August 1, 2017

1) Meeting called to order 7:00 p.m.

2) Minutes from June 27, 2017 need to be corrected and approved

3)Welsh site plan, 1160 Lake Angelus Shores Rd

Dear Planning Commissioners:We have completed our review of the abovereferenced plans for site plan approval. The proposalis to construct exterior and interior renovations tothe home, which include approximately 70 feet of

footprint change to the lake side of the existingresidence. The exterior addition will be a single story,compliant with the height requirement for residentialbuildings. Site Plan Review is required for a change inthe footprint of a structure.

The property is approximately 193 feet in width atthe water, and the existing home is approximately4635 square feet in total floor area, well under thepermitted maximum. The additional 70 square feetwill not impact the ability of the home to conform tothe maximum house size for this lot. The existingbuilding footprint is approximately 172 feet from thewater line, and the addition will not be located closerto the lake than today. There are no LakeshorePreservation considerations for this proposal.We have prepared the following comments based onthe standards detailed in Section 1242.04 Site PlanReview, Section 1246.06 Measurement of Setbacks,and Section 1248 Residential Districts of the ZoningOrdinance, as well as sound planning and designprinciples, for your consideration.

Site Plan Review Considerations

The existing home is situated up a natural slopeand 172 feet from the waterfront. The newaddition will be occupying the space where apatio exists today, tucked between the hearthroom and the dining room, both of whichextend closer to the water than the proposedaddition. Due to its location in the context ofthe existing building, there are no site‐line orsetback implications for this addition. The newaddition will be over 187 feet from the water atits closest point.

Area, Width, Height, Setbacks

The proposed site plan complies with the following dimensional requirements of Section 1246.07 of the

Zoning Ordinance:

Required Provided

Lot Area 30,000 square feet ~1.8 acres

Lot Width 100 feet ~193 feet


Front 50 feet Met

Side 15 feet Met

Rear 40 feet Met

Lake View Setback Formula Met

Maximum Residence Size

60 x 193 ft. = 11,580

sq. ft. max

4705 sq. ft.

Criteria for Site Plan Review (1242.04.B)

All site plan reviews are subject to the following standards for approval:

1) The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood and protects the general

health, safety, welfare and character of the City. The proposed addition is in conformance with the

Zoning Ordinance requirements for setbacks and lake views. The structure will not affect the

ability to utilize and enjoy adjacent properties for desired residential use.

2) The natural beauty and traditional residential character are promoted. The structure will be built at

grade where an existing patio exists, and will not require removal of significant natural features.

Further, the addition will not alter the character of the home, particularly when viewed from the


3) Proper access to the site by fire, emergency and service vehicles will be provided. The addition does

not pose additional concerns regarding the ability for emergency services to access the site. The

existing egress will remain after the addition is complete.

4) Natural features, wetlands, steep slopes,woodlands and the essential character of theLake Angelus waterfront will be preserved. Theproposed plans will not alter the essentialcharacter of the waterfront. All changes areproposed significantly outside of the 50‐footwaterfront setback, over 187 feet away fromthe shore.

5) Natural drainage and natural vegetation will bepreserved, soil erosion will be controlled and therunoff of fertilizers and other detrimentalsubstances into the Lake will be prevented.There is no grade change proposed on the

plans. We do not anticipate negative effects tothe lake, as this is a replacement ofimpermeable pavers with an impermeable roof.

6) Grading shall not materially change the existingcharacter of the site or its relationship toneighboring property. We do not anticipategrading that will materially change the existingcharacter of the site.

7) Increases and changes in surface water runoffattributable to the proposed construction shallbe contained on the site and shall not bediverted onto neighboring property. There will be no change to the amount of impervious area on

this property.

8) Wastewater treatment systems, including on‐site septic systems, will be located to minimize any

potential degradation of surface water or groundwater quality and meet City, County and State

standards. The plans do not propose changes to these facilities.

9) The proposed use is in compliance with all City ordinances and any other applicable laws. The

proposed addition complies with applicable City ordinances.Information required on Site Plan (1242.04.C)

Per Section 1242.04.C of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission may waive certain requirements

where the criteria above are satisfactorily addressed in the documents provided for plan review.Certain physical (outdoor mechanical equipment, wells, septic systems, etc.) and natural (topography,floodplain line) features, as defined in Section 1242.04.C, are not included in the plans. However, webelieve the elements not included do not diminish the clear understanding of this project. Further, thoseelements are not anticipated to change as a result of the proposed addition. We recommend the PlanningCommission waive the missing information upon finding the materials provided are adequate to reviewthe impact of the proposed addition.Supplementary Use and Development Standards in the Residential District (1248.05)The plan will comply with all supplementary use standards in the Residential District once a soil erosionpermit is issued as required by the MDEQ for work within 500 feet of an open water body.


The site plan dated July 25, 2017 and the building plans dated July 19, 2017 describe a plan that meets the

dimensional and use standards outlined in the Ordinance for residential property in the City of Lake

Angelus. The location of the proposed addition, inside of the farthest extents of the building footprint, will

not create detrimental impacts to adjacent property owners or residents of Lake Angelus. We recommend

Planning Commission approve the site plan for the proposed addition to the home at 1160 Lake Angelus


Once approved, the applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all applicable soil erosion, building, and

mechanical permits as required by the City of Lake Angelus and the State of Michigan.

4)Woodland Management Ordinance, to regulate the removal of protected trees, version 4.5 and sketch, Attorney Gerald Fisher

5)Set back map proposal, Building Official, Brian Keesey

6)Solar panel proposal, Building Official, Brian Keesey

7)Master Plan appendix,Building Official, Brian Keesey

8)Fee schedule for Building department, Building Official, Brian Keesey

Ongoing Building and Zoning Activity

289 Gray Woods Lane – Schimpke Accessory Barn Addition, City Council approved the amendment to the special land use for the accessory barn, permitting additional floor area. This structure will be nearly 2400 square feet, and constructed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and State Construction Code.

355 Gray Woods Lane – Incarnati Addition, No updates to report.

525 Gray Woods Lane – Greenlee Residence

Landscaping is being installed this week. The lake-side slope will be planted with grasses. We were scheduled

to discuss the dock size this week, but a family emergency caused cancellation of the meeting. We are working

on a new date.

2360 Lake Angelus Lane – Matisse Residence

Construction will begin soon on the home, as demolition has been substantially completed.

2394 Lake Angelus Lane – Vibert Residence

We continue to pursue an answer from the insurance company on the completion of their investigation. We have

been unable to receive a clear answer as to whether we can request demolition of the destroyed structure.

2405 N Lake Angelus Road – Johnson Property

Work continues in accordance with the plan. A new mechanical contractor has identified significant repairs that

will need to be completed prior to inspection.

2425 N Lake Angelus Road – Bendtsen Property

Work is continuing in accordance with the approved plan.

2060 Lake Angelus Shores – Cortez Residence

Work is continuing in accordance with the approved plan.

2100 Lake Angelus Shores – Tierney Residence

Work is continuing in accordance with the approved plan.

Administrative Approvals-

We have issued no administrative approvals this week.

General Activity and Open Planning Items

1. Planning Commission’s requested changes to the draft Woodlands Ordinance will be brought back to

the Planning Commission in July.

2. The Planning Commission requested research and language to consider regarding the regulation of

solar panels and objective noise regulations. The topics are on the agenda for July.

3. We will be presenting a draft of the Setback Map to the Planning Commission in July for review.

In addition to the projects above, the following items require additional follow-up or may be discussed for

future consideration:

a. Permit Fees and Penalties for Violations – Penalties for violations have been adopted by Council. Permit fees

still require input at the Council level.

b. Construction policies

c. Lighting Standards – Analysis ongoing.

d. Master Plan reaffirmation

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