Free Entitlement to Early Education

Number of weeks 2017-18

Please complete this form and return to the Early Years Service team

by e-mail:

Providers can adopt the West Berkshire Council standard number of weeks or set their own in accordance with their own opening times. Providers can claim funding for a maximum of 38 weeks between the period 1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018

The entitlement is split into 3 funding periods per year as detailed below:

Term / Funding Period
Summer 2017 / 1 April – 31 August
Autumn 2017 / 1 September –31 December
Spring 2018 / 1 January – 31 March

On the academic year calendar, w/c 3rd April forms the last week of the spring term. For funding purposes, this forms part of the summer term claim as it falls in the new financial year and funding period. Please note that children will be funded based on their eligibility age, e.g. funded 2 year olds that turn 3 between 1 January and 31 March will be funded at the 3 year old rate from 1 April as after 31 March, they become eligible for 3 year old funding.

Eligibility Dates

Childrenbecome eligible for funding on the dates set out below:

Born between / Eligible from(following third birthday)
1 April - 31 August / 1 September (Autumn Term)
1 September - 31 December / 1 January (Spring Term)
1 January and 31 March / 1 April (Summer Term)

Please return your form to by Monday 6th March 2017. Providers that do not return their completed form by this date will be assigned the West Berkshire Council standard number of weeks.

Name of Provider
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Opening times

Option 1

West Berkshire Council standard number of weeks 2017-18*

*excludes Bank Holidays

Funding Period: Summer 2017 1 April 17 – 31 August 17

Start / Finish / No. of days
w/c 3rd April* / 03/04/17 / 07/04/17 / 5
1st half term / 25/04/17 / 26/05/17 / 23
2nd half term / 05/06/17 / 21/07/17 / 35
Total Number of wks for summer term funding period / 12.6

*on the academic year calendar, w/c 3rd April forms the last week of the spring term. For funding purposes, this forms part of the summer term claim as it falls in the new financial year and funding period. Please note that children will be funded based on their eligibility age, e.g. funded 2 year olds that turn 3 between 1 January and 31 March will be funded at the 3 year old rate from 1 April as after 31 March, they become eligible for 3 year old funding.

Funding Period: Autumn2017 1 September 17 – 31 December 17

Start / Finish / No. of days
1st half term / 06/09/17 / 20/10/17 / 33
2nd half term / 30/10/17 / 20/12/17 / 38
Total Number of wks for autumn term funding period / 14.2

Funding Period: Spring2017 1 January 18 – 31 March 18

Start / Finish / No. of days
1st half term / 04/01/18 / 09/02/18 / 27
2nd half term / 19/02/18 / 29/03/18 / 29
Total Number of wks for spring term funding period / 11.2

Total number of weeks for the 2017 - 18 financial year: 38

Option 2

Funding Period: Summer 2017 1 April 17 – 31 August 17

Start / Finish / No. of days
w/c 3rd April*
1st half term
2nd half term
Total Number of wks for summer term funding period

*Please exclude Bank Holidays

*on the academic year calendar, w/c 3rd April forms the last week of the spring term. For funding purposes, this forms part of the summer term claim as it falls in the new financial year and funding period. Please note that children will be funded based on their eligibility age, e.g. funded 2 year olds that turn 3 between 1 January and 31 March will be funded at the 3 year old rate from 1 April as after 31 March, they become eligible for 3 year old funding.

Funding Period: Autumn 2017 1 September 17 – 31 December 17

Start / Finish / No. of days
1st half term
2nd half term
Total Number of wks for autumn term funding period

*Please exclude Bank Holidays

Funding Period: Spring2017 1 January 18 – 31 March 18

Start / Finish / No. of days
1st half term
2nd half term
Total Number of wks for spring term funding period

*Please exclude Bank Holidays

Total number of weeks for the 2017 - 18 financial year:


Provider is adopting the West Berkshire Council standard number of weeks 2017/18 (option 1) Y/N

Provider is setting their own number of weeks (option 2) Y/N

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