Modesto Junior College
CMPSC 201 Course Outline
Effective Date: 05/01/2007Printed On: 11/8/2006 4:25:46 PM
The following information is what will appear in the MJC 2007-2008 Catalog.
CMPSC 201 - General Computer Literacy3 Unit(s)
Survey of the functions and uses of computers in business, education, industry, and science, with emphasis on the personal computer. Study of computers and peripheral equipment as integrated systems. Exploration of the impact of computers on society.Introduction to problem-solving and applications programming techniques. Experience with popular internet and application packages on the laboratory computers.
A-F and CR/NC. Approved for hybrid, telecourse, and online instruction. Applicable to the Associate Degree. Transfer to CSU and UC. MJC-GE - D2; CSU-GE - E.
Given the following learning context, the student who satisfactorily completes this course should be able to achieve the goals specified in section III: Desired Learning.
A. The data processing problems
l. History and development of data processing
2. Current applications and future implications
3. Internet applications
B. Personal computers
l. Types/brands
2. Uses
C. Collecting and processing information using
1. Instructional data
2. Internet data
D. Recording and storing information
E. Integrated data processing systems
l. Program design
3. What computer languages are available
F. Input/Output Systems
G. Introduction to computer processes and machinery
l. Computer components
2. Binary arithmetic
3. What computers can and cannot do
4. Business, scientific, and other applications
H. Introduction to computer programming, BASIC
I. Social implications
J. Application packages - specific and open ended
1. Functional areas of application packages
2. Criteria for selection
3. Data preparation and utilization of packages
4. Integration of all three application packages
K. Operating systems
1. Interfaces
2. Utilities
L. File management
Prorated Hours and Units
Lecture/Discussion / 35 / 2
Lab/Studio/Activity / 52.5 / 1
Total Units Earned: / 3
Instructors of this course might conduct the course using the following methods:
Hybrid Education -
(A hybrid version of the course would essentially follow the face-to-face outline, but with support from a distance learning software system such as WebCT for the distribution and collection of assignments, grades and group communications.)
A. Methods to achieve course objectives:
l. reading, lecture, discussion;
2. exhibition of various kinds of hardware;
3. films, video tapes, slides, screen projections;
4. research of reference materials;
5. laboratory practice in the operation of a microcomputer:
6. experience tutorial CD’s for application software
Telecourse Education -
(The following presentation elements would be done via a recorded video, either broadcast or on storage media for checkout)
A. Methods to achieve course objectives:
l. reading, lecture, discussion;
2. exhibition of various kinds of hardware;
3. films, video tapes, slides, screen projections;
4. research of reference materials;
5. laboratory practice in the operation of a microcomputer:
6. experience tutorial CD’s for application software
For this distance-education modality, effective instructor-student contact will be established and/or maintaned as follows:
Appropriate communications for a telecourse will be made via the internet. This would include all the functionality of a distance learning support system such as WebCT or Blackboard.
Face-to-face education -
A. Methods to achieve course objectives:
l. reading, lecture, discussion;
2. exhibition of various kinds of hardware;
3. films, video tapes, slides, screen projections;
4. research of reference materials;
5. laboratory practice in the operation of a microcomputer:
6. experience tutorial CD’s for application software
Online Education -
(An online version of the course would essentially follow the face-to-face outline, but with
support from a distance learning software system such as WebCT for the distribution and
collection of assignments, grades and group communications.)
A. Methods to achieve course objectives:
l. reading, online discussion;
2. exhibition of various kinds of hardware via images and video;
3. films, video tapes, slides, screen projections as digital media;
4. research of reference materials;
5. laboratory practice in the operation of a computer:
6. experience tutorial CD’s for application software
For this distance-education modality, effective instructor-student contact will be established and/or maintaned as follows:
(An online version of the course would essentially follow the face-to-face outline, but with
support from a distance learning software system such as WebCT for the distribution and
collection of assignments, grades and group communications.)
Online courses will require the following added online technological support elements:
1. A private student shared email system
2. A private student shared message board system
3. A private student shared assignment, testing and grading system
4. A private student shared chat communications system
A. Quality: Assignments require the appropriate level of critical thinking
Java Lab
In this project you will build a webpage using javascript. The good news is that almost all of the the javascript source code will be provided. See the following page for the sample source file. The javascript is buried inside an HTML script webpage, meaning that there are two languages involved, one using the other. Often, webpages are built with higher level tools, but we as programmers need to know about the lower level code as well.
The provided source code must be typed in exactly, and tested to make sure it works. It should be stored in a text file, and later renamed when completed as a .htm file. The .htm file will display a webpage that displays red, white or blue backgrounds when you click one of the buttons. Your mission will be to add a button that will say "green" and switch the color to green when clicked.
Sample Test question:
In a short paragraph, explain the difference between the concepts of data and information. In what way is information an improvement upon raw data?
B. Quantity: Hours spent on assignments in addition to hours of instruction (lecture hours)
Assignments are weekly, sometimes more than one item due per week. Each of these are technology-related projects designed for independent work (not group effort). In general, a computer will be used for each project. A different software/hardware element should be the focus of each assignments, with no more than two assignments in a given area (this course is designed to give the students a great deal of breadth in the field, but not too much depth). There should be, for example, 2 projects in Word processing, 2 in spreadsheets, 2 relating to hardware, 2 relating to internet usage and research, etc.
Sample Laboratory Assignment Schedule:
1. Basic computer concepts and usage lab
2. E-mail and simple web research lab
3. Depth web research lab
4. Introductory Word Processing (letter/memo format)
5. Advanced Word Processing (resume/tables, etc).
6. Introductory Spreadsheet such as home budget.
7. Spreadsheet decision support model (such as Home loan project shown above)
8. Hardware discovery lab, such as designing and pricing personal computer using online purchasing websites. Creation of spreadsheet budget and justification document written with a word processor.
9. Hardware identification lab, where various parts are placed on table to be examined by students and identified.
10. Introductory webpage development, usually involving a provided body of HTML text to type in with some very simple java scripting elements. Extra credit for more advanced java.
11. Development of a student homepage on a free web service (such as MySpace or Geocities). (usually takes 2 weeks for this one).
12. Introductory assignment in databases, including tables and forms.
13. More advanced database assignment, including reports and queries.
14. PowerPoint assignment (presentation of their PowerPoint presentation and webpage work as final class project).
A.Required Texts: Computers Understanding Technology, 2nd Edition, Fuller/Larson, 2004
Comments: Computer terminology textbook
Marquee office 2003 tutorial, Office 2003 Edition, Rutkosky, 2003
B. Other reading material:
As a result of satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to:
operatea computer in a home or workplace environment; andwill gain critical skills for making career choices, as well aspurchasing and utilizing technology.
Mastery of the following learning goals will enable the student to achieve the overall course goal.
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will be able to:
A. Define the nomenclature of computers, computer activities, and computer users.
B. Discuss the need for the computer’s speed, economy, efficiency, and power.
C. List the various sizes and capabilities of computers and peripheral equipment.
D. Analyze computer problems with respect to the components of problem-solving procedures.
E. Discuss the need for various data-representation codes.
F. Analyze the social implication of computers.
G. Operate a microcomputer and work with the operating system.
H. Maintain a library of disk files and their backups.
I. Use and study the use of e-mail for personal and business use.
J. Use one example of each of the three most frequently used applications: word processing, database management, and spreadsheet; and print the output from each.
K. Use the Internet to research information.
L. Discuss and operate a graphical user interface-based operating system.
Note to Reviewers: This course does not, and has not for its 20 plus year history, used a formative/summative assessment paradigm. It is a very broad introductory course covering a widely varied set of skills and related terminology that don't necessarily add up to anything other than passing the final exam that asks them questions on everything covered (comprehensive). We do have higher level courses that rely upon learning from this course.
A. Objective tests and quizzes;
B. Graded laboratory exercises;
C.(2) Midterm examinations
Each of the lab assignments are done independently in this course. Files must be uploaded (or papers turned in, possibly in a face-to-face course). These files when read by the professor provide evidence of completion and learning in addition to tests and examinations.
Comprehensive Final Examination
Optional: A final project using several of the techniques learned. (This is the instructional basis for the CMPSC 202 course, and could be employed here at the end as an introduction to the next level of learning.)