Important Circular


Updated on 25-02-2013


No. Pr.AO/CCA(Sy.)/CDN/March Programme/2012-13/

Government of India

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)

Principal Accounts Office (Admn)

16-A Akbar Road Hutments

New Delhi, Dated 19tth Feb 2013.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Submission of Letters of Authority and Bills during the Current Financial year.

With the view to ensure that the funds placed at the disposal of this organization by means of Letters of Authority (LOA) by various indenters in the Central Civil Ministries/Departments including Union territory Administrations are fully utilized towards payment of bill submitted by various suppliers and all the bills submitted to this organization during current financial year are paid after proper pre-check before the close of the year itself, the following time schedule is prescribed which may be strictly adhered to by all concerned.

  1. Receipt of Letters of Authority in this office: 15th March 2013.
  2. Submission of bills by the Suppliers to this office: 25th March 2013.

It is impressed upon all the concerned officers and suppliers to ensure personally that all letters of Authority and bills are submitted to this organization by time schedule mentioned above. It may be noted that under no circumstances the request for receipt of LOAs and or bills beyond the prescribed dates shall be entertained at this end. All the Controlling Officers may kindly bring the contents of this OM to the notice of all concerned for strict Compliance.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller of Accounts (SY).


Dy. Controller of Accounts

Copy to:-

  1. P.S to AS & FA, M/O Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi.
  2. P.S to DG(S&D), JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi.
  3. P.S. to CCA(Sy.),
  4. Director (C&T), DG(S&D), with the request to get the contents of this OM uploaded on DGS&D website.
  5. Controller of Accounts, Deptt. of Commerce, Supply Div., ExchangeBuilding, Ballard Estate, Sprott Road, Mumbai-400001
  6. Dy.CA, Deptt. of Commerce (Supply Div.), 15 R N Mukherjee Road, Kolkata:-700001
  7. Sr. Accounts Officer, Deptt. of Commerce (Supply Div.), Shastri Bhawan, 26 Haddows Road, Chennai-600006.
  8. All Sr. AOs/ AAOs of Supply Section, HQrs New Delhi
  9. Sartaj Alam, for uploading on the website
  10. Bill Counter
  11. Notice Board.
  12. Guard File


Updated on 20-11-2012


No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification/C&T/2011

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi

DGS&D website:

Dated: 20-11-2012

Sub:- Online Submission of “Receipt Details” by Consignees

Ref:-This office circular No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification / C&T/2011 dated 15-10-2012

Vide above referred Circular, online submission of receipt details was made mandatory for consignees with effect from 16.11.2012. It is further brought out that while provisions are there in DGS&D e-Procurement application for consignees to online submit the “Receipt Details”, representations have been received from various trade representatives and indentors for extending the datelines for implementation of subject guidelines as adequate infrastructure in terms of internet band width availability, digital signatures etc. are not available with all the consignees spread across the country.

2.The matter has been reviewed by competent authority and it has been decided that while the module for online submission of receipt details may be made operational, it shall not be mandatory for consignees to submit receipt details online at this stage. The consignees, who want to submit receipt details online, may submit it online while others may do it manually. These instructions shall prevail till 31.3.2013.

3.All the consignees are strongly advised to get the requisite infrastructure in place immediately and start issuing “Receipt Details” online digitally signed, although these are not mandatory at this stage, as in any case this shall be made mandatory with effect from 01.04.2013. The difficulties/problems faced by consignees may be reported to DGS&D so that same may be addressed during the intervening period.

This issue with the approval of DG (S&D).

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T-I)


1. All Secretaries of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India

2. All Financial Advisers of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India

3. All Purchase & Quality Assurance Directorates of DGS&D HQrs.

4. All DGS&D Regional Purchase/QA Officers & Sub Centers

5. All DDGs – Purchase & Quality Assurance including Regional Offices

6. Chief Controller of Account, Department of Commerce (SD), New Delhi

7. DCQA, Mumbai / Chennai / Kolkata

8. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DGS&D

9. Director (IF) DGS&D

10.PPS to DG (S&D)/ADG (S)/ ADG (QA)

11.Director(s), Department of Commerce (Supply Division), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information

12.All Indentors /Vendors – Through website


Updated on 15-10-2012



Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi

DGS&D website:

Dated: 15-10-2012

Sub:- Booking of Expenditures from DDOs Accounting Head for Supply Orders Placed against DGS&D’s Rate Contracts

Ref:- This office Circular of even number dated 15-6-2012 and 26-6-2012

In partial modification to this office above referred circular dated 26-6-2012, it is brought out that the Letter of Authority shall not be applicable to the Indentors of Defence, Railways and Postal Departments.

All are requested to kindly note the above changes.

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T-I)


1 .All Indentors/Vendors – Through website

2. Shri R.K. Ojha, Director (P), DOC(SD) , Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi

3. AS & FA, DOC (SD), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi

4. CCA (S), 16-Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi

5. Sr. Technical Director, NIC

6. All Purchase Directors at HQrs & Regions (AM/ES/HW/IT/ME/OC/PP/ SC/ST WL/WMT /P&C/ DSD Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai

7. DDG (S)-Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai

8. All Regional Quality Assurance Directorate (Delhi/Kolkata/Mumbai/Chennai)

9. ADG (QA) – RPS/ ADG (QA) – SKK/DDG (RK)

10.PPS to DG (S&D)


Updated on 15-10-2012


No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification/C&T/2011

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi

DGS&D website:

Dated: 15-10-2012

Sub:- Online Submission of “Receipt Details” by Consignees

Ref:-This office circular No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification / C&T/2011 dated 05-09-2012

The instructions issued vide above referred circular has been reviewed by competent authority and it has been decided that manual “Consignee Receipt Certificate” issued by consignees shall be admitted for payment of bills for all I-Notes issued on or before 15th November 2012. However, for I-Notes issued after 15th November 2012, the Consignee Receipt Certificate shall mandatorily be required to be issued online only.

2.Similarly, for Green channel items i.e. items for which I-Note is not applicable, the manual “Consignee Receipt Certificates” shall be admitted for payment of bills for all dispatches made on or before 15th November, 2012. However for dispatched made after 15th November 2012, the Consignee Receipt Certificate shall mandatorily be required to be issued online only.

3.The consignees are hereby again advised to obtain the user id & password from respective DDOs and digitally signature from any one of the Certifying Agency, if not taken earlier.

4. These instructions shall apply to begin with for generalized items only i.e. all items excluding cement, industrial gases, NDP items, spares and POL items.

This issue with the approval of DG (S&D).

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T-I)


1. All Secretaries of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India

2. All Financial Advisers of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India

3. All Purchase & Quality Assurance Directorates of DGS&D HQrs.

4. All DGS&D Regional Purchase/QA Officers & Sub Centres

5. All DDGs – Purchase & Quality Assurance including Regional Offices

6. Chief Controller of Account, Department of Commerce (SD), New Delhi

7. DCQA, Mumbai / Chennai / Kolkata

8. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DGS&D

9. Director (IF) DGS&D

10.PPS to DG (S&D)/ADG (S)/ ADG (QA)

11.Director(s), Department of Commerce (Supply Division), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information

12.All Vendors – Through website

13.All Indentors – Through website


Updated on 18-09-2012




No. M-12015/1/e-Payment/03/C&T Dated:-18.09.2012

Sub:-Booking of Expenditures from DDOs Accounting Head for Supply Orders placed against DGS&D’s Rate Contracts.

Pursuant to this office circular of even No. Dt. 15-06-12 and 26-06-12 on the subject, it has been decided by competent authority that it would be mandatory for the DDOs to upload Letter of Authority from their Pay and Accounts office while placing online supply order for all supply orders placed on or after 03-07-12.

2.All indentors are hereby advised to kindly note the above instructions for compliance.

(Rajesh Gupta)


Copy to:-

  1. All indentor/vendors – through website
  2. Shri R.K. Ojha, Director(P), DOC(SD), UdhyogBhawan, New Delhi.
  3. AS & FA, DOC(SD), UdhyogBhawan, New Delhi.
  4. CCA(S), 16-Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi
  5. Sr. Technical Director, NIC
  6. All Purchase Directors at Hqrs. & Regions (AM/ES/HW/IT /ME/OC/PP/SC/ST/WL/ WMT/P&C/ DSD Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai)
  7. DDG(S)- Mumbai/ Kolkata/Chennai
  8. All Regional Quality Assurance Directorate (Delhi / Kolkata / Mumbai /Chennai)
  10. PPS to DG(S&D)


Updated on 11-09-2012


No. M/03/Exemption/001/Indentors/C&T/2011

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)



JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street,

New Delhi-110001


Sub:-Mandatory on-line placement of Supply Order against DGS&D Rate Contract and withdrawal of all exemption thereof.

DGS&D has developed a comprehensive e-Procurement Application where every aspect of procurement activity, right from identification of items, Finalization of Technical Specifications, Generation of Tender Enquiry, Placement of Rate Contract, Placement of Supply Orders by DDOs, Issues of Inspection Note, e-Billing & e-Payment, are made on-line. Accordingly, all DDOs are expected to place on-line Supply Order against DGS&D R/C.

2.However, in the past, exemption was granted to the DDOs located in districts of Nicobar, Lakshdeep, Ladakh&Uttrakashi because of poor internet connectivity in these districts. Similar exemptions were also granted to certain Security Organization like Intelligence Bureau etc.

3.The subject matter regarding exemption from on-line Supply Order has been reviewed by Secretary (Commerce). It has been considered that no exemption should be granted from on-line Supply Orders as continuance of manual supply order along with on-line Supply Orders kills the very initiative of going on-line. It has also been considered that in case internet facilities are not available at any particular location, their HQ can place orders on behalf of consignees located at these far of places. Similarly, for Security Organizations it is considered that a separate computer with internet facility can be made available, which can be used exclusively for non- sensitive on-line activities.

4.Accordingly, it has been decided that all exemptions granted earlier from on-line Supply Orders shall be valid only till 30th September, 2012. W.e.f. 1st October, 2012, it shall be mandatory for all DDOs to place on-line Supply Orders against DGS&D Rate Contracts.

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T)


  1. All Secretaries of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  2. All Financial Advisers of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  3. All Purchase & Quality Assurance Directorates of DGS&D HQrs.
  4. All DGS&D Regional Purchase/QA Officers & Sub centres.
  5. All DDGs – Purchase & Quality Assurance including Regional Offices
  6. Chief Controller of Account, Department of Commerce (SD), New Delhi
  7. DCQA, Mumbai/Chennai/ Kolkata
  8. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DGS&D
  9. Director (IF) DGS&D
  10. PPS to DG (S&D)/ADG (S)/ADG (QA)
  11. Director(s), Department of Commerce (Supply Division), UdyogBhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information
  12. Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
  13. DGBR, Ring Road, Nariana, New Delhi
  14. All Vendors – Through Website
  15. All Indentors – Through Website


Updated on 05-09-2012


No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification/C&T/2011

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001

DGS&D website:

Dated: 05-09-2012

Sub:- Online Submission of “Receipt Details ” by Consignees

Ref:- This office circular No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module 001/Modification/ C&T/2011 dated 08-09-2011 on the subject.

Vide above referred circular, online submission of receipt details was made mandatory for consignees with effect from 01-11-2011.

2.The instructions issued vide above referred circular have been reviewed by competent authority. It has been decided that manual “Consignee Receipt Certificate” issued by consignees shall not be admitted for payment of bills for all the cases where I-Notes have been issued on or after 7th September, 2012. In case of green channel items, i.e. items for which I-Note is not applicable, the receipt details are mandatorily required to be submitted online for all dispatches made on or after 7th September, 2012. Accordingly, all concerned are hereby advised to submit “Consignee Receipt Certificate” mandatorily online else the bills submitted by the vendors shall not be admitted.

4.It is reiterated that consignees can obtain the user id & password from respective DDOs. A facility is available for the same in the application. Consignees are also advised to take digitally signature immediately, if not taken earlier, as digitally signed details are required to be submitted online.

5. These instructions shall apply to begin with for generalized items only i.e. all items excluding cement, industrial gases, NDP items, spares and POL items. Gradually, the provisions will be extended to these items also.

This issue with the approval of DG (S&D).

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T)


  1. All Secretaries of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  2. All Financial Advisers of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  3. All Purchase & Quality Assurance Directorates of DGS&D HQrs.
  4. All DGS&D Regional Purchase/QA Officers & Sub centres.
  5. All DDGs – Purchase & Quality Assurance including Regional Offices
  6. Chief Controller of Account, Department of Commerce (SD), New Delhi
  7. DCQA, Mumbai/Chennai/ Kolkata
  8. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DGS&D
  9. Director (IF) DGS&D
  10. PPS to DG (S&D)/ADG (S)/ADG (QA)
  11. Director(s), Department of Commerce (Supply Division), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information
  12. All Vendors – Through Website
  13. All Indentors – Through Website


Updated on 04-09-2012


No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module/001/Modification/C&T/2011

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001

DGS&D website:

Dated: 04-09-2012

Sub:- Online Submission of “Dispatch Details” by Vendors

Ref:-This office circular No. M/02/NIC e-procurement module 001/ Modification/ C&T/2011 dated 06-09-2011 on the subject.

Vide above referred circular, online submission of dispatch details was made mandatory for vendors with effect from 15-9-2011.

2.The instructions issued vide above referred circular have been reviewed by competent authority. It has been decided to make provisions in DGS&D e-procurement application so that vendors shall mandatorily be required to enter online dispatch details before submission of bills.

3.Accordingly, all concerned are hereby advised to mandatorily submit despatch details online for all the cases where I-Notes have been issued on or after 7th September, 2012. In case of green channel items, i.e. items for which I-Note is not applicable, the dispatch details are mandatorily required to be submitted online for all dispatches made on or after 7th September, 2012. System shall not permit vendors to submit online bills unless the dispatch details are submitted online.

4.These instructions shall apply to begin with for generalized items only i.e. all items excluding cement, industrial gases, NDP items, spares and POL items. Gradually, the provisions will be extended to these items also.

This issue with the approval of DG (S&D).

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T)

Copy to:-

  1. All Purchase Directors of HQs (AM/ES/HW/IT/ME/OC/PP/SC/WL/WMT/ST/P&C).
  2. All Regional Purchase Directors (Kolkata/Mumbai/Chennai)
  3. All Regional Quality Assurance Directorates
  4. Sr. Technical Director (NIC)
  5. DDG (RK)/DDG (S&D) Kolkata /DDG (S&D) Chennai
  7. All Regional DDGs (Quality Assurance Wing (Delhi/Kolkata/Mumbai/Chennai)
  8. Copy to PPS to DG (S&D)
  9. Chief Controller of Accounts, Supply Division
  10. DCQA, Mumbai/Chennai/ Kolkata
  11. All Vendors – Through Website


Updated on 27-08-2012


No. DSC/M-11015/1/2008/C&T

Government of India

Department of Commerce (Supply Division)


(C&T Directorate)

JeevanTaraBuilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001

DGS&D website:

Dated: 24 -08-2012

Sub:- Acceptance of Digitally Signed Documents Generated in DGS&D e-procurement Application.

Ref:-This office Circular No. DSC/M-11015/1/2008/C&T dated 23.5.2011.

Vide above referred Circular, it was made mandatory to ink sign all contractual documents generated in DGS&D e-procurement application irrespective of the fact whether digital signatures appear on the documents or not.

2.The matter has been reviewed by Competent Authority and it has been decided that various contractual documents generated in the DGS&D e-procurement application are not required to be ink signed in case digital signatures are appearing on the documents. It has further been decided that if, for any reason, digital signatures do not appear on any finalized document generated on the application, same may be ink signed by the officer concerned. The same shall be considered as valid document by the Department.

3.It is further brought out that office of CCA (Supply), the paying authority against DGS&D contract, has also since amended their Supply Account Manual and vide amendment order No. 01/2012 dated 02/03 August 2012 has authorized acceptance of all digitally signed documents for payment purpose. A copy of the aforesaid amendment order is also enclosed.

This issue with the approval of DG (S&D).

(Rajesh Gupta)

Director (C&T)


  1. All Secretaries of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  2. All Financial Advisers of the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India.
  3. All Purchase & Quality Assurance Directorates of DGS&D HQrs.
  4. All DGS&D Regional Purchase/QA Officers & Sub centres.
  5. All DDGs – Purchase & Quality Assurance including Regional Offices
  6. Chief Controller of Account, Department of Commerce (SD), New Delhi
  7. DCQA, Mumbai/Chennai/ Kolkata
  8. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DGS&D
  9. Director (IF) DGS&D
  10. PPS to DG (S&D)/ADG (S)/ADG (QA)
  11. Director(s), Department of Commerce (Supply Division), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information

12.PPS to Secretary (Commerce): In this regard with discussions held during CCA (Supply) presentation to Secretary (Commerce) dt. 23rd August 2012 also refers.