THIS WEEK: May 3-9, 2015

Today: / 9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
5:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m. / Morning Worship Service
Sunday School, Catechism, Adult Bible Study, Coffee Fellowship, Library is Open
Widow/Widowers Dinner (following coffee fellowship) Desserts: Bonnie Kooiman, Gloria DeJong & Trisch Beezhold.
Song Service
Evening Service
Sunday School Program (following evening service)
Tuesday: / 7:30 p.m. / Men’s Society
Wednesday: / 7:00 p.m. / Council Meeting
Saturday: / 7:00 p.m. / Covenant Fellowship: Desserts: Jo Kramer & Sarah Boer


Next Sunday, May 10, we will be collecting food items for the Lansing Food Pantry.

My prayers and heartfelt thanks go out to Rev Vermeer, his family, the Elders, Deacons and the congregation of Oak Glen for accepting me as your Brother-in-Christ, and for your support and continued Spiritual and physical encouragement and your fellowship. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough, but please accept it from this penitent sinner who seeks to walk in the faith for the duration of this life and forever in the next. Joseph Maryland

Please change Zenny Kenner’s phone number in your church family directory to: 708-872-5573.

Kim Ipema is the new church secretary. Please put any directory changes in her mailbox, or contact her with any secretarial needs.

The Oak Leaves, our monthly newsletter is being distributed today. The congregation receives the Oak Leaves in their mailboxes. Visitors are invited to pick up a copy from the literature racks on the mailboxes in the annex.

VBS Registration begins NEXT SUNDAY in the fellowship hall. Anyone from 4 years old to going into 6th grade are welcome to register. Registration is open until Sunday, June 7.

VBS Information Night will be held on Tuesday, May 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall for all directors and all craft and lesson leaders. Your supplies will be handed out, we will go over the schedule for VBS week and any questions will be answered.

Plans are in the making for the annual church picnic this summer!!! Please reserve the date of Saturday, August 1, from 3pm until 8pm on your calendars for us! We would love for you to join us for an enjoyable afternoon and evening of fun, food and fellowship! More details to come as we get closer to the date!

LADIES' NIGHT OUT-----Tues. May 12th @ 6:30p.m. at Tomato Bar (Schererville). Please contact Mary Bush to reserve your seat by Monday, May 11th. Love to have YOU join us especially for the summer months!


Communion Dates: May 10, August 9, November 8 and December 31 (New Year’s Eve)

Ladies’ Night Out:

Tuesday, May 12, 6:30 p.m. at Tomato Bar (Schererville)

Tuesday, June 9, 6:30 p.m. at Coopers Hawk (Tinley Park, IL)

Tuesday, July 14, 6:30 p.m. at Light House (Cedar Lake, IN)

Tuesday, August 11, 6:30 p.m. at Granite City (Orland Park, IL)

Sunday, May 3-Sunday School Spring Program, following the Evening Service

Sunday, May 3-Young Peoples-Widow/Widowers Dinner

Thursday, May 14-Ascension Day Service, 7pm

Saturday, August 1-Church Picnic


Those with last names Gabrielse-Hoogstra are asked to write our missionaries during the month of May.

Word & Deed Update: In Nicaragua, Word & Deed works in communities mired in poverty by teaching new agricultural methods through the lense of the Bible. Christian agronomists work with farmers to educate them in better crop management and have introduced them to new crops like cocoa and ginger. With these new skills they are better equipped to generate an income to support their families. Please pray that this project will lead to rich harvests, both of crops and of hearts transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit as participants take part in required Bible courses.

Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary invites you to attend the Sunday worship service at the Danville Correctional Center in Danville, IL. The worship service begins at 8:00 AM. If you would like to worship with the men in Danville, you must send your information to Ron Ellens at or 815-514-3083. Worship for the prisoners at Danville will be on Sundays May 17 and 31. The deadlines for requests are April 27 and May13 respectively.

Mission News(continued)

Please plan to join friends of Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary for an afternoon of fun and fellowship at the 1st DHRBS Golf Outing on Saturday May 30th at Minne Monesse Golf Club in Grant Park, IL. Register online at: or contact Tim Beezhold at , 708-473-1393 for information. Registration deadline May 20.


Monday, May 11, 2015 - Lansing Christian School will be holding its much anticipated BBQ fundraiser! Order LCS' famous BBQ (sloppy joes) today! Go to to place your order or call the school office at 708-474-1700. The price is $6.00/lb. They are only making 600 lbs, so first come, first served! Pick up date for the BBQ will be from 12:00-5:30 pm on Monday, May 11 by the kitchen.

The Highland Christian School Annual Society Meeting will be held on Monday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. On the agenda will be a vote on the proposed change to board nominee elections, election of the three board members (Dan Aardsma, John Surowiec and Kyle Van Prooyen), and approval of the 2015/2016 budget. The Society Meeting Agenda is available at and printed copies of the agenda and absentee ballots are available in the school office.

Providence Christian Academy invites you to their Recitation Night to be held at Community URC (8405 Alexander St., Schererville, IN) on Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m. The students will be showing everyone what they have learned throughout the school year. Join us for refreshments following the presentation. If you have any questions, contact the school at .

On your marks…get set…GO to Elim’s 5th annual Eagles’ Wings 5k Run/Walk/Roll on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 9:00a.m.! Join us on the grounds of Elim Christian Services in Palos Heights, Illinois, to celebrate and support the work of the agency. Register for the 5k or for the 1-mile short loop. Participants will enjoy music, refreshments, raffle drawings, and a free t-shirt. Kids can also enjoy a free pre-race obstacle course. All proceeds benefit Elim Christian Services-equipping children and adults with disabilities to reach their God-given potential. Visit to register today!

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: The Harvest Thrift Center is looking for a few good men (or women) who would be willing to fill a couple openings at our Furniture desk on a Thursday afternoon or a Friday morning - once or twice a month. No special skills needed - just a smile or a handshake to our customers! If this may be of interest to you, please call the store at 708-868-6150 for more information. The coffee is always on and the Diet Pepsi is always chilled! Thank you for your continued support of Christian education at Calvin Christian and Lansing Christian Schools!


USHERS Today: Paul Bakker, Mike Bush, Scott Trester, *Mike Yonkman

Next Sunday: Dan DeBoer, Vance Venhuizen, Roy Vander Molen, *Kevin Vermeer

LIFT ATTENDANT Today: Kurtis Van Kuiken

Next Sunday: Noah Venhuizen

NURSERY Today: AM – INF: Danielle Voss & Megan Zwier

TDL: Charity, Annika, Emma Regnerus

PM – INF: Becky Beezhold & Marian Van Beek

TDL: Gloria, Nathan & Dale De Jong

Next Sunday: AM – INF: Sandy & Noah Venhuizen

TDL: Stephanie & Callie Boss & Samantha Venhuizen

PM – INF: Bev Beezhold & Casey Kramer

TDL: Curtis & Rachel Nelson

GREETERS Today: Bob & Joy Krygsheld Family

Next Sunday: Wayne & Char Lewis

PARKING LOT PATROL Tonight: Rich Van Wolde

Next Sunday: Roy Vander Molen

SONG SERVICE Tonight: Kevin Ooms

Next Sunday: Bob Krygsheld


PM: Talking Bibles

Sunday, May 3, 2015 9:30 AM

“Keeping Perspective When it comes to Baptism”

Matthew 19:13-15; Lord’s Day 27

1. Don’t Expect too much from Baptism

2. Don’t’ Miss the Message of Baptism

3. Don’t Make Too Little of Baptism

Sunday, May 3, 2015 6:00 PM “The Call Comes to Pray”

2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Text: 2 Corinthians 1:11

1. From Those Who Need It

2. Seeking Many to Pray

3. So Many in Turn Might Give Thanks