Pinal Gila Council Senior Citizen (PGCSC)

2015-2016 Second Quarter Evaluation Report

Prepared and Submitted by: James Roebuck

January 2016

This report reflects the findings for PGCSC for the second quarter of the 2015-2016 programs.

Goals and Objectives

Goal / Objectives
Goal 1. To increase perception of the risks of poisoning and falls due to misuse/abuse of prescription medication in adults and family caregivers, (age 65+) in Arizona City, AZ / 1.1 By June 30, 2016, a 5% increase in knowledge related to proper medication usage to include risks when mismanaged, for themselves and for those they care for, will be reported by family caregivers (age65+) using the You and Your Medicines pre/post test
1.2 By June 30, 2016, respondents, adults (age 65+), will demonstrate a 5% increase in knowing the importance of protecting medications in their homes, to include proper medication disposal, as measured by the 2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Survey - Point in time conducted each quarter.
Goal 2. Increase coalition functioning / 2.1 By June 30, 2016 Coalition members will report a 5% increase in their assessment of the coalition's ability to impact older adults in the community as compared to 2014/2015 using the 2015-16 Coalition Instrument - Retro-post

Evaluation Findings

Of the sixty-seven 2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Surveys, 37 were collected at the Fall Fling at the Fire Department on November 14, 2015. The remaining surveys were collected by coalition members within the community.

The following results represent data collected during the second quarter of fiscal year 2015-16. Percentages over 50% are shaded to aid in interpretation. Results from questions that allow respondents to mark "all that apply" may not add to 100% because each respondent may mark more than one answer. The percentages for those types of survey items represent the number of responses divided by the total number of responses for the particular item. Reported percentages in the narratives are rounded to the nearest whole number; please consult the relevant tables for more precise percentages. Percentages in tables may not add to 100% due to missing data for the survey item.


Of the 69 2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Surveys administered, 79% were female and 92% self-identified their race as white. A majority (81%) said that a medication misuse was a problem in the community. Sixty-three percent said they had seen or heard messages encouraging adults to talk with children about using other people's medication. Though 69% said they were aware of permanent safe medication disposal sites, only 41% reported using them. Common ways that respondents had heard of disposal sites were:

  • A table tent
  • Agency
  • At work
  • CG Alliance
  • City and community meetings
  • Coolidge Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center
  • Facebook
  • Fire department
  • Flyers & posters in community
  • From a volunteer at the police station
  • Health Fair
  • In conversation
  • Informational placard
  • Newspaper
  • Paper
  • Pharmacy
  • Police department flyer
  • Public awareness
  • Radio
  • Seminars/facility display
  • Triad
  • Walgreens or CVS
  • Walgreens Pharmacy
  • Wife
  • Word of mouth


2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Survey

Table 1. Sample Demographics (Total n = 69)

Count / %
What is your gender? / Male / 14 / 21.2%
Female / 52 / 78.8%
Transgender / 0 / 0.0%
Another gender not listed / 0 / 0.0%
Age Range / 18-20 / 1 / 1.5%
21-24 / 0 / 0.0%
25-44 / 12 / 18.2%
45-54 / 7 / 10.6%
55-64 / 16 / 24.2%
65+ / 30 / 45.5%
What is your race? / White / 61 / 92.4%
Black or African American / 0 / 0.0%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander / 1 / 1.5%
Asian / 0 / 0.0%
American Indian/Alaska native / 0 / 0.0%
More than one race / 2 / 3.0%
Other / 2 / 3.0%
Are you Hispanic/Latino? / Yes / 16 / 25.0%
No / 48 / 75.0%
Are you (check all that apply)-A family member of a service member / Yes / 4

Table 2. Medication Usage and Awareness of Messages

Yes / No
% / %
1. Do you think that medication misuse is a problem in your community? / 81.0% / 19.0%
2. Do you think it is OK to share your medication with others? / 2.9% / 97.1%
3. Do you think it is OK to give your old medications to others? / 4.3% / 95.7%
4. If you knew of a safe and legal way to dispose of your medications, would you do it? / 91.3% / 8.7%
5. Have you seen (such as flyers/posters) or heard (such as on radio or TV) messages encouraging you to talk with your kids/grandchildren about using other people's medications? / 63.2% / 36.8%
6. It is important to keep your medications out of sight in your home / 94.2% / 5.8%
7. Are you aware of any permanent safe medication disposal sites for prescription or over-the-counter drugs in your community? / 69.1% / 30.9%
7a. If yes, have you used the medication disposal site? / 41.2% / 58.8%
Table 2b. If yes, how did you hear about the medication disposal site? TEXT
A table tent
At work
CG Alliance
City Mtg
community meeting
Coolidge Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center
fire department
flyers & posters in community
flyers, word of mouth, Bill the Pill
From a volunteer at the police station
Health Fair
in conversation
informational placard
police department flyer
Police Dept.
Presentation by Police Dept.
public awareness
Seminars/facility display
Walgreens or CVS
Walgreens Pharmacy
word of mouth

Table 3. What do you do with old medications?

No / Yes
% / %
a. I flush them down the toilet / 85.2% / 14.8%
b. I throw them in the trash / 81.5% / 18.5%
c. I keep them in case I need them later / 68.4% / 31.6%
d. I contact my pharmacy to find out what to do / 70.6% / 29.4%
e. I drop them off at the Police Department or other disposal location / 32.1% / 67.9%
f. I put them back in child-proof bottle, wrap in plastic, and put in trash / 96.2% / 3.8%


1. Outcomes: AZ City Triad - 2015-16 - 2ND Quarter
Please provide an overall summary of program outcomes as compared to risk and protective factors for substance abuse. Include information regarding the strategies, names of curricula method of measurement, name of tool, and number of people served.
(Please fill in risk and protective factors, goals and objectives for your program)
Objectives / Outcome / Method of measurement (i.e. observation, pre-post, interview, etc.) / Name of tool used (if applicable) / Number of people served*
Goal 1. To increase perception of the risks of poisoning and falls due to misuse/abuse of prescription medication in adults and family caregivers, (age 65+) in Arizona City, AZ
1.1 By June 30, 2016, a 5% increase in knowledge related to proper medication usage to include risks when mismanaged, for themselves and for those they care for, will be reported by family caregivers (age65+) using the You and Your Medicines pre/post test / No data collected this quarter / Pre-post / You and Your Medicines pre/post test / NA
1.2 By June 30, 2016, respondents, adults (age 65+), will demonstrate a 5% increase in knowing the importance of protecting medications in their homes, to include proper medication disposal, as measured by the 2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Survey - Point in time conducted each quarter. / 94.2% reporting that it is important to keep your medications out of sight in your home; 58.8% reported using a medication disposal site / Quarterly: Point in time / 2015-16 Medication Misuse Sidewalk Survey / N = 69
Goal 2. Increase coalition functioning
2.1 By June 30, 2016 Coalition members will report a 5% increase in their assessment of the coalition's ability to impact older adults in the community as compared to 2014/2015 using the 2015-16 Coalition Instrument - Retro-post / No data collected this quarter / Retrospective-post / 2015-16 Coalition Instrument - Retro-post / NA