Today is Tuesday October 20, 2015

For your dining pleasure today we have pasta bar

Today we are on activity schedule for Freshman Mentors

Freshmen Mentors please get your clipboards in room 206 prior to activity period today. Please take roll so we make sure each Freshmen/New Student has a group. Today’s Theme in Freshmen Mentors is Selflessness.

Students Please remember; for planned absences that will be 1or 2 days you need a small personal excuse slip. For more than 2 days you need a planned absence from. Both can be gotten at the attendance office.

If you miss any classes or part of classes due to an appointment, a slip from the office of service is now required for the absence to be excused.

Please remember to bring new or gently used socks and backpacks to your first period class, this week. Winning classroom gets a donut party.

Attention L Club Members if you sell your first box of chocolates please come see Mr. VanDalen in Rm 206 because we have 15 more boxes to sell by the end of the month.

Bargains available at the student store! Check out our Quarter Plate and Dime Baskets for great prices on school supplies!! For example, Sharpie highlighters are a dime!! Currently, we are out of Composition Books for the Interactive Student Notebooks but they are on order and coming soon!!!

We also have samples of our Warner Wear and other spirit wear available. Check us out!!!

Of course, ice cream bars and gold fish can satisfy those between class cravings!!!!

Hope you stop by!!!!

This week is our Annual Coat Drive for Needy Families. Please bring coats to your 6th period class and the class that brings in the most coats per students get a free pizza party or hot cocoa and donuts party. Thanks for showing the community how awesome LHS is.

There is tutoring available in Mr. Vanderveen’s room, Portable 1, every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

Here’s what’s happening at LHS:

10/22 Band Concert 7:30 pm

10/24 ACT test

10/26 FFA Nationals (all week)

10/27 Activity Period for Winter Sports

Happy Birthday to: Teylor and Ali

Please Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance