Saddleback College
Planning & Budget Steering (PBSC) Committee
Special Meeting for Adopted Budget
Friday, October 13, 2017
1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.
BGS 201
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Roxanne Metz, Co-Chair, 2014-20 Planning Group 4 Chair/Vice President for Administrative Services Designee
Carol Hilton, Vice President for Administrative Services
Bruce Gilman, 2014-20 Planning Group 2 Co-Chair/Academic Senate Representative
Diane Pestolesi, Standard I Accreditation Team/Instructional Dean Representative
Shouka Torabi, Research and Planning Analyst/CSEA Representative
Marina Aminy, 2014-20 Planning Group 1 Chair/Dean of OELR (Resource Member)
Israel Dominguez, 2014-20 Planning Group 3 Co-Chair/Director of Workforce Development (Resource Member)
Truong Tran, Program Research Analyst
Kevin Dalla Betta, Accounting Analyst
Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair, Director of Planning, Research and Accreditation
Karima Feldhus, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness (Resource Member)
Anthony Teng, 2014-20 Planning Group 3 Co-Chair/Dean of ATAS (Resource Member)
Craig Connor, Classified Senate Representative
Barbara Cox, /EPA Coordinator Representative
Penny Skaff, 2014-20 Planning Group 2 Co-Chair/Dean of Counseling (Resource Member)
Kathy Werle, Vice President for Instruction
Juan Avalos, Vice President for Student Services
Associate Student Government Representative (Vacant)
Academic Senate Representative (1 Vacant)
I. Continuation of Budget Update (Carol Hilton):
a. Funding for new buildings at the colleges –
i. Seed money will be provided for three years to get ATEP up and operable ($750K/year)
ii. Saddleback will get the same plus COLA when they get the new health building however the new building must be open for at least three years before receiving the seed money.
iii. Committee asked questions how the new health building is being funded. Carol mentioned that it is part of the master plan but Gateway building needs to be built first.
Ø The approved plans for the health building were drawn over five years ago. By the time the college is ready to build, the plans may be outdated and the demand may change because there will be an increase of external threats. We may miss our moment.
iv. Carol – Roughly $40+ million has already been spent on ATEP the building at ATEP will not increase revenue, where Saddleback’s new Health building has the potential to bring in money; it would have been more strategic to fund Saddleback’s building first.
Ø IVC continues to receive $1 million a year to maintain ATEP
Ø Bruce – what is the square footage of ATEP?
· Roughly 30K. It has an open concept with demonstration classrooms
Ø Bruce – how is it that ATEP is still justified when there has been no revenue?
· Because the BOT has invested a large amount of money, so it would be hard to release.
v. Israel discussed his interest in opening an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center in Mission Viejo for Rapid Technology students. IVC is interested in moving their Rapid Technology program to ATEP. This has become problematic because it has created unnecessary competition between the colleges.
Ø Israel – we have a sound plan, but the BOT is scrutinizing it because of ATEP. The District will require that we go through the DSA (not sure what this is?) process which will take 10-12 months. Carol mentioned that there isn’t a legal requirement to go through a DSA process.
Ø Marina – has the Chancellor stepped in to mediate?
· No, four trustees recently attended a meeting regarding the need for the center so hopefully that helps.
b. Retirement System Increases -
i. STRS and PERS projected to increase by 12 million per year and 42 million cumulative across five years.
ii. Roxanne – our categorical programs are seeing the impact of these.
iii. 116 employees took advantage of early retirement at Saddleback
iv. Saddleback will hire adjunct instructors for replacements because we are over our FT ratio by thirty.
v. We meet the 50% law
c. Budget Outlook -
i. Overall has improved
ii. Adopted budget is balanced with no deficit
iii. Highlights of philosophy and guidelines:
Ø We should look at personnel, budget and enrollment management
Ø We need to balance instead of using one-time monies
Ø We need to meet 525 average productivity
Ø Develop smart schedule
Ø Meet goal of 85% salary/benefits as a % of the budget
Ø Reduce number of NBUs
iv. Economy is strong but we need to be prepared for projected downturn which will impact enrollment.
Ø Roxanne – if we move toward block grants, we will lose money (Rox, please clarify if I misunderstood your comment)
v. Carol – Total unrestricted funds roughly $114 million - we are flat compared to last year. Total restricted funds roughly $46 million, which is a big increase from last year.
Ø Expenditure Summary (rounded amounts):
· Academic Salaries = $46 million
· Classified Salaries = $18 million
· Administrators and Managers = $7 million
· Benefits = $28 million
Ø Supplies and Reserve = $14 million
Ø We need to increase income and decrease expenditures
II. Announcements
· Next general meeting: October 27, 2017, 1:00pm-3:00pm (AGB 106)
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