Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 13th March 2017.
Present: Chairman: Mr. A. Jones.
Councillors: Mr. E. Griffiths, Mr. W.G. Hopkins, Mr. R. Kemeys,
Mr. T.H. Marston and Mr. L. Reynolds.
Mr. Simon Pearson of Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services apologised for not being able to attend this meeting. He will have a colleague to attend the June meeting.
179. Apologies for Absence.
Mrs. S. Coy, Mr. D.R. Davies and Mr. G. Llewellyn.
180. Declarations of Interests.
Mr. Hopkins in item no. 185
181. Policing Matters.
(i) At the PACT meeting on 3rd March last the crime figures given for February 2017 were as follows:-
17 calls were made to the police, 4 of which were classed as crimes made up of 1 theft, 2 domestic and 1 damage.
(ii) The police were aware of the problem with the large lorry parking on Main Road at its junction with School Road and were investigating.
(iii) The 3 priorities for policing set out at the meeting were:-
PCSO to keep an eye on dog fouling, especially around the pond, and to liaise with NPT CBC dog warden, on-going action on off road motorcycles and fly-tipping.
182. To confirm the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 13th Feb. 2017.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes were a true record of the meeting.
183. Matters Arising.
(i) Ditch on old railway. The clerk was awaiting a second quotation.
(ii) Defib Training. 4 members of the public attended for the training session on 18th February but the instructor failed to turn up. Arrangements had been made for the session to take place at Ty Maesmarchog on 29th March at 6.30 pm.
(iii) Planning Application for old Ty Maesmarchog. The public convenience was not affected.
(iv) YMCA Club. Mr. Westall had withdrawn his request for funding.
184. Benefits Fund Up-date.
(i) The Panel were due to meet on Wednesday next 15th March to consider the following applications.
Banwen Pony Club. Furniture and IT Equipment - £1,978.
Maesmarchog School. IT equipment - £2,000. This application included a request for refreshments at the forthcoming centenary celebration which were deemed to be illegible.
(ii) Agenda for the Panel. This includes an item on desired alterations to the document entitled “Guiding Principles of the Maesgwyn Community Benefits Fund” in order to widen the scope of applications.
185. Pantyffordd Hall.
(i) Following a report by Mr. Hopkins of a leak in the roof the clerk had met a builder on site and made arrangements for repairs.
(ii) Some 40 persons had attended a recent film showing. A quiz night was due on Saturday 25th March.
(iii) Due to the national re-valuation the Council Tax had increased from £1,628 in 2016/17 to £2,695 p.a. for 2017/18. The clerk to make enquiries.
(iv) The alarm system was not being used. The clerk to arrange training by Nite Lite.
186. Clerk’s Report.
(i) It was RESOLVED that the expenditure for February 2017 be approved.
(ii) An invoice had been received from NPT CBC for grounds maintenance in the sum of £8,483.(excl VAT). Members recalled that following last year’s agreement to the charges a request was made to NPT CBC to freeze the charges for 3 years. The clerk to check the minutes.
187. Reports from Outside Bodies.
Mr. Kemeys and Mr. Marston had recently attended “a cuppa with a copper” at Ty Maesmarchog.
188. Planning Matters. None.
189. R of Way Closures.
The procedure for the above had been received from NPT CBC. The clerk to email a copy to members and to publish it on council’s web page.
190. Proposals for a park.
This to be discussed with Mr. Hinder at the Panel meeting on Wednesday next, 15th March 2017.
191. Sub-station at Onllwyn.
Arrangements had been made for the clerk to meet the recycling rep on site.
192. Working with Nature.
(i) In reply to council’s suggestion that trial holes be dug over the length of the woodland path in order to ascertain the level of contamination and, perhaps, to do away with the need for stoning, the Contaminated Land Officer stated that the cost would be prohibitive. Funding for the stoning could prove to be a problem. The Working with Nature team were keen to involve the community when work starts on both the woodland path and wet meadow. At an event day in late February 19 members of the community helped with willow management and attended a willow weaving course. A woodworking event was due on 21st March and a needle felting event on 22nd March.
(ii) The chairman signed the Agreements prepared by NPT CBC. One with regard to funding, the other with regard to working on Council owned land.
193. County Cllr. Mr. Thomas.
Mr. D.R. Davies had suggested that a presentation be made to Cllr. Thomas. The clerk to ask Mr. Davies what he had in mind.
194. Any Other Business.
(i) Mrs. Daniel of 66 Roman Road had complained of rats entering her garden from adjoining council owned land and of trees overhanging her property. The clerk to arrange a site meeting with Mrs. Daniel.
(ii) The walking surface of the timber bridge from Roman Road to the pond had become slippery. The clerk to make enquiries as to remedial measures.
(iii) Clerk to remind NPT CBC for the need to trim brambles at Heol Gaer.
(iv) Clerk to inform NPT CBC of bags of rubbish on the road from Onllwyn to Coelbren, some 50m from the junction.
(v) A car was being parked near the gate to the RFC/playground at Moorlands causing an obstruction. The clerk to investigate.
(vi) It was noted that Mr. Gerwyn Howell, a former councillor, had passed away.
(vii) Due to “purdah” there will not be a monthly meeting in April 2017.
Chairman………………………. Date……………………….
Clerk’s Report to the monthly meeting on 15th May 2017.
Income. £ p
Precept 31.04.17. 7,147. 00
Cemetery 75. 00
Expenditure. Cheque no.
R. Marston ,10 weeks 2215 100. 00
B.L. Parfitt, March £173.60.)
3 months expenses £92.66.) 2216 266. 26
Phil Havard, Pantyfford roof 2217 217. 00
HMRC, PAYE 2218 297. 60
SWALEC, Pantyffordd 2219 46. 18 inc. VAT
NPT CBC, Grounds Maintenance 2220 10,179. 01 “ “
NPT CBC, Pantyffordd Ref. Coll. 2221 194. 22
B.L. Parfitt, April 2222 174. 40.
Council Tax, Cemetery £549 (£630 last year)
Dulais Valley Show, request for donation £50 last year
NPT CBC Rent for Pantyffordd Hall £1,600 (16 years)
External Audit Returns required for 2016/2017
Planning. None to date.
Bank Statements. £ p
* Current Account at 20.04.17. 41,047. 84
Opencast “ at 10.04.17. 30,902. 20
** Benefits Fund Account at 28.03.17. 7,350. 19
Deduct payments made but cheques not yet presented.
* Grounds maintenance 10,170. 01
** Recent grants to Pony Club & School 3,978. 00
Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 10th April 2017.
Present: Chairman: Mr. A. Jones.
Councillors: Mrs. S. Coy, Mr. E. Griffiths, Mr. W.G. Hopkins,
Mr. G. Llewellyn, Mr. T.H. Marston and Mr. L. Reynolds.
195. Apologies for Absence.
Mr. D.R. Davies and Mr. R. Kemeys.
196. Declarations of Interests.
197. Event.
It was agreed that an event be held in appreciation of Cllr. Mr. Thomas’ services to the Community of Onllwyn.
198. Form of Event.
(i) The clerk had spoken to Celtic Energy at the Washery who had agreed to finance the event up to a limit of £500.
(ii) A list of persons/organisations to be invited was drawn up. Whilst inviting representatives from the RFC, Onllwyn Welfare , DOVE and Pony Club the clerk to invite these organisations to contribute towards the event.
(iii) The presentation to be in the form of a slate clock decorated with an emblem
representing the community and inscribed with the following “ Presented to Cllr. Ali Thomas in appreciation of his services to the Onllwyn Ward Community.” The presentation to be made by the Chairman of Onllwyn CC.
(iv) The event to be in the form of a buffet at DOVE some time in June. The clerk to make arrangements.
199. Any other Business.
(i) Working with Nature had asked whether members would prefer simple self closing gates or kissing gates on the path being prepared through the wooded area near the pond. A gate was decided upon which would provide better access to disabled users.
The Chairman signed amended Agreements drawn up by NPT CBC for this project.
(ii) Mr. D.R. Davies. The clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks for his services to the Community Council.
(iii) Mr. George Evans had complained of the tram, on council owned land near is property, being an eyesore. Mr. Griffiths was in the process of getting the tram moved to his home where it could be painted.
Chairman:………………….. Date: ……………………..
Doctor’s Surgery - 29th March 2017 meeting.
Mrs. Coy and Mr. Marston apologised for not being able to attend.
Doctors wanted the meetings to be more formal and were considering inviting local groups to attend with minutes placed on the surgery website. At a recent ABMU Board meeting it had been agreed that Coelbren surgery should close and this would take effect from 1st May 2017. Transport from Coelbren to Seven Sisters would be provided free of charge where required.
The surgery was were still using locum doctors and it was felt this was successful.
Also being considered was a Health On Line website for booking appointments, repeat prescriptions etc. this would be quicker than making a phone call. It was commented, however, that 50% of Dulais Valley residents were over 65 and may not want to use the internet.
The next meeting is to be held on 31st May at 6.00pm.