Pine Island Public Schools

Pine Island Public Schools

Pine Island Public Schools

C u r ric u l u m P o w e r S t a n d a r d s

Course: 5th grade Math Textbook: Macmillon McGraw-Hill Math ConnectsDate: Updated October 2014

Power Standard: I can solve real-world and mathematical problems requiring addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Vocabulary from previous grades
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 2 (none that apply to this power standard)
Chapter 3 (factor and product)
Chapter 4 (quotient, dividend, divisor)
Supplement Vocab:
division, remainder, divisible /
  • Students will practice word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Students will learn a variety of problem-solving strategies such as (but not limited to):
-Act it out
-Draw a picture
-Find a pattern
-Create an equation
-Delete extra information
-Identify missing information
  • Students will participate in real-world situations involving the computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and combinations of the four
  • Students will continue to practice basic computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in a NON-WORD PROBLEM format
  • Student “I can” statements:
-I can divide multi-digit numbers
-I can solve real-world problems using addition
-I can solve real-world problems using subtraction
-I can solve real-world problems using multiplication
-I can solve real-world problems using division / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 2, 3 and 4
OR supplement curriculum in replacement of Chapter 3 (depending on the assessment of prior knowledge from the group of students)
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 2 test (addition and subtraction)
Chapter 3 test (multiplication)
Chapter 4 test (division) / Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Additional Supplements:
Problem Solving Techniquesand Stations
Multiplication Review Packet
Lattice Multiplication
Multiplication Stations
Draw a picture (multiplication)
Base-ten division
Partial Quotient Division
Interpreting the remainder practice
Power Standard: I can read, write, model, represent, compare and order fractions and decimals by locating these numbers on a number line. (Millions to Millionths; Denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20) /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Place Value
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 1 (decimal, equations, expanded form, inequality, place value, standard form, value)
Chapter 8 (denominator, fractions, improper fractions, mixed number, numerator)
Chapter 9 (factor, multiple, common factors/multiples, prime/composite, prime factorization, GCF, LCM, common denominator) /
  • Students will learn the names of the place values
  • Students will be able to read numbers out loud using the word AND for the decimal point and correctly identifying decimals in their given place value
  • Students can place decimals and fractions on a number line to assist when comparing and ordering
  • Students can model and represent decimals and fractions as part of a whole
  • Students will be able compare decimals with fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers (by using conversion skills)
  • Students will be able to order a set of numbers that include decimals, fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers (by using conversion skills)
  • Student “I can” statements:
-I can name the place values
-I can read and write decimals according to which place value they are in
-I can order decimals
-I can order fractions / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Place Value Name Quiz
Quizzes in Chapter 1, 8 and 9 quizzes
Videotaping students individually reading and writing numbers
Chapter 1 test (names of place value, reading and writing decimals according to their place value, comparing and ordering decimals, locating decimals on a number line)
Chapter 8 test (basic fraction knowledge – reading and writing, modeling and representing fractions, locating fractions on a number line)
Chapter 9 test (comparing and ordering fractions by creating common denominators)
Converting Decimals to Fractions, Comparing and Ordering Decimals with Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Supplement Unit Test / Chapter 1
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Additional Supplements:
Decimal representation with base-ten blocks (tenths, hundredths and thousandths)
Silent Decimal Line-up
Fraction Modeling with foam fractions
Comparing and Ordering fractions by finding a common denominator (using the LCM)
Converting Decimals to Fractions, Comparing and Ordering Decimals with Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Supplement Unit
Power Standard: I can use my knowledge of place value to round and estimate whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals to come up with a reasonable answer. (Denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Place Value
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 2 (round, estimate, compatible numbers, compensation)
Chapter 3 (factor and product)
Chapter 4 (quotient, dividend, divisor)
Chapter 8 (denominator, fractions, improper fractions, mixed number, numerator)
Chapter 10 (GCF, unlike fractions, whole number) /
  • Students will be able to round decimals to nearest tenth, hundredth and thousandth
  • Students will be able to round fractions and mixed numbers (as well as improper fractions converted to mixed numbers)
  • Students will estimate mathematical problems (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sums/differences of decimals and fractions) to come up with a reasonable answer
  • Students will give answers to estimations problems using the word “about”
  • Student “I can” statements:
-I can estimate numbers to come up with a reasonable answer
-I can round numbers to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth
-I can round fractions
-I can estimate the sums and differences of decimals
-I can estimate the sums and differences of fractions / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10
Rounding Steps Quiz
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 2 test (rounding decimals, estimating addition and subtraction problems, estimating sums/differences of decimals)
Chapter 3 test (estimating products)
Chapter 4 test (estimating quotients)
Chapter 8 (rounding fractions)
Chapter 10 (estimating sums/differences of fractions by using rounding skills from chapter 8 in addition to adding and subtracting fraction knowledge from chapter 10) / Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Additional Supplements:
Rounding Process
Rounding and Estimating by Ordering Pizza
Rounding fractions using foam fractions
Power Standard: I can recognize and write equivalent fractions and decimals. (Denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 20, 25, 50, 100) /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Place Value
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 1 (decimals, equivalent decimals)
Chapter 9 (equivalent fractions, simplest form) /
  • Students will recognize what equivalent decimals are by modeling these numbers using base-ten representation
  • Students will recognize a pattern in creating equivalent decimals
  • Students will be able to generate and identify equivalent decimals
  • Students will recognize what equivalent fractions are by modeling these numbers with fraction pieces
  • Students will recognize a pattern in creating equivalent fractions
  • Students will be able to generate and identify equivalent fractions
  • Students will relate giving a fraction in simplest form/lowest terms with equivalent fractions
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I know what equivalent decimals are and can create them
- I know what equivalent fractions are and can create them / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 1 and 9
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 1 test (equivalent decimals)
Chapter 9 test (equivalent fractions) / Chapter 1
Chapter 9
Additional Supplements:
Decimal representation with base-ten blocks (tenths, hundredths and thousandths)
Fraction Modeling with foam fractions
Equivalent Fractions with egg cartons
Equivalent Fraction Match/Memory Game
Power Standard: I can divide a multi-digit number creating and converting its remainder as both a fraction and decimal. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 1 (decimal, place value)
Chapter 4 (quotient, dividend, divisor)
Chapter 8 (fraction, numerator, denominator)
Chapter 9(none that apply to this power standard)
Supplement Vocab:
division, remainder, divisible /
  • Students will learn what division is (separating a number into groups)
  • Students will learn how to divide multi-digit numbers the involve a remainder
  • Students will be able to write remainders as both decimals and as fractions
  • Students will be able to divide multi-digit numbers and determine the best way to give its remainder (as a remainder, decimal or fraction)
  • Students will be able to convert between decimals and fractions
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can divide a number and find an answer with a remainder
- I can divide a number and put it in fraction form / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Daily homework from Conversion (Decimals, Fractions, Percentages) Supplement Unit
Quizzes in chapter 1, 4, 8 and 9
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 1 test (one introductory lesson on converting fractions to decimals)
Chapter 4 test (division with a remainder, interpreting the remainder)
Chapter 8 test (comparing fractions with division, writing the remainder of a division problem as a fraction)
Chapter 9 (one introductory lesson on converting decimals to fractions)
Converting Decimals to Fractions, Comparing and Ordering Decimals with Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Supplement Unit Test / Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Additional Supplements:
Dividing and interpreting the remainder with base-ten units
Interpreting the remainder story problems (through acting, base-10, pictures, etc)
Converting Decimals to Fractions, Comparing and Ordering Decimals with Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Supplement Unit
Power Standard: I can add and subtract real-world and mathematical problems using fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. (Denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Place Value
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 2 (addend, compatible numbers, compensation, difference, sum)
Chapter 8 (denominator, fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, numerator)
Chapter 9 (greatest common factor, multiple, simplest form)
Chapter 10 (unlike fractions) /
  • Students will be able to add and subtract numbers that include decimals, fractions and/or mixed numbers (common and uncommon denominators)
  • Students will be able to add and subtract decimals, fractions and/or mixed numbers that appear in word problems and real-world situations (common and uncommon denominators)
  • Students will be able to add or subtract improper fractions and give the answer as a mixed number.
  • Students will know be able to find common denominators so that addition and subtraction can occur in fractions and mixed numbers.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can add decimals
- I can subtract decimals
- I can distinguish the difference between mixed numbers and improper fractions
- I can add fractions
- I can subtract fractions
- I can solve real-world problems by adding decimals
- I can solve real-world problems by subtracting decimals
- I can solve real-world problems by adding fractions
- I can solve real-world problems by subtracting fractions / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 2, 8, 9 and 10
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 2 test (addition and subtraction of decimals)
Chapter 8 test (writing improper fractions as mixed numbers)
Chapter 9 test (finding common denominators)
Chapter 10 test (adding and subtraction fractions and mixed numbers; both with common and uncommon denominators) / Chapter 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Additional Supplements:
Math Store – adding/subtracting decimals
Adding/Subtracting Fractions with foam fractions
Yummy Math – adding/subtracting fractions
Prime and Composite Number Hands-on
Equivalent Fraction Egg Cartons
Power Standard: I can apply the commutative, associative and distributive properties along with order of operations to solve numerical expressions. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 2 (Associative and Commutative Properties)
Chapter 3 (Distributive Property)
Chapter 5 (order of operations) /
  • Students will apply the commutative and associative properties with addition. Example:
4 + 5 = 9; 5 + 4 = 9
(2+3)+5 = 5+ 5 = 10; 2+(3+5) = 2 + 8 = 10
  • Students will apply the commutative, associative and distributive properties with multiplication.
8 x 2 = 16; 2 x 8 = 16
(4x5)x2= 20x2= 40; 4x(5x2)= 4 x 10= 40
2 x (7+3) = (2x7) + (2x3) = 14+6 = 20
2 x (7+3) = 2 x 10 = 20
  • Students will know the order of operations and apply them when solving numerical expressions.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I know what the commutative property is
- I can use the associative property
- I can use the distributive property / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 2, 3 and 5
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 2 Test (Addition Properties)
Chapter 3 Test (Multiplication Properties)
Chapter 5 Test (Order of Operations) / Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Additional Supplements:
Property Index Card Game – additional properties
Distributive Property Supplement materials – multiplication stations
Distributive Property additional teaching
Order of Operation Supplement materials
Power Standard: I can understand and interpret real-world and mathematical equations and inequalities involving variables and whole numbers. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 5 (evaluate, expression, variable)
Chapter 6 (defining the variable, equation, solution) /
  • Students will learn what a variable is.
  • Students will solve inequalities using variables and whole numbers.
  • Students will be able to solve simple algebraic equations that use variables and whole numbers.
  • Students will be able to solve simple algebraic word problems and real-world situations using variables and whole numbers.
  • Student “I can” statements:
-I can solve equations and inequalities using variables / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Daily homework assignments from Hands-on Algebra Unit
Quizzes in chapter 5 and 6
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 5 Test (Addition expressions, multiplication, expressions, more algebraic expressions)
Chapter 6 Test (addition and subtraction equations, inequalities, multiplication equations)
Hands-on Algebra Test / Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Additional Supplements:
Hands-on Algebra Unit
Power Standard: I can use a coordinate plane to graph ordered pairs. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Ordered Pair
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 6 (coordinate grid, graph, ordered pair, x-coordinate, y-coordinate) /
  • Students will be able to graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.
  • Students will be able to locate points on a coordinate plane by giving its ordered pair.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can graph ordered pairs / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 6
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 6 Test (ordered pairs, graphing function) / Chapter 6
Additional Supplements:
Mystery Graphing Picture
Power Standard: I can describe, classify and draw 3-D figure based on the faces, edges and vertices it has. (Cube, cone, cylinder, prism and pyramids – limited to triangular, rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal and octagonal) /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 14 (base, cone, cylinder, polyhedron, prism, rectangular prism, three-dimensional figure) /
  • Students will able to identify and name a variety of 3-D objects.
  • Students will know the differences and be able to locate faces, edges and vertices on a variety of 3-D objects.
  • Students will make their best effort at drawing a variety of 3-D objects.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can describe 3-D figures by how many edges, faces and vertices they have
- I can name and draw 3-D figures / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 14
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 14 Test (three-dimensional figures) / Chapter 14
Additional Supplements:
3-D figure Stations
Power Standard: I can determine the area of triangles, quadrilaterals and other closed figures that can be broken down into triangular and quadrilateral pieces. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 14 (area, polygon) /
  • Students will know that area is counting the number of square units within a closed figure.
  • Students will learn and use the area formula to find the area of a rectangle.
  • Students will learn that triangles are simply half of a rectangle, therefore understanding the formula for the area of triangles.
  • Students will learn and use the area formula for triangles or closed figures that can be broken down into rectangles and triangles.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can find the area of triangles
- I can find the area of other objects using the area of triangles / Formative:
Daily homework assignments from workbook
Quizzes in chapter 14
Hands-on learning day reflections
Additional Supplements
Chapter 14 Test (area or rectangles, squares and parallelograms) / Chapter 14
Additional Supplements:
Area of Triangles – cutting out graph paper rectangles and slicing them in half then creating a triangle
Area of Polygons
Power Standard: I can determine the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms. /
Key Vocabulary / Learning Targets / Assessment / Textbook
Test Specifications:
Surface Area
Additional Textbook Vocab:
Chapter 14 (area, base, cylinder, polyhedron, prism, rectangular prism, surface area, three-dimensional figure, volume) /
  • Students will learn that surface area is simply adding up the area of each side to find the area of the entire surface.
  • Students will learn and use the formula for surface area of rectangular prisms.
  • Students will know that surface area is measure in square units.
  • Students will learn that volume is the amount of cubic units that can fit inside of a 3-D object.
  • Students will learn and use the formula for volume of rectangular prisms.
  • Student “I can” statements:
- I can find the volume of a rectangular prism