Assistive Technology
Name: / Referral Date:School: / Grade: PreschoolK123456789101112 DOB:
Parent/Guardian: / email:
Primary Phone: / Alternative Phone:
IPP Coordinator: / email:
Primary Phone: / Alternative Phone:
This document is to be completed by the IPP Planning Team and is a request for assistance in making appropriate decisions around assistive technology solutions.
A copy of the student’s current IPP must be attached to the referral form when it is submitted.
SETT Framework:
The SETT Framework was developed by Joy Zabala to support teams in making appropriate decisions about assistive technology tools. SETT is an acronym for Student, Environments, Tasks and Tools. The framework is based on the premise that in order to develop an appropriate system of Tools teams must first develop a shared understanding of the student, the customary environments in which the student spends time, and the tasks that are required for the student to be able to do or learn to do to be an active participant in the teaching/learning processes that lead to educational success. (Joy Zabala, 2005,
STUDENTWhat is(are) the area(s) of concern?
What does the student need to be able to do that is difficult or impossible to do independently at this time?
What are the student’s special needs? What are the student’s current abilities?
What are the student’s interests and preferences? / ENVIRONMENT
What materials and equipment are currently available in the learning environment?
What is the physical arrangement? the instructional arrangement?
What supports are available?
What resources are available to the people supporting the student? / TASK(S)
What activities occur in the environment?
What are the critical elements of the activities?
How might the activities be modified to accommodate the student’s needs?
How might technology support the student’s active participation in the activities?
What low-tech, mid-tech and high-tech options have already been tried?
* This section will be completed with RVS MRP for Assistive Technology *
What low-tech, mid-tech and high-tech options should be considered for a student with these needs and abilities?
What strategies might increase student performance?
How might these tools be tried out with the student in the environments in which they will be used?