not playing in a winter sport. There is no cost, and games will be held Saturday morning’s @ Worthingway from 8-9am.

The dates are:

Jan 6th- 20th- 27th

Feb 3rd- 10th- 17th- 24th

Questions? Contact Coach Wiedenhoft @

8th Grade End of Year Activity:

Tickets are now on sale for the 8th grade end of the year activity. Tickets are $40 and pay for admission to the school dance, transportation to Get Air, admission to Get Air, and the purchase of socks. Tickets can be purchased on My Payments Plus. This event is not untilMay 18th, 2018. Tickets are on sale now to help families pay at a time that is most convenient to them. No refunds will be madeunlessthe ticket sales do not reach 90 tickets (Get Air is a set price so to cover the costs of the buses and renting Get Air, we need to sell 90 tickets). Get Air will be closed to the public and Worthingway 8th grade students will be the only ones there.

This event is for Worthingway 8th grade students only.

Summer Debate Camp at Ohio State University:

Capitol Debate will be hosting Summer Debate Camps fromJune 3rd until June 15th, 2018at Ohio State University.

For more details/times and to register, go to:

Contact: Jacqueline Kelleher,(614)

November is National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO)

NaNoWriMo is a fun and fast-paced approach to creative writing. If you have ever thought about writing a novel, then this experience is definitely one you should try! You can sign up on nanowrimo.org, select a word count goal, and connect with like-minded writers. Find support and inspiration as you work to reach your goal. Good luck!

Summer 2019 Trip to Europe:

Has your student ever imagined him or herself high above the clouds in the Swiss Alps or watching a brilliantly costumed flamenco dancer in Barcelona, Spain? If so, please go toeftours.comwith your parent and type in tour code 2036565VE for details. Mrs. Charity, Ms. Beasley, and Ms. Wilson would love to have you join this summer 2019 trip to Switzerland, France, Italy, and Spain.

Box Tops for Education:

It's that time! Send all snipped Box Tops for Education to school with your child. Students will turn them in to their homeroom teachers, and the homeroom with the highest number will receive a pizza party! Yum!!!

Yearbook Order Forms:

The yearbook order forms are available from homeroom teachers. You can also go online to Jostens to order as well.

Classroom News:

Ms. Newcomb (Spanish):

Sra. Newcomb's 1B students are synthesizing the different elements from all of Unit 6 as they practice making plans with a group of people with very busy schedules. :-) Each student gets a fake weekend schedule and then groups of 3 or 4 must use their Spanish skills to try to figure out when all members of each group can go see a movie. They will all get verbal feedback on their formative attempt to problem-solve before they do the summative problem-solving.

Sra. Newcomb's 1A students are writing, listening, reading and saying short sentences that describe themselves and others. There will be an important formative assessment that will help them identify strengths and weaknesses well before the summative assessment which will not be until next week. Students should be practicing their skills by doing assigned homework/studying vocabulary every night.

Ms. Speicher (Social Studies):

8th gradestudents are studying the American Revolution and the failure of the Articles of Confederation