Dear participants of gathering!

Place of carrying out of training gathering - a tourist-improving complex "Sudak".

It is the closed, round the clock protected park territory on which there is all complex of services for the organisation of training process and high-grade rest living on territory of tourist-improving complex (TIC)“Sudak” or in hotel "Ujut” (Cosiness): three halls in which simultaneously there pass gathering (two of them are equipped by conditioners), numbers for residing of a different price category, own beach, pool with warmed up sea water, billiards, a children's playground,sport grounds, an exercise room, tennis courts, bars, restaurants and many other things.

To familiarise with an arrangement of buildings of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”, categories of numbers, territory, etc. it is possible in site section “a carrying out place”.

For successful carrying out of gathering, convenience of participants and exact observance of the schedule residing of participants of gathering and accompanying only in a tourist-improving complex

"Sudak" or hotel "Ujut". The input on territory the TIC "Sudak" is carried out only on a presentation of the admissions which are given out at settlement in the TIC "Sudak" or hotel "Ujut".

The schedule of gathering ( the lessons take place simultaneously in three halls on territory of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”) will be made taking into account that all participants live in one territory and use the admissions which are given out at settlement in the tourist-improving complex “Sudak” or in hotel "Ujut".

The schedule of group lectures is made taking into account time of a breakfast, a dinner and a supper at restaurants and cafe of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”.

The direct settlement of participants which have reserved residing at the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”, to be made independently at the reception of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak” on in advance reservation list made by organizers (till June, 9th 2011г.), (the list will be at the reception of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”).

The direct settlement of participants which have reserved hotel accommodation "Ujut" to be made independently on the central through passage of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak” on in advance reservation list made by organizers

(till June, 9th 2011г.) , (the list will be at the representative of the organizer on the central through passage of the tourist-improving complex “Sudak”).

Demands for residing are accepted only by organizers till June, 9th, 2011 in writing by e-mail with a settlement and payment guarantee: with instructions of a place of settlement, a building, a room category , quantity the person, the prices of residing, exact date of arrival and departure.

(Co-ordinator Andrey Pasha, cell-phone: +38 050 324 37 48)

1. The Tourist-improving complex "Sudak"

It is located in territory of park-monument of landscape gardening art on the bank of Black Sea near the walls of an ancient Genoa fortress (round the clock protected territory).

Conditions of residing at the TIC "Sudak"

1. Three meals a day for residents in all rooms for choice: 140 grn. - in cafe, 180 grn. - at restaurant, 90 grn.

- in a dining room or under own plan.

2. For children till 12 years at settlement the discount for residing of 10 %.

3. At settlement in a room with two rooms where there is a sofa, i.e. 1 more additional place, undertakes payment of 80 % from full cost of a place in this room if on this additional place that settles two children payment on 50 % from each place from full cost in this room undertakes.

4. All categories of rooms in all cases have: constantly hot and cold water, the TV, phone, a refrigerator.

The prices of residing from one person a day without a food:

(Exchange rate on 01.04. 2010: 1 US dollar = 8,00 grn., 1 euro = 10,50 grn.)

1. BUILDING 6 - one-room for 2 persons room of the improved comfort (after European-quality repair )

wit all conveniences – 250 grn. From one person a day without a food.

BUILDING 6 - one-room for 3 persons room with all conveniences - 200 grn from one person

a day without a food (room without balconies)

BUILDING 6 - two-rooms for 2 persons room with all conveniences – 320 grn.from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (with the conditioner).

BUILDING 6 - two-rooms for 2 persons room of the improved comfort (after European-quality repair) with all conveniences - 350 grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (with the conditioner).

2.BUILDING 2 (South side) - two -room for 2 persons room with all conveniences -

290 grn. from one person a day without a food (the improved comfort).

BUILDING 2 (North side) - two-room for 2 persons room with all conveniences -

270 grn.from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (the improved comfort).

3. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING - one-room for 2 persons room of the improved comfort (after European-quality repair) with all conveniences - 270 grn. from one person a day without a food

(with the conditioner).

ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING - two-rooms for 2 persons room of the improved comfort (after European-quality repair) with all conveniences - 320 grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room(with the conditioner).

4. BUILDING5 (South side) - two-rooms for 2 persons l junior suite with all conveniences -

350 grn.from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (with the conditioner).

BUILDING5 (North side) - two-rooms for 2 persons l junior suite with all conveniences -

320 grn.from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (with the conditioner).

5. BUILDING 3 - one-room for 2 persons suite with all conveniences - 500 grn. from one person a day without a food, (with the conditioner).

BUILDING 3 - two-rooms for 2 persons suite with all conveniences - 600 grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room.(with the conditioner).

6. BUILDING 1 - three-rooms for 2persons suite with all conveniences - 600 grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room (with the conditioner).

7. BUILDING 9 - three-rooms for 2 persons suite with all conveniences – 500grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room.

(with the conditioner)

BUILDING 9 - two -rooms for 2 persons suite with all conveniences – 320grn. from one person a day without a food, there is a sofa for one person or two children in a room.

(with the conditioner)

2. Hotel «Ujut »

(Is in 100 metres from a place of carrying out of gathering and competitions)

All numbers are equipped by the conditioner

1. One-room for 2 persons rooms with all conveniences (with one bed and individual beds) - 230 grn. from the person with a breakfast a day.

2. Two-rooms for 2 persons rooms with all conveniences (with one bed and individual beds and a sofa where 3 persons can live) - 230 grn. from the person with a breakfast a day.

3. Room with two separate rooms for residing of 4 persons (the common bathroom) - 190 grn. from the person with a breakfast.

4. The cafe, the fenced protected territory.

5. You can order a diner and a supper for additional payment

6. The quantity of places is limited.