Stock Market Research Project Outline
Task: You have been asked to invest $1,000 dollars in the stock market. You are going to research a corporation and create a stock market research report. The following is an outline for what you will need in your report. You will hand in 5 PRINTED PAGES with your report. You will also create a POWERPOINT presentation about the corporation that you have chosen and its stock. You will be required to present your findings to the class along with your POWERPOINT.
Standards: CCSS W8.9Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
CCSS W8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information
through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Page 1- The Cover will have a title, an illustration or logo representing the company, the name of the company and your name & class.
Page 2- The 2nd page will contain the background information and history of the company that is chosen. You will need to answer all the guiding questionsthat you researched in class on the 2nd page giving potential investors some background knowledge of the company.
Page 3- The 3rd page will contain a line chart or bar graph of the stock’s price over a 10 day period. You will need to either check the stock’s price daily or wait two weeks and check the last 10 days stock’s price. You can create your graph on the computer or by hand.
Page 4- The 4th page will contain a conclusion of your report in which you analyze the raise or reduction in price. You will be drawing a conclusion about the value of the stock based on your research. How much money did you gain or lose? Would you suggest purchasing this stock to investors? Why or Why not? This Conclusion page should be at least two paragraphs and discuss what you learned about the stock market.
Page 5- The 5th page explains the Great Depression and how the stock market crash lead to an economic depression.
You will be working on this project mostly on your own time so if you don’t have access to a computer, you need to find a partner that does or use the school computers. You can also check stock prices in the newspaper.
Stock Market Research Report Guiding Questions
You should choose a stock company that you believe will increase in value. You will receive extra credit on your report grade if your chosen company stock rises. All these questions must be answered on the history page of your stock report.
1)What company did you choose?
2)Why did you choose this company?
3)What is the Stock Symbol for this company?
4)What does this company do or sell?
5)What is the current stock price of this company?
6)How many shares of stock can you buy for $1,000?
7)Who is the current CEO of your company
8)When was your company created?
9)Where is the headquarters of your company?
10)Why do you believe that this company’s stock price will rise?
Now follow your stock for the next 10 market days and chart the price changes.