No / PresentCllrs. Chapman (Chair), Danter,Malloy, Tate, District Cllr Rooke, Lucy Pope (Clerk). Nomembers of the public were present.
17-021 / Election of Chairman
On the proposition of Cllr.Danter, seconded by Cllr.Tate, Cllr Chapman was elected Chairman, carried unanimously.
17-022 / Completion of Chairman’s Consent to Act form
Cllr. Chapman completed a Declarations of Acceptance of Office Form in her capacity as Chairman of the Council and took the Chair.
17-023 / Completion of Councillors’ Consent to Act forms
All Councillors in attendance completed Consent to Act forms.
17-024 / Election of Vice Chairman
On the proposition of Cllr.Chapman, seconded by Cllr.Malloy, Councillor Danter was elected Vice Chairman, carried unanimously.
17-025 / Declaration of Financial and Personal Interests
The Clerk provided Financial and Personal Interest Returns for completion by all councillors to be returned to her for submission to H.D.C.
17-026 / Election of Council Representatives to Other Organisations
Representatives being willing to stand were elected as follows:
- Middleton Trust - Cllr. Chapman informed the Council that Cllr. Cherry has submitted her resignation from the Council however having been the Council representative on the Trust since 1991 she is happy continue in this role, subject to Council agreement: all Councillors agreed that Shirley could continue as representative on behalf of the Council.
- Playground Committee - Cllr. Malloy.
- Community Centre - Cllr. Tate.
- Allotments - Cllr. Chapman & Cllr Hall.
17-027 / Apologies for Absence
Cllrs. Bingham, Hall, County Cllr. Patmore.
17-028 / Declaration of Interest
None Declared.
17-029 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held on 12thApril 2017, having been previously circulated,were approved by Council and signed by the Chairman.
17-030 / Actions from Previous Meeting
- 17-010.1: The Clerk advised that she had reported to NYCC Highways that the Vehicle Activated Speed Matrix was not working and that she had requested an extension to the current deployment as a result. NYCC Highways has responded that a contractor would be sent to repair the sign asap however due to other deployment commitments it would not be possible to extend the current period; an extra week’s deployment will be added at the end of the contract period however.
- 17-012: The Clerk advised that she had responded to Mrs Johnson’s letter as agreed by the Council.
- 17-014: The Clerk has raised an invoice for the Playground Committee’s peppercorn rent.
17-031 / County Councillor’s Report
The Clerk advised that County Cllr Patmore is “treble-booked” by Parish Councils tonight and so has had to offer her apologies. Further to her written APM report earlier the Clerk updated that Cllr Patmore had advised that in the recent local elections North Yorkshire returned 55 Conservative, 10 Independent, 4 Labour and 3 Liberal Democrat councillors. A meeting of the full Council was due to be held today. NYCC has also re-elected Carl Les as Leader of the Council and Gareth Dadd as vice.
17-032 / District Councillor’s Report
District Cllr Rooke highlighted that the planning application appeal in relation to Framfield is currently with the independent Inspector: any comments regarding the application and the appeal should be forwarded to the Inspector by 6th June 2017. Cllr Rooke also reported that HDC has highlighted that wrong items are being put into recycle bins and would be a introducing ‘4 strikes’ policy after which you would no longer get your bin emptied. It has been 9 months since the planning application for the new Tollerton Surgery; this would hopefully go to planning committee in May 17.
17-033 / Financial Matters
16-032.1 To complete and sign Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for 2016/17.
The Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for 2016/17 was completed, approved and signed by the Chairman and Clerk as Financial Responsible Officer.
16-032.2 To approve and sign the Parish Accounts to 31st March 2017.
The Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer presented the Parish Annual Accounts to 31st March 2017 which were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer.
16-032.3 To approve and sign the Accounts section of the Annual Return 2016/17
Council approved the Accounting Statement of the Annual Return 2016/17 prepared and signed previously by the Clerk; this was then signed by the Chairman.
16-032.4 Council recorded receipt of the Precept for the half year to 30th Sept 2017 in the sum of £3289.50.
16-032.5 Council agreed that James Mackman be appointed as internal auditor for the year to 31st March 2017.
16-032.6 Payment of the following accounts was approved:
- NYCC for speed matrix sign rental 2017/18: £900.00
- Gross Salaries April 2017: £268.00
17-034 / Planning
17-034.1 Wernick Group planning update: Cllr Rooke reported that some agreement regarding planting has been reached now between Wernick and HDC.
To consider the following applications received from HDC:
17-034.2Proposednew agricultural building for purpose of storing grain, Shipton Grange, 17/00595/FUL. Councillors considered the application and made no comments; recommended approval.
17-034.3 Proposed Entrance Porch, Forest Oak, 27 East Lane, Shipton 17/00670/FUL. Councillors considered the application and made no comments; recommended approval.
17-034.4Extension alterations to Stackhouse Farm House, Shipton, 17/01036/FUL. Extensive discussion regarding this application took place with local residents highlighting their detailed concerns regarding the proposed development. Particular issues discussed related to the significant changes in relation to the property’s style and character, capacity of services, restricted access and health and safety. Councillors noted that the application is current subject to delegated decision: due to the extensive concerns regarding this application the Council therefore recommended that HDC should call consideration of this application into full Planning Committee and that there should also be a full site visit.
17/034.5 To note approval by HDC of application for construction of a dwelling, East Villa, Main Street, 17/00355/FUL
17-034.6HDC Local Plan Alternative Sites & Local Greenspace Consultation 21 April – 2 June 2017: the Clerk highlighted that as part of the process to develop its new Local Plan, HDC had now considered all proposed sites and had designated each as to whether they are preferred or not. Consultation regarding these designations is no open and runs until 2 June. All except one of the proposed sites within Shipton by Beningbrough have been designated as not preferred. The Clerk requested that if any Cllrs have comments that they forward to her so that she can compile a consolidated response on behalf of the Council.
17-035 / Highways
17-036 / New Items
17-036.1 To consider application received from HDC Licensing for the grant of a premises licence, Harpers Bistro, Shipton. This relates to a licence for on-premises only; not off-premises. Council recommended approval.
17-037 / Correspondence
The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received and circulated to Cllrs:
- NYCC: Hambleton Area Committee – Vacancies for Co-opted Members: No action required – for information/personal action if desired.
17-038 / Community Centre
Cllr Tate reported that the CC is holding its AGM tomorrow night at which they will consider their draft business plan and what items require expenditure in the coming year.
17-039 / Recreation Field & Allotments
No reports received.
17-040 / Councillors Reports and Items for Next Agenda
None received.
Chairman’s Closing Remarks
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 14thJune 2017
Signed: ______Date: ______