Application Form

PKU-IIASA International Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

PhD Granting Institution:
Major of Research:
Date of Submission: / (yyyy/mm/dd)
  1. Personal Information

1.1 Basic Information
Last Name / First Name / Title
Sex / Date of Birth / (yyyy/mm/dd) / Marital Status
Nationality / Second Nationality (if dual citizen) / Identification Number
Address / Telephone Number
Country / E-mail Address
Envisaged Postdoctoral Supervisorsat PKU and IIASA / Estimated Time for Postdoctoral Enrollment / (yyyy/mm)
1.2 Current Education
When did you receive your PhD? / (yyyy/mm)
A) PhD Candidate / PhD Granting Institution / PhD Granting Country
Major of Research / Doctoral Advisor’s Name
B) PhD graduate (received PhD no more than 5 years prior to the start of the appointment) / PhD Granting Institution / PhD Granting Country
Major of Research / Doctoral Advisor’s Name
Current Host Institution
1.3 Education History and Research Experience (For education history, please include experience from undergraduate to the most recent. Research experience should cover any visiting or training in research institutions, universities etc.)
Education History / Start Date / End Date / Institution / Country / Major / Degree Granted
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
Research Experience / Start Date / End Date / Institution / Country / Major / Title of Research Project
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
1.4 Language Skills (Please tick boxes as applicable.)
English Proficiency / Native Speaker / AsSecond Language / Good / Basic
(Please insert additional languages below under the applicable level of fluency.)
Other Languages / Native Speaker / As Second Language / Good / Basic
  1. Academic Achievements

2.1 Doctoral Dissertation Title and Abstract (No more than 500 words.)
2.2 Publications, Research Projects, and Awards(Please indicate the sources of information on citations and impact factors.)
Academic Papers / Publication Date / Title of Paper / Academic Journal / Citations / Impact Factor
Research Projects / Start Date / End Date / Title / Funding Institution / Funds / Contribution to Project
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
(yy/mm) / (yy/mm)
Books / Publication Date / Title / Publication Institution / Ranking of Authors
Patents / Licensing Date / Title / Type of Patent / Patent Number / Country
Prizes/Awards / Date Received / Awarding Institution / Ranking of Awardees

Application Sections 3-8

Below you will find specifications of what to include in sections 3 to 8 of the application document. Please note that all of these sections should be included in your application document. Please merge all documents into one PDF file.The completed application form should constitute the first pages of the merged document, with everything else following in the order listed below.

  1. Representative Academic Achievements

This section is limited totwo papers (mandatory) and additionally either one book or one patent(optionally).The appendeddocuments should together comprise no more than 10MB. Please include information on all of the following in this section of your application:

3.1Titles of the Representative Academic Achievements

3.2 Abstractsof the Representative Academic Achievements (No more than 300 words each.)

3.3 Main Contents of the Representative Academic Achievements

  1. Postdoctoral Research Proposal and Time Plan

For this section, we recommend that applicants review the research section of the PKU webpage, the envisaged PKU postdoctoral supervisor’s research interests,the research section of the IIASA webpage, and the envisaged IIASA postdoctoral supervisor’s research interests.

4.1 Please indicate below thefields of research at PKU and theresearch programs at IIASA you are interested in.
4.2 Please briefly justify your choices above by explaining how your research would fit into both the PKU and the IIASA research agendas. (No more than 2000 characters.)

Research Proposal

This document should exceed no more than 10 pages in total (including tables, figures, and references) and should include all of the following:

4.3Title of the Proposed Postdoctoral Research

4.4 Abstract of the Proposed Postdoctoral Research

4.5 Content of theProposed Postdoctoral Research, including all of the following:

- Main research questions and objectives

- Methods and approach

- Data required (if relevant; for example, do you already have data or are you in the process of obtaining it?)

- Innovative aspects (how is this research original with regard to concept, methods, and expected results?)

- Expected results and risks for success

4.6 Time plan

  1. CV or Resume

5.1 Please include your CV or resume describing your educational background.

  1. Endorsement Letters

6.1 Please include an endorsement e-mail or letter from both envisagedpostdoctoral supervisors at PKU and IIASA.

  1. Recommendation Letters

7.1 Please arrange for two recommendation letters (preferably including one from your doctoral supervisor) to be sent to the coordinators stated below, directly from the person providing the letter.

  1. Applicant’s Commitment

8.1 Signature and acknowledgement
I confirm that the information provided in this application is correct and in accordance with academic ethical standards.
Signature of applicant: / Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Please submit this application form simultaneously to the following three coordinators:

Mr. Fan Deshang ()

Ms. Aleks Cofala ()

Ms.Gui-Ying Cao ()

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