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For external use
11 May 2009
Aid-for-Trade related Events/Meetingsand CTD Sessions[1]
DATE / PLACE / MEETING9-10 February / Johannesburg, SouthAfrica / Southern Africa Global Competitiveness Hub – Regional Forum "Enhancing Competitiveness in Southern Africa: "A Roadmap for Success"
27 February / Geneva, Switzerland / 9th CTD – AfT Session
3 March / Lima, Peru / National AfT Review
3 March / Manila, Philippines / Asian Development Bank – First meeting of the Regional Technical Group
12-13 March / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / UNECA Workshop on Trade Facilitation and Aid for Trade and Launching of the Pan-African Alliance on E-Commerce
10-11 March / Dar es Salaam, Tanzania / IMF/Tanzania "Changes – Successful Partnerships for Africa's Growth Challenge
25-26 March / Bishkek, KyrgyzRepublic / Preparatory and consultative meeting on Aid-for-Trade Roadmap for SPECA countries
2 April (a.m.) / Geneva, Switzerland / 10th CTD – AfT Session
2 April (p.m.) / Geneva, Switzerland / AfT Advisory Group
6-7 April / Lusaka, Zambia / COMESA-EAC-SADC North-South Corridor Project and AfT Event
4 May / San Pedro Sula, Honduras / National AfT Review
5 May / Geneva, Switzerland / Briefing Session for UNECE member countries regarding the AfT SPECA Initiative, organized by UNECE with the support of the UN CEB Trade and Productive Capacity Cluster
7-8 May / Montego Bay, Jamaica / 2nd AfT Review for Latin America and the Caribbean
20 May / Paris, France / Joint OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and Trade Committee Working Party (TCWP)
27-28 May / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 17th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting
28-29 May / Siem Reap, Cambodia / Regional Meeting on Aid for Trade for Asia and the Pacific –"Global Financial Crisis, Export-Led Growth and Aid for Trade: Focus on the ASEAN Experience"
8-10 June / Abuja, Nigeria / IGICA-NEPAD Roundtable Forum on Global Partnership Development Initiative for Africa [IGICA = International Conference on Industry Growth, Investment and Competitiveness in Africa]
10 June (a.m.) / Geneva, Switzerland / AfT Advisory Group
11 June (a.m.) / Geneva, Switzerland / 11th CTD – AfT Session
19-20 June / Apia, Samoa / Second Round Table Meeting: Aid for Trade and the Pacific Trade and Development Facility
[June – date to be confirmed] / Abuja, Nigeria / ECOWAS - West African Review of Aid for Trade
6-7 July / WTO, Geneva, Switzerland / Second Global Review of Aid for Trade
AID FOR TRADE/TASK FORCE FOLLOW-UP 2008/CTD SESSIONS/CTD Sessions + other meetings 2008
[1] In English only.