4th Platelet Summer School: Hillscourt Conference Centre, Birmingham

Conference Hall

18 – 20th July 2011


Monday 18th July

Session I Introduction

10.00 Introductory remarks

10.10 – 11.00 Introduction and historical overview of platelet research

Steve Watson, University of Birmingham

Session II Functional assay

11.00 – 12.00 Platelet preparation, aggregation and secretion

Gavin Jarvis, Queens University, Belfast

12.00 – 1.00 Specialist platelet testing assays

Paul Harrison, University of Oxford

1.00 Lunch

Session II Functional assay contd…

2.00 – 3.10 In vitro flow models of platelet activation

Gerard Nash, University of Birmingham

3.10 – 4.20 Platelets and coagulation

Johan Heemskerk, Unversity of Maastricht

4.20 – 4.40 Coffee

Session III Platelet receptors and their signalling pathways

4.40 – 5.50 Stimulatory G protein-coupled receptors

Alastair Poole, University of Bristol


8.00 – 10.00 Posters and wine

Tuesday 19TH July

Session III Platelet receptors and their signalling pathways

9.00 – 10.10 Tyrosine kinase-linked receptors

Yotis Senis, University of Birmingham

10.10 – 11.20 Inhibitory receptors

Jon Gibbins, University of Reading

11.20  Coffee

Session IV Platelets in disease

11.50 – 1.00 Platelets in thrombotic diseases

Will Lester, University of Birmingham

1.00 – 2.00 Lunch

2.00 – 3.10 Current anti-platelet drugs

Marie Lordkipanidzé, University of Birmingham

3.10 – 4.20 Development of new anti-platelet drugs

Sven Nylander, AstraZeneca

4.20 – 4.40 Coffee

4.40 – 5.40 Specialist Discussion Groups –

5.40 – 6.40 Specialist Discussion Groups –

Topics will include: how to build a career in science; grant writing; careers in industry; speaking to schools; speaking to the media; as well as research based topics such as: proteomics; genomics; rheology, use of mouse platelets; platelet function testing etc.

7.15 Celebration Dinner

Wednesday 20th July

Session V Platelet bleeding

9.00 – 10.10 Acquired and inherited bleeding disorders

Jonathan Wilde, University of Birmingham

10.10 – 11.20 Megakaryocytes and myeloproliferative disorders

Cedric Ghevaert, University of Cambridge

11.20 Coffee

11.50 – 1.00 Platelet genomics

Alison Goodall, University of Leicester

1.00 – 2.00 Lunch

Session VI Megakaryocytes and genomics

2.00 – 3.10 Animal models of haemostasis and thrombosis

Neena Kalia

3.10 – 4.20 Other physiological and pathological roles of platelets

Brenda Finney, University of Birmingham

4.20 Concluding remarks