Appendix C – Reduced Workload Agreement
Dr.FIRST NAME LAST NAME and Dean Michael Strong and Dr. CHAIR OF DEPARTMENThave agreed to a period of Reduced Workload to be effective for the period START DATE to END DATE. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Provost.
It is agreed that during this period of Reduced Workload, Dr. LAST NAME Workload will be reduced to Fill to what is appropriate ie: 50% (.5 FTE) and the workload balance will consist of those duties outlined in the Academic Role Category document at Appendix B of Dr. LAST NAME appointment.
Performance evaluations during this period of Reduced Workload will be made on the basis of the duties performed during the period of Reduced Workload.
This Reduced Workload represents a total reduction of Fill to reflect same as above ie:50% from a normal Full-Time Clinical Academic Workload. Dr. LAST NAME salary will be in accordance with his/her letter of appointment and the department’s Practice Plan.
Eligibility for and participation in all group insurance plans, legislated plans and pension plans will be continue as for a full-time Clinical Academic, except that benefits based on salary shall reflect the salary based on the Reduced Workload. Responsibility for payment of benefits premiums under the Western University’s benefit plan for clinical faculty shall be: 100% of mandatory benefits paid by the Department ofDEPARTMENT.
Vacation and sick leave entitlements will be reduced on a pro rata basis, atFill to reflect same as above ie: 0.5 FTE.
During this period, eligibility remains for consideration for reappointment and for Promotion and/or granting of Continuing Appointment, if applicable. If a 50% reduction,or less,has occurred for two (2) years or more in advance of the granting of Continuing Appointment, the timeline for consideration of Continuing Appointment shall be extended on a pro-rata basis (eg one year for every two years at 50%) to a maximum of 14 years, including extensions related to leaves and those allowed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians, clause
Any request to extend this agreement must be made at least six months prior to the expiry date of this agreement.
This, and provisions included in Dr. LAST NAME letter of appointment, represents the entire agreement relating to Reduced Workload between the signatories below and a copy of this agreement will be placed in the Official File.
Member (Dr. LAST NAME)Date
Dean Date