Snow Tasks
Primary 6
Please aim to complete three activities- try to pick a variety of curricular areas.
Literacy / Write a descriptive poem about Winter. / How many words with 3 or more letters can you make using only the letters in: Winter Wonderland. You can use each letter only once. What is the longest word you can make? / Watch the news today and choose your favourite story. Write a summary of the news event and bring it to school to share with the class. / Enjoy reading a book by your favourite author. Write a book review to encourage someone else to read it.Numeracy / Keep working on improving speed and accuracy with multiplication tables. Try designing your own games to help with this, such as Snap or Bingo / How long does it take you to build a mound of snow 1metre high? What’s the quickest you can do it? / Record all the different places around your home where time is displayed in 24 hour format. / Create a picture of a robot which is made up of a variety of irregular 2D shapes. List the different shapes you have used.
Health and Wellbeing / Create some of your own PE warm up ideas. / Choose your favourite song at the moment and create a dance routine that you could teach to the class. Write down the moves so you don’t forget them. / Volunteer to do some” physical” housework, for example, hoovering, sweeping, general tidying. / Help an adult to cook or bake. Take responsibility for measuring the ingredients. Take a photograph of the end result.
Other / Invent a brand new Winter Sport. It could be a team sport, or individual activity, it could be on ice, on snow, on a mountain, etc. Think about the name of your new sport, the rules, the equipment you might need, where you would do it, how risky it might be. / Make a snowman - without a head. Stand behind it as if your head belongs to the snowman. Use props such as wigs, glasses scarves etc. and get an adult to take a picture of you in different poses. / Research, record and bring in some fascinating winter facts e.g. coldest ever recorded temperature, coldest place in the world, creatures that live in the cold, coldest place in Britain today, what snow is, how ice forms. /
\\Banacdsv01\group_ell\CTSSCH\Admin\Snow Days\Crathes Snow-Pack-P6 March 2018.doc