Algebra 1

Mrs. Parritt

Planning hours: 9:40-10:55

Tutoring hours: 7:15-7:45 and 3:10-3:45

Phone: 839-5118


Course Description: Algebra is a powerful study of mathematics with far-reaching applications relevant to YOUR life. In this class we will develop reasoning skills necessary for becoming good mathematical thinkers and problem-solvers. This process is ongoing and requires work both in and out of the classroom. You will learn important mathematical principles and how they are connected to one another and what you already know. As your skills and confidence increase, you will begin to understand the mathematics you encounter in the world each day. Reasoning habits and problem-solving strategies you will learn will prepare you for future success not only in mathematics but in an ever-changing technological society.

Grading Scale Materials

A 100-92 -a positive attitude J

B 91-83 -3-ring binder

C 82-74 -loose leaf paper

D 73-65 -pencils

F 64 and below

I Incomplete

The Rules:

1. Be ON TIME.

Students must be in the room by the time the last tardy bell rings. The school wide penalty for being tardy is: 1st – free and 2nd and subsequent tardies– discipline referral. Students who are late should enter the classroom without disrupting the class. If they have a note or want to explain they should wait until the appropriate time. I DO count tardies!

Upon entering the classroom students are to complete the Bell Ringer. You are expected to copy the problem and show any work required to obtain an answer. Bell ringers will range from mental-math exercises to review of current concepts to ACT questions. They will be taken up periodically. Also, as class begins you should have last night’s assignment on your desk ready to go over.

Class ends when the bell rings. Students should remain at their seats WORKING on their assignment or the exit slip until the dismissal bell.


You should ALWAYS come to class prepared with notebook, paper and pencil. Students who arrive unprepared for class should solve the problem before class begins. Under no circumstances is any student to take one of my pencils or look in my desk without permission.

It is required that you obtain a 3-ring binder to be used exclusively for Algebra 1. Please, bring it to class every day. The notebook will help you stay organized and help keep you up to date with daily notes and assignments. Notes are occasionally taken up for a grade, and you will occasionally be allowed to use them on assessments.

3. Be BUSY.

Assignments will be given daily. They are designed to enhance skills developed in class and are graded on effort and completeness (write the problem, show all work, etc). Late assignments are NOT accepted and are considered late if not completed by the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Students will receive credit for working in class and credit for completing the assignment (if necessary) at home. Students who choose not to work in class will only receive half credit even if the assignment is completed at home. If you do not consistently do your daily assignments, you will NOT pass this class. Daily assignments account for 40% of the student’s average.


Show respect for all faculty members. Abide by all school rules and policies of Anderson County. Follow directions the first time they are given. Pay attention and sit quietly during any and all announcements in the morning and afternoon.

Show respect for others in your class. Swearing, name-calling and rudeness in general is not tolerated. Remember that rudeness is how your words or actions make others feel, not what you meant.

Show respect for yourself. Be positive. Put forth your best effort in all activities of the class. Ask for help when you need it! Maintain the highest level of integrity and honesty in your work. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero.

Show respect for your teacher. When I am teaching, you are to remain in your seat quietly listening and taking notes. What I have to show you is important, and I need the full attention of the class. Your questions and comments pertaining to the lesson are also very important. If you have a question, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

If you have trash to throw away, please wait until a break in instruction. Students are permitted to bring water to class, but absolutely no food or other drinks.

Grading: Each student will be evaluated on the basis of performance in each of the following categories:

Daily Assignments 40% Tests/Quizzes 60%

Quizzes/Tests: Expect quizzes weekly after every few sections and unit tests after every chapter. Quizzes will range in weight from 10-50 points and tests will usually be worth 100 points. Assessments make up 60% of the student’s class average. Some quizzes and all unit tests are cumulative. A final trimester exam will be given at the end of every trimester and will count as 20% of your trimester grade.

Absences: If it isAfter an excused absence, you have 3 days to make up any missed work (per ACHS policy).Absence: It is the student’s responsibility to find the assignment missed. You will find assignments on your weekly snapshot post on my website and worksheets are in the trays in the back of the room. You are also responsible for notes missed. Copy them from someone.

Tests: Students who are absent on test days will have one week to make up the test. Any test not taken within one week of the excused absence will be recorded as a zero. Any student who is absent on the day before an announced test will be expected to take the test with the rest of the class. Typically, tests may not be made up during class time. Students should see me to schedule a time to make up any missed tests or quizzes.

Field trips and pull-outs are not considered absences. You are not allowed extra time to complete assignments for these days.

Hall passes: Students may fill out a hallpass AFTER they have asked permission to enter the hall and AFTER permission is GRANTED. Students enter the hall at MY discretion and ONLY if they have a pass. If a student asks to use the hallpass at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate way, they will NOT be allowed to use the pass. If there is a medical need that I should be aware of, please send a parent or doctor’s note. Permission to use the hall pass will not be granted to students who do not follow the rules and procedures of the class.

Cell phones & Ipods: Cell phones and Ipods (or other devices such as these) are not permitted in class and will be confiscated.