English 9 Inclusion
Mrs. Moxham & Mrs. Iannucci
Room 312
Course Texts
Students are responsible for reading, responding to, and bringing to class on the designated days all of the texts below, as well as supplementary readings, as assigned.
Sophocles - Oedipus
Lee, Harper—To Kill a Mockingbird
Shakespeare, William—Romeo & Juliet
Steinbeck, John—Of Mice and Men
Supplemental texts
Various short stories and poems
Nonfiction articles
Instructional websites
Students will be required to join the class accounts on the following websites:
Google classroom
It is expected that you will arrive to class prepared for any assignment. Suggested materials include the following:
-A binder with dividers designated for literature and writing
-Marble notebook for journal writing
-Literature text (provided in class)
-Writing implements: pen, pencil, and highlighter
-Agenda book (provided by the school)
Grading Policy:
Your grade each quarter will be based on work done in and out of class. Your grade will be based on the following structure with necessary changes made based on the number of assignments in each category:
- Tests and Writing: 50% --Tests and writing responses will be used throughout the course to assess your knowledge and application of class concepts. For example:
- In class essay tests
- Unit Exams
- Research Paper
- Literary Response Paper
- Creative Literary Responses
- Multimedia Project
- Quizzes: 30% - Quizzes are used to determine your level of familiarity with class concepts and ideas. For example:
- Vocabulary Quizzes
- Reading Quizzes (both announced and unannounced)
- Grammar Quizzes
- Journal Responses
- Homework / Classwork: 20% –Homework is completed independently and is designed to reinforce classroom learning. Classwork is also designed to reinforce classroom concepts and may be completed individually or in groups depending upon the assignment. For example:
- Vocabulary Workshop Activities
- Grammar Exercises
- Reading / Annotating
- Class discussions
Late homework and classwork will not be accepted. If you are absent, please note that it is your responsibility to find and complete any assignments by consulting my website or contacting another student.
Midterm Exam: This course includes a midterm administered during second quarter which accounts for 4% of the course’s average.
Final Exam:This course culminates with a final exam. The exam accounts for 20% of your final course grade.
Classroom Procedures
Writing Assignments/Projects:
All assignments are to be handed in on the due date assigned. Papers are subject to the late penalty determined and discussed by Mrs. Moxham & Mrs. Iannucci. Please be aware that failure to hand in a paper on-time may affect both your grade on the individual paper and your participation grade. If you are in the building on the day that a paper is due, it is your obligation to make sure that the paper gets to the teacher or you risk incurring a late penalty. Assignment extensions may be granted, but only under extreme circumstances. Extensions may only be granted if you notify me of your extreme circumstances before the due date.
Submission of Writing Assignments:
All formal, out of class writing assignments should be typed and double-spaced unless otherwise specified. Formal writing assignments will be submitted via Turnnitin.com but on occasion you may also be required to submit an additional hard copy. All writing assignments should be both edited and revised prior to submission.
As with writing assignments, all homework and classwork is to be handed in on the due date assigned. If you are absent on a day in which homework assignments are due, it remains your responsibility to turn in the assignment the day you return to school. Please check my website for daily homework and classwork assignments. Late homework and classwork will not be accepted.
The Academic Integrity Policy is in effect at all times. Read the attached document to review the details of the policy as well as the penalties associated with non-compliance. If there is any concern regarding on assignment, please discuss it with me prior to handing it in for a grade.
Absences / Tardiness:
The school’s attendance and late policies are in effect at all times. Should you be legally absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will be expected to make up the assignment during your lunch or free period. It is your responsibility to see me regarding missing assignments. Failure to make up a test within five days or a mutually agreed upon time based on length of absence will result in a zero.
Electronic equipment:
Put away all electronic equipment prior to entering the room this includes: IPods, MP3 players, cell phones, video game devices, etc. Improper usage of electronic devices will result in the corresponding disciplinary action.
Food / Drink:
Students are kindly asked to refrain from consuming food or drink other than water in the classroom so as to ensure a clean work space freefrom distractions. If you must eat in my classroom, please see me before opening food and beverages in the classroom.
Please return to Mrs. Moxham/Mrs. Iannucci by Friday, September 11th:
Please include any questions regarding this course and syllabus in the space below (optional):
I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for the English 9 class and have shared them with my parent /guardian.
Student’s name (please print): ______Period: ______
Student’s signature: ______
Parent/Guardian’s signature: ______
Thank you! We look forward to working with you and your child this term!