2015-2016 World Languages

Yeilen Concepción- Spanish I, Spanish IB & Spanish II Honors


Office hours: Tuesday 2:30-3:30 Room B102

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español

Rules and Procedures:

Ø  Come to class on time with a writing utensil and your Spanish notebook.

Ø  Sit quietly in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

Ø  Take out your homework and begin the “Do Now.”

Ø  Be attentive and respectful in class.

Ø  Participate! Speak as much Spanish as possible.

Ø  Raise your hand if you have a question.

Ø  Be patient and help each other.

Ø  NO headphones at any time.

Ø  NO cellphones (unless told otherwise).

Causes for contact of Parent/Guardian:

Ø  Disrupting class – frequently interrupting another student or me, arriving late, cursing, and ridiculing classmates.

Ø  Disrespect to teacher and/ or students.

Ø  Being unprepared for class – homework, pen/ notebook.

Ø  Excessive bathroom requests or sleeping in class (nurse).

Ø  Excessive class absences (“Cut” test day = NO “make up”).

Consequences of Misbehavior:

Ø  Warning

Ø  Teacher Conference/Action Plan (Parent Notification).

Ø  Teacher Detention (Parent Notification).

Ø  Conference with Dean/Counselor/Teacher (Parent Notification).

Ø  Incident Referral (Parent Notification).

Ø  Conference with Parent/Dean/Counselor/Teacher (Parent Notification).

Ø  Immediate Removal from Class (Parent Notification)

Classroom Guidelines:

Ø  Students should enter the classroom quietly, get seated in their assigned seats, and get ready to begin work. Be in your seat prepare to work when the bell rings. If you’re not in your seat ready to go, you’re late.

Ø  The students must REMAIN IN THEIR SEATS UNTIL THE BELL RINGS. THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU, I DO. If you need to go to the restroom, do not interrupt the teacher in the middle of a lesson unless it is truly an emergency as it affects the momentum of the entire group.

Attendance and Tardies:

Ø  If you enter the class late, you must legibly sign the “Late Clipboard” that is located next to the door. This will be the procedure for both excused and unexcused tardies.

Ø  10 minutes late counts as a cut. After 5 tardies, you will receive a detention.

Ø  18 unexcused absences from this class will result in no credit. Letters will be sent home after 4 and 9 absences. Please see student handbook for more information.

Grading Policy:

Ø  60% - Summative Assessments: Oral/ Written Tests, Projects, and Presentations. (Honors 70%)

Ø  25% - Formative Assessments: Classwork/ Participation (class assignments and daily activities) and small quizzes and small projects. (Honors 20%)

Ø  15% - Homework (Honors 10%)


Ø  Notebook or binder

Ø  Folder

Ø  Blue/black pen and pencil


Ø  Homework is due at the beginning of class. No late assignments will receive full credit unless there is and EXCUSED ABSENCE or special permission by the teacher. Late homework will receive partial credit only.

Ø  Student is responsible for verifying missed assignment(s) and submitting it (them) ASAP and no later than one week to receive full credit.

·  Homework will be accepted on day late for half credit after that no credit is given.

Dear Guardian:

The purpose of this letter is to explain my plagiarism policy as it pertains to foreign language. As many forms of plagiarism are not clear, I find it important to make you aware of less obvious forms of deliberate plagiarism, which are not specifically outlined/addressed in the student handbook/ World Language policy.

The following tools are considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated:

·  Use of online translators to translate an assignment into Spanish that student first wrote in English.

·  Use of translation software to translate an assignment into Spanish that student first wrote in English.

·  Having native or more proficient speakers of the language complete a writing assignment for a student to be handed in for a grade (even if the student first wrote it in English).

These forms of plagiarism are deliberate and will be considered and handled as plagiarism/ cheating. Please refer to the student handbook for an explanation of consequences.

Online translators and translation software are not always helpful or efficient to your child, as they provide inaccurate translations. Students who use these tools to translate from English usually do not learn the vocabulary or mimic (incorrectly) verb tenses they have yet to learn; thus, these translations cannot be viewed as a learning tool. An online translator is appropriate used when treated as a dictionary; looking up single words that cannot be found in a Spanish/English dictionary.

If I have determined that plagiarism has occurred, the guardian will be contacted as well as the appropriate school administrator and the student will receive a zero on the assignment.

If you have further questions about the policy on plagiarism or would like further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yeilen Concepción

Spanish Teacher

Nombre: ______Fecha: ______Per. _____ #____

SPANISH - Syllabus and Parent Contact Form


·  Please read the syllabus and course outline over with your parents or guardians.

·  Please detach this paper and return it to Ms. Concepción before Sept. 10, 2015. This will count as your first quiz grade.

1) Primary Parent/Guardian Contact:

Name: ______Relation to student: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

* Email: ______

2) Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact:

Name: ______Relation to student: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

·  Email: ______

Dictionary / Online Translator Policy

When completing an assignment or project for your World Language classes, it is acceptable to:

-Look up a single word in a dictionary.

-Look up a single word online.

It is NOT acceptable to:

-Use an online translator to write complete thoughts and sentences.

-Use and online translator to write a paragraph or multiple paragraphs.

*This is equivalent to having another student to do the work, and is an academic offense.

The disciplinary consequences are:

-  Student/ parent/ grade-level administrator conference and / or detention.

The entire Academic Integrity Policy can be found in the student handbook.

Online translator policy:

The online translator policy is in place to ensure that we maintain high ethical standards for all of our students and staff. Please sign and return this page to ensure that you have read, understood and will adhere to this district policy.

Student Name: ______Class: ______Per. ______


ü  The above student and I have read the information about the district online translator policy and are aware of the expectations regarding online translating sites.

ü  My child and I have read/ acknowledge the plagiarism policy and understand it.

ü  My child and I have read/ acknowledged the syllabus, rules & expectations and understand it.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/ Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______