Project 4
Image compression techniques have widespread commercial application. Facsimile machines are an example of the application of this technology. In the fourth project the purpose is to explore the issues involved in image compression. For this project the class will be divided into groups. Each group will consist of 3 students. Each group will implement and study at least 4 image compression techniques. You are required to pick one technique from each of the following 4 groups :
Pixel Coding, Predictive Coding, Transform Coding, and Hybrid Methods.
It is expected that each member of the group will focus on a different technique, the group will compare the results and then new hybrid schemes will be studied. I will provide 4 images to be used as test images for studying the effectiveness of your algorithms. Each group will submit a single report, clearly identifying the member- technique mapping.
For many compression techniques public domain software is available. You have the option of using this software, using MATLAB or writing your own code. If you use available software then your entire grade will be determined by the level of innovation and experimentation, quality of results, quality of presentation, and assessment of your understanding of the implementation. If you develop your own software then 40% of the grade will be allocated to development and the rest to the above factors.
Additional factors that will be considered in arriving at the project grade are the following:
- Assessment of your contributions by other members of the group.
- Presentation in the class: (About 15 minutes per group). Each group *must* have a rehearsal before the class presentation. This must take place at least 24 hours before the class presentation. The group must confirm by sending me an email that this rehearsal was completed. No rehearsal – no class presentation.
- Complexity of the techniques chosen by you. Table 11.18 in Jain gives a quick review of the complexity and effectiveness of several standard techniques..
- Interpretation and projections on how to choose the best techniques.
- You must identify the means that you employ to assess the alternative approaches.
- At a minimum use the 4 images provided. You are encouraged to use additional images. You are ENCOURAGED to choose images that will highlight a point you want to make.
Project report is due on January 11. Presentations on the project will be made in class on January 19. You may amend your project report by including results of tests, and new conclusions reached / obtained between January 11 to January 19.