COURSE TITLE: / General Music
GRADE LEVEL: / Grade 3

November, 2003

Essential Question, Concept or Theme: I. Student will sing and play a varied repertoire of music as a life long learner. / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: PA 9.1 A, B, C, D, E, G, H; 9.2 A, B, C, D, F, G, H, K, L; 9.3 A, B, D; 9.4; NS 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
A.  Singing
·  Vocal Development – Develop vocal range and skills (breathing, posture) for group and solo singing
·  Intonation – Sing with correct intonation using solfeggio (pentatonic and major)
·  Expression – Expand dynamic range p-mp-mf-f
·  Part singing – Sing echo songs and rounds
·  Diction – Sing on a neutral syllable to develop resonant singing
·  Song Repertoire – Sing and memorize music from diverse genres and cultures
B.  Playing
·  Percussion (Pitched and Nonpitched)
Play combined patterns in an ensemble to accompany songs
Develop “crossover” mallet technique
Create simple melodic ostinatos
·  Recorder
Read note B, A, G
Play with holes properly covered
Use proper hand position with left hand on top
Blend sound with other recorder players / ·  Playing Assessment
·  Individual and Group Performance
·  Class Discussion
·  Small Group Assignments
·  Individual Feedback
·  Teacher Observation
·  Self Assessment / ·  Materials
Orff instrumentsRecorders
Rhythm instruments
Melodic instruments
Multicultural instruments
Staff boards
·  Resources
Musical scoresTextbooks
Compact Disks
·  Technology
Band in a Box
/ ·  Singing
Use hand signsPart singing
Singing alone and in a group
Sing and clap melodic and rhythmic patterns
Vocal development
·  Playing
Use body percussionMallet technique
Playing pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments
Playing recorders
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: II. Listening/Responding / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: PA 9.1 A, B, C, D, E, I; 9.2 A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J; 9.3 A, B, C, D; NS 6, 8, 9 /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
·  Listening
Identify and analyze basic musical forms
Respond to expressive qualities in music such as tempi and dynamics
Identify music of diverse cultures and styles
Demonstrate appropriate audience behavior
Identify instrument families in the orchestra
Distinguish between major and minor tonality
·  Responding (Movement)
Develop and refine nonlocomotor movement using alternating patterns (stamp, patsch, clap, snap) and bilateral movements
Develop basic locomotor movement and patterns as in circle, line, and folk dances
Perform creative movements that demonstrate the musical concepts of time/space/energy / ·  Written Assessment
·  Individual and Group Performance
·  Class Discussion
·  Individual Feedback
·  Teacher Observation
·  Journal Writing
·  Self Assessment / ·  Materials
Orff instrumentsRecorders
Rhythm instruments
Melodic instruments
Multicultural instruments
Staff boards
·  Resources
Musical scoresTextbooks
Compact Disks
·  Technology
Band in a Box
/ ·  Perform dances
·  Creative Movement
·  Analyzing basic form – for example: AB, ABA, rondo
·  Guided listening
·  Timbre identification
·  Recognize and demonstrate understanding of tempo, rhythm, dynamics, texture, harmony, melody, and phrase structure
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: III. Creating / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: PA 9.1 A, B, C, J, K; NS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
·  Improvising
Improvise simple melodies based on the pentatonic scale
·  Composing
Compose simple melodies and ostinatos based on the pentatonic scale / ·  Playing Assessment
·  Individual and Group Performance
·  Class Discussion
·  Small Group Assignments
·  Individual Feedback
·  Teacher Observation
·  Self Assessment / ·  Materials
Orff instrumentsRecorders
Rhythm instruments
Melodic instruments
Multicultural instruments
Staff boards
·  Resources
Musical scoresTextbooks
Compact Disks
·  Technology
Band in a Box
/ ·  Compose and perform various patterns
·  Improvising melodic and rhythmic patterns
·  Dramatic Reading
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: IV. Reading and Notating / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: PA 9.1 A, B, C; NS 5 /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
·  Expression
Read/identify dynamic markings (p-mp-mf-f), tempi (allegro-adagio), and articulation (legato-staccato)
·  Rhythm
Read and notate specific rhythm patterns in 2/4. 3/4, and 4/4 time (eighth, quarter, half, dotted half, and whole notes and quarter, half, and whole rests)
Experience upbeats
·  Form
Recognize repetition and contrastIdentify section forms including AB, ABA, AABA, and Rondo
Perform call / response and question / answer phrases
·  Melody
Read and notate doh pentatonicRecognize steps, skips, and repeated pitches
Sing various pentatonic pitch patterns incorporating do-re-mi-sol-la
·  Timbre
Recognize various vocal and instrumental timbres
·  Texture/Harmony
Introduce two-part singing (echo songs, rounds, countermelodies), and unison / chordal harmony
(I-V7) / ·  Written Assessment
·  Playing Assessment
·  Individual and Group Performance
·  Small Group Assignments
·  Individual Feedback
·  Teacher Observation
·  Journal Writing
·  Self Assessment / ·  Materials
Orff instrumentsRecorders
Rhythm instruments
Melodic instruments
Multicultural instruments
Staff boards
·  Resources
Musical scoresTextbooks
Compact Disks
·  Technology
Band in a Box
/ ·  Rhythmic and melodic notation
·  Reading recorder music
·  Write rhythms and melodies using manipulatives
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: I. Student will sing and play a varied repertoire of music as a life long learner. II. Listening/Responding III. Creating IV. Reading and Notating / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: PA 9.1 A, B, C, D, E, G, H; 9.2 A, B, C, D, F, G, H, K, L; 9.3 A, B, D; 9.4 NS 1, 2, 7, 8, 9; PA 9.1 A, B, C, D, E, I; 9.2 A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J; 9.3 A, B, C, D; NS 6, 8, 9; PA 9.1 A, B, C, J, K; NS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; PA 9.1 A, B, C; NS 5 /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
·  Specific adaptations for each child should be in keeping with the intent of the lesson and the lesson’s activities.
·  Peer tutors or teacher aides when necessary
·  Preferential seating
·  Adaptive instruments
·  Simplify task when necessary
·  Adaptive assessment (oral quiz, not written) / ·  Computer software programs
·  Journaling
·  Community field trips
·  Optional performances
·  Special groups
·  Interdisciplinary connections
·  Media (video, distance learning)
·  Supplemental songs, dances, games / ·  Limit scope of content
·  Repetition
·  Private/Sectional lessons
·  Additional teacher provided music examples / ·  Social Studies
Native American songs and dances
African songs / Spirituals
Multicultural songs and dances
American folk music and instruments
Work songs
Patriotic songs
The American West
·  Language Arts
Songs in foreign languages
Poetry connections
Folk tales
Read aloud books
·  Mathematics
Rhythms and numerical values
Time Signatures
·  Science
Structure of instruments
Production of sound
·  Art
Relating music to fine arts
Using art to express feelings about music
·  Physical Education
General Music Grade 3 / Page 3 - 3 - / November, 2003