Rachel Henderson ()
English 12 Honors/MCC Concurrent Program
Course Syllabus, Requirements & Expectations (2016-2017)
Course Overview:
v Welcome! This will be an exciting year in which you will be tasked with becoming more adept writers, readers, and thinkers. Please understand that this Honors course is part of the Middlesex County College Concurrent Program. This means that students will receive college credits for Freshmen Composition (English 121). As a result, our Honors course is distinguished by a more rigorous course of study. Students will move at an accelerated pace that will include covering a greater range and depth of textual study and require more independent work. Students in this course are compelled to strengthen their time management skills, a fundamental key to future success in a collegiate environment.
v This course will provide collegiate instruction in the following categories:
· Reading and Literature
· Writing (Essays)
· Grammar
· Vocabulary
· Research Papers
· Cross-curriculum Awareness
v Specifically, you will be tasked, at an accelerated pace, with meeting two objectives: completing the MCVTS Senior English curriculum (which entails the analysis of several fiction and historical essays/full length texts), and the Middlesex County College English 121 requirements, through performing a linear literary analysis of the History of the English Language, from its Indo-European roots, thought its metamorphosis into Old/Middle English, until we scrutinize Early-Modern and Modern English. Further, we will spend time understanding the elements that comprise a language (specifically, English), including, but not limited to, understanding the elementary components of semantics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics.
v You can expect to be tasked with assignments that will challenge their understanding of the term "Global Literacy", and that will better prepare you for the diverse topics that will be studied in college. We will even spend time grasping a better definition on collegiate concepts, such as the differences between public vs. private vs. proprietary college, the real meaning of "credit", and a complete delineation between the terms "grant", "loan", and "scholarship".
v You should anticipate juggling several independent assignments concurrently, which will include marking period projects (written, multi-media, individual and group), external reading of challenging texts, comparative analysis of texts, writing research papers (MLA), and the studying of global current events.
Required Course Materials:
v Binder or used only for English class. You will be given most of the material you require for the year, at the start of the course. The binder will be nearly full from the onset. It is your choice if you use dividers.
v Planner - bring it and use it.
v Companion novels
v Homework and/or other work due.
v Writing implements. All (handed-in) work should be completed in either blue or black ink. No colored pens (your notes are fine). You can use pencil only for writing or note-taking days.
v A folder with pockets may be handy, if your binder does not come with pockets.
Classroom Participation:
v It is extremely important to express your educated opinions within class. As individuals, participating in any type of discussion affords you with unbelievable, accessible knowledge. We all want to be able to pick at each other’s minds. If we all participate and share our ideas, we will be able to have meaningful, exciting, and intelligent class discussions. Additionally, it is important to work together as a team! If you are working in cooperative learning groups, you are expected to contribute your share. If you are not adding to the conversation or assignments, you will be penalized.
Absentee Homework/Classwork Policy:
v If you are absent for any reason during class, you are responsible to check the ABSENT WORK BIN according to the day for missing work. I will not track you down. (After TWO days, the work in the bin will be discarded)
v If you are absent, you have ONE day to make it up for full credit. If you hand it in after two days, your grade will automatically start at a 50%. If you hand it in after 3 days, you will receive a zero. I will not remind you to turn in your work; this is a collegiate environment.
v If an assignment is due on the day of your absence, the assignment is due the next day you return to school. Proactive students will turn in work early, either in person, or via email.
v If you have a pre-arranged absence, it is your responsibility to see me prior to your absence to discuss arrangements.
Entering Late Policy:
v If you are not in the classroom when the late bell rings, you are considered late. If you have a note or signed planner, leave it on my desk. (It is in my discretion to accept the signed pass or not). Immediately go to your desk and start your work. If being late continues to be an issue, I will have to bring this to the attention of your parent or guardian. Remember, continuous lates will result in detention (more than 5 lates).
Homework/Project/Presentations/Papers Policy and Deadline:
v Assignments are only given as supplemental material that will be reinforcement of what is learned in class. It is extremely important that all students complete their assignments! I only expect the BEST from each student. Every assignment should be done on time and NEATLY.
· HOMEWORK: Any homework that comes after the due date is considered late and your grade will automatically start at a 50. After the second day, your assignment will receive a zero as a grade. If you were in class – and not absent – there is no excuse! (Refer back to Absentee Policy if needed)
· Projects/Presentations/Papers: If any of these types of assignments are handed in after the due date, your grade will drop ONE LETTER grade. For instance, if your assignment receives a B and it was a day late, you will receive a C instead. After the second day, your assignment will drop TWO letter grades. After the third day, your assignment will receive a zero.
VII. Lost Work Policy:
v All work must be completed in a timely fashion. If work is lost because of any reason, the student must RECOMPLETE the work for a grade (*Assignment Policy on lateness will still apply*). There are NO exceptions! Handouts are distributed ONCE. You will have to collaborate with a classmate to replace missing handouts.
Tests, Quizzes, Projects and Make-Ups:
v Tests will be announced with more than enough time for preparation. We will also have unannounced quizzes to see whether or not you have been reading and paying attention to the discussions during class.
v You are responsible for making arrangements with me to make up the test or quiz on the day you return. Tests and quizzes cannot be made up during a class. Failure to make up a test or quiz in the specified time frame (ONLY 2 DAYS TO MAKE IT UP) will result in a zero grade for that test or quiz.
v NOTE: My available periods are Pds. 6 and 7. I am also available before school, and if I am scheduled for after school tutoring.
Bathroom Procedure:
v You are in control of your bodily functions. A teenager should be able to plan use of the bathroom for before school, during class changes and/or during lunch. However, sometimes there are emergencies. Make sure you have your planner. If you don't have your planner, you will not be given a bathroom pass.
Nurse Procedure:
v If you unexpectedly feel sick, I will send you to the nurse if you have a planner so I can sign it.
Fire Drill Procedure:
v Immediately leave the classroom and turn LEFT. We will be exiting through the side of the building with care. The class must stay together.
Code Red Lockdown Procedure (or any other lockdowns):
v All students must remain calm and cannot talk. The door is locked and lights turned off. All students must sit on the floor in the back of the classroom.
Dismissal Procedure:
v Remain in your seats when the bell rings. You will leave your seats when I say class is dismissed. If you see that there is 5 minutes left of class, please do not start gathering your belongings.
Behavior Policy:
v Be respectful. Offensive comments, excessive talking, and inappropriate language will not be accepted. This will result in a loss of class participation points, possible office referral or parent-teacher conference.
Cell Phone (and other electronic devices) Policy:
v No electronics whatsoever unless told otherwise. This includes cell phones, iPods, PSPs, and any other electronic devices.
v I do not want to hear it and/or see it. Creeping on Instagram, FB, SnapChat, etc can wait. I have no hesitation removing students from class.
· 1st warning: I will tell you to kindly put it away.
· 2nd warning: automatic zero for the day since you feel as if your phone is more important than your education.
Grading Policy:
v Test/Projects: 35% Classwork/Participation: 25%
v Quizzes: 25% Homework: 15%
Tasks for the Year
See the calendar distributed to you, along with the companion materials that go with your Honors “workbook” (I call the entire compendium “The Magic Book”), to see a complete breakdown of all aspects of your learning goals.
*The following page is a detailed list of OUR classroom rules and expectations*
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
We need to create a positive learning atmosphere where everyone is given the chance to achieve the best of their ability. For this reason, I have established these rules:
1. You are expected to be on time. (Refer to Late Policy on page 3)
2. You are expected to be prepared for every class with your required materials. (Refer to page 2)
3. You are expected to be an active participant. (Refer to page 2)
4. No electronic devices. (Refer to page 5) Also, NO CHARGING devices in my room. EVER.
5. No food or drinks. Water is fine. If I see you walk in with food, you are walking right back out and you will be considered late.
6. No hats of any kind in the classroom.
7. No sleeping. (I will send you to the nurse)
8. Be respectful and treat everyone with kindness.
9. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable. Plagiarism results in an automatic zero you are at risk of both administration being alerted, as well as Middlesex County College.
10. Class ends when the teacher dismisses the students.
11. Absence for any reason is not a valid excuse for not being aware of announced tests, quizzes, projects, papers, homework, classwork, etc. (Refer to page 2)
12. The classroom is not a place for brushing or combing hair, adding or "refreshing" make-up, or repairing and polishing nails. Application of creams, lotions, perfumes, and hairspray is not acceptable in the classroom. Please take into consideration of allergies. At no time may medication of any kind be taken in class. Take care of all areas of personal health or personal hygiene in appropriate locations.
13. English is a requirement for graduation. Graduation is a milestone in one's life. Therefore, appropriate priority should be given to meeting the requirements of this course.
14. Please note that while your career major course, other academic course, and your guidance counselors may be encouraging you to miss class for valid reasons – seminars, school trips, etc. Class will go on without you. You are responsible for missed work. We cannot wait for you to come back; there isn’t enough time in the year for that. In addition, if your instructor is out, you are expected to use class time wisely…there is ALWAYS course work to study.
The following page is a detailed list for our class’s writing practices and rules.
Writing Practices and Rules: The following is a listing of writing practices and procedures for ALL papers submitted for evaluation in Ms. Henderson’s classes (English and CCR).
1. HEADING: The following MLA heading MUST appear in the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER on all work submitted for this class. Failure of appropriate heading will result in a FULL LETTER GRADE deduction. Here is an example:
TEACHER’S NAME Ms. Henderson
ENG _ PERIOD __ ENG 12 Honors Period 4
DATE (inverted) 9 September 2016
(Assignment/Title is centered)
2. Typed assignments are preferable but not mandated.
a. Definite typed assignments: Research papers and Essays
3. Use regulations size paper (8x11) only.
4. At no time will folded or mangled papers be accepted for evaluation.
5. Check spelling carefully.
6. Write/Type out all numbers; write/type out the word "and", and please do not use the "&" symbol.
7. Indent at the beginning of each paragraph.
8. Use blue/black ink only. No credit for work written in pencil or colored pens.
9. Do not cross out. Rewrite, or use an eraser-mate pen, or sparing amount of white-out. No credit will be given for papers with cross outs.
10. UNDERLINE book titles, play titles, films/movies, magazine/newspaper, TV show (when hand written)