Weekly List of Planning Applications for Community Councils

(Regulation 23, Development Management Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2008)

This is a list of applications for planning permission registered by Perth & Kinross Council within the weekending 13 May 2013 copy of this list is available at Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, PerthPH1 5GD and at local libraries. The applications are available for inspection at Pullar House and online at or search ( for individual applications.

Please note the guidance below on timescales for consultation and the use of electronic correspondence and documents where possible.

in the area of the community council’ we will initiate consultation with Community Councils (CCs), in accordance with Schedule 5 (Consultation by the Planning Authority) of the above Regulations and the guidance in Planning Advice Note (PAN) 47 that ‘community councils are advised to limit their attention to proposals which raise issues of genuine community interest’. In these cases you have 21 days to submit comments from the date of the PKC consultation letter. This letter will not normally include a copy of the application documents as these are available to view online.

If, however, you consider that there are applications on the list below on which you have not been consulted by PKC but on which you still wish to make comments (bearing in mind the PAN guidance that these applications should be of ‘genuine community interest’) then there are two ways to comment on these applications :

1) The simplest method is to study the application online or at Pullar House and submit comments by the expiry date for public comment (as listed below).

2) If the Community Council wishes formally to request a consultation this has to be done within 7 working days of the date of this list, that is 23 May 2013 (preferably by emailto , failing that, tel. 01738475300). PKC will not normally agree to the initiation of a consultation after this statutory date. Unless the CC asks for copies of the application documents these will not be sent as the applicationdocuments should be studied online where possible. The CC has 21 days to comment, from the date of the letter or e-mail from PKC in reply to your request.

The 21-day periods mentioned above are an extension by PKC of the minimum 14 days allowed for in legislation. If intending to visit or phone, pleasenote that Pullar House is closed from 8.45am to 11am on the 1st Thursday of each month for employee training.

Reference No / Ward No / Development, Location, Name and Address of Applicant and Agent(if any) / Expiry Date
13/00491/FLL / N12 / Alterations and painting of frontage 38 St John Street, Perth, PH1 5SP
for Mr John Buchan
c/o Matthew Cowan Architecture And Design Services
11 Mercat Green, Kinrossie, Perth, PH2 6HT / 31/05/13
13/00594/FLL / N4 / Modification of existing consent (12/00241/FLL) erection of a dwellinghouse to include an air source heat pump Cluanie, Urlar Road, Aberfeldy, PH15 2ET
for Mr And Mrs Copper
c/o McKenzie Strickland
Siobhan Johnston , 23 Bank Street , Aberfeldy ,
PH15 2BB / 07/06/13
13/00633/FLL / N9 / Alterations and change of use from public house to dwellinghouse The Inn, 24 Main Street, Abernethy, Perth, PH2 9JH
for Edward Coffey
c/o Daniel Sweeney
4 Marlee Place , Scone , PH2 6SE / 07/06/13
13/00622/FLL / N4 / Installation of replacement windows (in part retrospect) 34 Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy, PH15 2BL
for Mr Robin Baker
c/o Robin Baker Architects
TowerBuildings , Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld,
PH8 0DS / 31/05/13
13/00657/FLL / N10 / Erection of a replacement garage and boundary fence 23 Pitheavlis Crescent, Perth, PH2 0JX,
for Mr Steven Boyce
Neasden , 23 Pitheavlis Crescent, Perth, PH2 0JX / 30/05/13
13/00669/FLL / N4 / Modification of consent (07/00830/FUL) Variation of conditions 3 and 7 (passing places and bus pick up area) relating to the change of use of former brewery building to a mixed use community development The Big Shed, Tombreck, Lawers, Aberfeldy, PH15 2PB,
for Lochtayside CIC
c/o Ecological Architecture
Sue Manning , Cart Shed Studio , Lawers , Abefeldy , PH15 2PB / 31/05/13
13/00680/FLL / N8 / Erection of a wind turbine Temple Hill Wind Farm, Glenfarg
for E-Gen Partners Ltd
c/o Parsons Brinckerhoff
Leila Tavendale, Amber Court , William Armstrong Drive, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne,
NE4 7YQ / 24/05/13
13/00691/FLL / N1 / Erection of a dwellinghouse Kingswells, Muirhall Road, Kinfauns, Perth, PH2 7LL
for Mr Nigel Lowe
c/o Niall Macalister Hall
Touch Business Centre , Touch Estate, Cambusbarron, Stirling, FK8 3AQ / 31/05/13
13/00692/FLL / N1 / Erection of two dwellinghouses Kingswells, Muirhall Road, Kinfauns, Perth, PH2 7LL
for Mr Nigel Lowe
c/o Niall Macalister Hall
Touch Business Centre , Touch Estate, Cambusbarron, Stirling, FK8 3AQ / 31/05/13
13/00705/FLL / N12 / Demolition of hotel and erection of multi use hall, villas (3no terraced dwelling houses) and 8no flats Waverley Hotel, 25-31 York Place, Perth
for Bonhard Leasing
c/o Denholm Partnership Architects
11 Dunira Street, Comrie, Crieff, PH6 2LJ / 31/05/13
13/00706/FLL / N4 / Erection of a storage building River Tilt Caravan Park, Invertilt Road, Bridge Of Tilt, Pitlochry, PH18 5TE
for RiverTiltPark
c/o Rodney Hawley
Rowanlea , Cuilc Brae, Pitlochry, PH16 5QS / 03/06/13
13/00723/FLL / N10 / Formation of synthetic grass sports pitch, with 5m high fenced enclosure and 8 floodlights PerthAcademy, Murray Place, Perth, PH1 1NJ
for Perth And Kinross Council- ECS
c/o Perth And Kinross Council
Ryan Graham, Pullar House- Property Dept., 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD, Perthshire / 30/05/13
13/00751/FLL / N6 / Extension and change of use of garage to dwellinghouse Easter House Of Ross, The Ross, Comrie, Crieff,
for Mr Peter Carnegie
c/o Total Build Team Ltd
Easter House Of Ross, Comrie , Crieff, PH6 2JS / 31/05/13
13/00789/FLL / N8 / Change of use of land from agricultural to garden ground; erection of a timber screen fence subdividing Craigbank House and Craigpark House and relocation of vehicular access (in part retrospect), , Craigbank House And Craigpark House , Cleish, Kinross, KY13 0LS
for Mr Andrew Craig
Craigbank House, Cleish, Kinross, KY13 0LS / 31/05/13
13/00791/FLL / N10 / Alterations to replace 9 trolley shelters, relocate 1 open trolley bay, relocate recycling area and reconfiguring parking layout Tesco Stores Ltd, Edinburgh Road, Perth, PH2 8DX
for Tesco Stores Ltd
c/o Barr Construction
Peter Barker, Heathfield House , 100 Inchinnan Road, Paisley, PA3 2RE / 07/06/13
13/00795/FLL / N2 / Erection of a dwellinghouse Land 40 Metres South West Of Bonahrd Park, Murrayshall
for Mr D Normand
c/o Harry Taylor And Co
Melville House , 129 Scott Street , Perth , PH2 8LU / 07/06/13
13/00799/FLL / N5 / Alterations and change of use of retail unit and storage building to mixed office and retail Old Smiddy House, St Ninian's Wynd, Dunkeld
for Mr Charlie McDonald
c/o Matthew Cowan Architecture & Design Services
11 Mercat Green, Kinrossie, Perth, PH2 6HT / 07/06/13
13/00802/FLL / N2 / Extension to dwellinghouse 43 Abbey Road, Scone, Perth, PH2 6LL
for Mr And Mrs P And K O'Shaughnessy
c/o Mozolowski And Murray
Greig Ramsay , 2-8 Clashburn Way, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Kinross, KY13 8GA / 31/05/13
13/00805/FLL / N4 / Erection of a game larder Craiganour Lodge, Craiganour, Rannoch, Pitlochry, PH17 2QN
for Astel Ltd
c/o Harry Taylor And Co
Melville House , 129 Scott Street , Perth , PH2 8LU / 31/05/13
13/00811/FLL / N4 / Modification of consent 12/00162/FLL - Amendment to access road to serve tourist accommodation Duallin Farm, Lawers, Aberfeldy, PH15 2NZ
for Miss Deirdre McNaughton
c/o Keppie Design
Janice Reid, 76 Tay Street , Perth , PH2 8NP / 03/06/13
13/00813/FLL / N6 / Installation of replacement windows Little Deans, 28 Drummond Terrace, Crieff, PH7 4AF
for Mr G Hutton
c/o John Gordon Associates Ltd.
3 Dean Acres, Comrie, Dunfermline, KY12 9XS / 07/06/13
13/00823/FLL / N3 / Redevelopment of the Wellmeadow bus stance, townscape improvements and installation of play area Blairgowrie Town Centre, Blairgowrie
for Perth And Kinross Council
c/o Perth And Kinross Council
Steven Kane, Pullar House , 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD / 07/06/13
13/00828/FLL / N3 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse 8 Manorbank, Coupar Angus Road, Blairgowrie,
PH10 6JW
for Mr R Brown
c/o Norman MacLeod
18 Walnut Grove, Blairgowrie , PH10 6TH / 31/05/13
13/00830/FLL / N8 / Erection of a dwellinghouse Land 800 Metres North East Of Blairingone Parish Church, Main Street, Blairingone
for Profile Projects
c/o E. Dalton Design & Construction Services
Kilmory , Crombie Point, By Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 8LQ / 31/05/13
13/00837/FLL / N10 / Change of use of health centre (class 11) to storage (class 6) Former Leisure Centre, Pitheavlis, Perth,
for Sonder PKFR
c/o Neil Rothnie Architects
116 Rosemount Place, Aberdeen , AB25 2YW / 31/05/13
13/00839/FLL / N8 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse Tigeen, Main Street, Blairingone, Dollar, FK14 7NU
for Ms Jennifer Kennedy
63B Stirling Street , Alloa , FK12 5ED / 07/06/13
13/00840/FLL / N11 / Alterations and refurbishment of painters workshops to form new classrooms and installation of replacement windows GoodlyburnBuilding, Perth College Uhi, Crieff Road, Perth
for Perth College UHI
c/o Gauldie Wright & Partners
Jon Arnott, 2 Osborne Place, Magdalen Yard Road, Dundee, DD2 1BD / 21/05/13
13/00854/FLL / N9 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse 1 Sealsbank, Bridge Of Earn, Perth, PH2 9PN
for Mr Stephen Bustard
1 Sealsbank , Bridge Of Earn , Perth , PH2 9PN / 07/06/13
13/00849/CON / N6 / Demolition of existing dwellinghouse Inverlaggan, 51 Burrell Street, Crieff, PH7 4DG
for G.S. Brown Construction Ltd
c/o G.S. Brown Construction Ltd
Steven Young, St. Madoes, Glencarse, Perth, PH2 7NF / 31/05/13
13/00850/FLL / N6 / Change of use from woodland to garden ground Land 30 Metres North Of 14, Turretbank Road, Crieff
for Mr Michael Orr
14 Turretbank Road , Crieff, PH7 4LN / 07/06/13
13/00851/FLL / N9 / Alterations to dwellinghouse Kinmonth, Rhynd, Perth, PH2 8QF
for Morgan Real Estate Ltd
c/o Lorn Macneal Architects
Stephen Wilson, 3 St Vincent Street, Edinburgh , EH3 6SW / 07/06/13
13/00853/FLL / N2 / Erection of 4 dwellinghouse and garages Land 30 Metres North West Of Shirley Cottage, Station Road, Woodside
for Robert Morris And Sons
c/o J R BrownBuilding Design
5 St Mary's Drive , Perth , PH2 7BY / 31/05/13
13/00862/FLL / N1 / Modification of consent (11/01096/FLL) Change of house type Land 80 Metres North West Of Woodlands, Longforgan
for Mr Peter Ross
c/o Richard Watkinson - Architect
23 The Esplanade, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 2EN / 31/05/13
13/00863/FLL / N6 / Modification of consent (08/00526/FUL) Change of house types (part retrospect) Plots 15 And 16, Bramblefield, Crieff
for Oakbank Crieff Ltd
c/o John Freeman
2 Donavourd , Connaught Terrace, Crieff, PH7 3DJ / 31/05/13
13/00866/FLL / N10 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse 178 Glasgow Road, Perth, PH2 0LZ
for Mr And Mrs Small
c/o David Soppit Architect
Byres Of Airleywight, Bankfoot , Perth , PH1 4AU / 31/05/13
13/00867/FLL / N3 / Renewal of existing consent (08/00744/FUL) Erection of a dwellinghouse Land To The West Of Newstead, Mullion Way, Blairgowrie
for Ms D A Johnstone
Newstead , Woodlands Road , Blairgowrie , PH10 6JX / 31/05/13
13/00868/FLL / N3 / Renewal of existing consent (08/00659/FUL) Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse Newstead, Woodlands Road, Blairgowrie, PH10 6JX
for Ms D A Johnstone
Newstead , Woodlands Road , Blairgowrie , PH10 6JX / 30/05/13
13/00871/FLL / N7 / Formation of hardstanding and siting of takeaway food van Land 150 Metres North East Of Leemar, Stirling Street, Blackford
for Pakula
c/o Glendevon Construction Ltd
Glenruthven Mill , Abbey Road , Auchterarder, PH3 1DP / 07/06/13
13/00873/IPL / N8 / Residential Development (in principle) Forth Wines Ltd, Crawford Place, Milnathort, Kinross, KY13 9XF
for Dollar Prop Ltd
c/o Houghton Planning
Paul Houghton, 102 High Street, Dunblane, FK15 0ER / 31/05/13
13/00875/FLL / N9 / Installation of replacement windows 1 Main Street, Abernethy, Perth, PH2 9JL
for Mr And Mrs A Skinner
c/o Mozolowski And Murray
Greig Ramsay, 8 Clashburn Way, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Kinross, KY13 8GA / 31/05/13
13/00878/FLL / N12 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse Beechwood, 9 Pitcullen Terrace, Perth, PH2 7EQ
for Mr And Mrs Morrison
c/o Muir Walker And Pride
Daniel Rogers, 23 Marshall Place, Perth, PH2 8AG / 30/05/13
13/00881/IPL / N7 / Renewal of planning permission in principle (09/01956/IPL) Erection of 11 dwellinghouses and associated road Land 90 Metres North East Of Geddochie, Abbey Road, Auchterarder
for Mr Micheal Hally
c/o Zone Architects
211 Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1HD / 07/06/13
13/00883/FLL / N9 / Change of house type - (removal of sun lounge) at Plot 4 Farmland To The South Edge Of, St Davids, Madderty
for Mr George Law
c/o Building Design Services
FAO Gianni Giacomini, Kirkton Enterprise Centre , Sir William Smith Road, Kirkton Industrial Estate, Arbroath, DD11 3RD / 07/06/13
13/00900/FLL / N5 / Extension to MOT Garage Spittalfield Garage, Spittalfield
for Spittalfield Garage
c/o Allan Thomson
102 Tweedsmuir Road , Perth , PH1 2HG / 07/06/13
13/00901/FLL / N2 / Alterations to remove timber stables and erection of a dwellinghouse Land 30 Metre East Of Elmwood, Campmuir
for Mr Gary Dawson
c/o Andrew Rettie
24 Florence Place , Perth , PH1 5BH / 07/06/13
13/00916/FLL / N4 / Removal of Condition No 3 (occupancy restriction) from planning consent 07/02733/FUL Sealladh Coille And Sealladh Gleann, Fortingall, Aberfeldy, PH15 2LN
for Glenlyon Estate
c/o McKenzie Strickland
23 Bank Street, Aberfeldy , PH15 2BB / 07/06/13
13/00920/FLL / N12 / Modification of existing consent (12/01823/FLL) Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse and replacement of garage 31-33 King Street, Perth,
for Mr And Mrs David Donaldson
c/o R Crerar
The Square , Methven, PH1 3PE / 07/06/13
13/00923/FLL / N2 / Alterations and extension to dwellinghouse Burnside, Abbey Road, Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie, PH13 9DQ
for Mr And Mrs D Findlay
c/o Allan Thomson
102 Tweedsmuir Road , Perth , PH1 2HG / 07/06/13

In addition to the above Weekly List required under the Development Management Procedure Regulations of applications for planning permission Perth and Kinross Council’s information you of the following applications for other types of permission

13/00499/LBC / N12 / Alterations and painting of frontage 38 St John Street, Perth, PH1 5SP
for Mr John Buchan
c/o Matthew Cowan
11 Mercat Green, Kinrossie, Perth, PH2 6HT / 31/05/13
13/00634/LBC / N4 / Installation of replacement windows (in part retrospect) 34 Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy, PH15 2BL
for Mr Robin Baker
c/o Robin Baker Architects
TowerBuildings , Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld,
PH8 0DS / 31/05/13
13/00733/LBC / N12 / Demolition of hotel and erection of multi use hall, villas (3no terraced dwelling houses) and 8no flats Waverley Hotel, 25-31 York Place, Perth
for Bonhard Leasing
c/o Denholm Partnership
11 Dunira Street , Comrie , PH6 2LJ / 31/05/13
13/00752/LBC / N6 / Extension and change of use of garage to dwellinghouse Easter House Of Ross, The Ross, Comrie, Crieff,
for Mr Peter Carnegie
c/o Total Build Team Ltd
Easter House Of Ross, Comrie , Crieff , PH6 2JS / 07/06/13
13/00894/LBC / N3 / Display of signs Blairgowrie Business Park, 9 Reform Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6BD
for Help Me Go To Ltd
c/o Roche And Darge Archtiects
32 Leslie Street , Blairgowrie , PH10 6AH / 31/05/13
13/00852/LBC / N9 / Alterations to dwellinghouse Kinmonth, Rhynd, Perth, PH2 8QF
for Morgan Real Estate Ltd
c/o Lorn Macneal Architects
Stephen Wilson , 3 St Vincent Street , Edinburgh , EH3 6SW / 07/06/13
13/00876/LBC / N9 / Installation of replacement windows 1 Main Street, Abernethy, Perth, PH2 9JL
for Mr And Mrs A Skinner
c/o Mozolowski And Murray
Greig Ramsay, 2-8 Clashburn Way, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Kinross, KY13 8GA / 31/05/13
13/00911/LBC / N9 / Alterations and change of use from public house to dwellinghouse The Inn, 24 Main Street, Abernethy, Perth, PH2 9JH
for The Inn
c/o D Sweeney
4 Marlee Place, Scone , Perth , PH2 6SE / 07/06/13
13/00800/LBC / N5 / Alterations and change of use to mixed office and retail Old Smiddy House, St Ninian's Wynd, Dunkeld
for Mr Charlie McDonald
c/o matthew cowan
11 Mercat Green, Kinrossie, Perth, PH2 6HT / 07/06/13