Job Description and Person Specification

SLT Building Preservation Trust Ltd – The South London Theatre Centre Ltd

Building Manager

Part-time contract (21 hours, 3 days per week)
Fixed term to 30 June 2019, in the first instance.
Maximum Salary: £25,000 per annum (£15,000 pro rata)
Location: South London Theatre, Old Fire Station, 2a Norwood High Street, SE27 9NS.

Responsible To: Estates Director,SLT Building Preservation Trust Ltd

Responsible for: Supervision of activities of volunteers, including young people.

Project Overview: The SLT Building Preservation Trust Ltd (the BPT) and the South London Theatre Centre Ltd(SLT) is currently refurbishing the Grade 2 listed Old Fire Station in West Norwood. The project is Heritage Lottery funded, aimed at restoring the original architectural features and increase community access to this wonderful building. The building works are due to be completed in early 2018. We aim to create a learning resource & exhibition for the new space that tracks the use of the building from Fire station to Theatre. In addition, the project will work with volunteers and community members to research and conduct workshops and community events, exhibition and a learning pack.

We are seeking a Building Manager with an interest in heritage to work with our Learning and Engagement Officer. The role will involve some marketing of the building facilities, as well as managing the spaces including an exhibition about the fire station and a micro café.

Job Purpose: The primary responsibilities of the Building Manager will be to:

·  open to the public some of the facilities at the Old Fire Station once the building has been repaired, and promote the heritage of the Old Fire Station to the wider community.

·  be responsible for the public access to the building through the exhibition, cafë and hire of community rooms.

·  market the community rooms for hire.

·  Train and manage a team of volunteers

·  assist with the promotion of the productions of the South London Theatre and to work with them as the primary user of the building.

Key responsibilities:

·  To manage the daytime use of the Old Fire Station, ensuring security measues are adhered to.

·  To publicise and promote the available resources of the building to encourage hire of the community rooms e.g. for exercise classes, pensioner groups, baby massage, special interest groups, educational classes etc.

·  To seek opportunities for further lettings.

·  To manage the room hire accounts, including invoicing.

·  To oversee the running of the micro café, ensuring adequate stocks of drinks and a clean environment maintained.

·  To recruit, train and develop a volunteer team to maximise the opening times of the building

·  To work with the Learning and Engagement Officer to help ensure the smooth running of the learning programme, including the Exhibition space, being aware of the roles, systems and responsibilities, and if necessary, managing their volunteers in their absence.

·  To coordinate the income-generating lets and hires, and ensure no cross booking occurs with the activities of the learning programme.

·  To prepare/clear the rooms for the hirers including any lets in the early evenings, or supervise/instruct volunteers to set out/clear away chairs, tables, screens, projectors and so forth.

·  To be responsible for ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, members and visitors is maintained at all times and to report any issues to the BPT Management Committee.

·  To undertake risk assessments and make recommendations for action

·  To be responsible for ensuring day to day maintenance of the building, including organising cleaners, and to report any issues to the BPT Management Committee.


·  To be responsible for the evaluation of all relevant activities in the hired community rooms, to feed this back to the BPT Management Committee for discussion, and to implement agreed improvements as appropriate.

·  To act as an advocate for The Old Fire Station as required e.g. writing articles for the local press, or giving talks to heritage groups.

·  To build networks with other local heritage providers.

·  To liaise with local community projects and groups, e.g. Norwood Feast.

·  Work closely with SLT Director of Publicity in arrangements for London Open House weekend.

Person specification

Essential experience

·  Experience of working with community groups

·  Experience of working in partnership with other organisations

·  Experience of ordering catering supplies, checking deliveries, and accounts record keeping

·  Experience of venue marketing and management, the requirements of different user groups, running a bookings system, record keeping and invoicing.

·  Volunteer management or experience as a volunteer

·  Understanding of health and safety legislation in relation to building management

Desirable experience

·  Food hygeine certificate and/or experience as a licensee


·  Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and written, with a wide range of stakeholders.

·  Excellent presentation skills

·  A self-starter, able to spot opportunities, make contacts, and work independently

·  Confident user of technology and social media for internal and external communication, record keeping etc.

·  An understanding of diversity and an awareness of its relevance to this role

Terms and Conditions of Appointment

The post is 21 hours per week (0.6FTE) for a fixed term, ending 30 June 2019. This will normally be over 3 days pw but some out of office (evening & weekend) hours may be required. There is a degree of flexibility in hours depending on which tasks need to be completed in any given week and the interface with the Learning and Engagement Officer.

Travel & office expenses for project activities will be paid in accordance with budget arrangements.
Please visit for more information about the organisation.

Application Process:

Deadline – Midnight Saturday 10th February 2018

Interviews – Friday 16th February 2018 (evening)

Please send

-  your CV in word format, and a supporting statement no more than 3 sides of A4 size 12 font outlining how you fulfil the person specification

-  Completed equal opportunity form

By email to