Members Present:G. Casillas-Tortorelli, A. Cawelti, M. Corral, C. Dorrance,C. Guerrero,
P. Houdeshell, C. Mainzer, F. Martin, J. McArthur, P. Mendez, J. Merrill, S. Ordonez,M. Pinto-Casillas, J. Redding, M. Sanchez, C. Tafoya
Non-voting Present:M. Dean, E. Endrijonas, G. Lewis-Hudleston
Members Absent:B. Hough, G. Lopez, C. Morla, M. Parker
Proxy:Marlene Dean for Maria Parker
Guests:Andres Orozco
Jenny Redding called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
Adoption of the Agenda
Agenda adopted as presented
Approval of the Minutes
Jenny and Erika pointed out during discussion that courses that have not yet completed SLO review but have everything else in place can be on the agenda. LOT will become the approving body for SLOs. The source of authority for LOT to take on this curricular role was questioned.
Career & Technical Education
FT R152 – Fire Prevention Technology - There were no First Reading changes.
FT R153 –Fundamentals of Personal Fire Safety and Emergency Action – There were no First Reading changes.
FT R154 – Fire Behavior and Principles of Combustion – First Reading changes had been made.
FT R155 – Fire Protection Equipment and Systems – There were no First Reading changes.
Liberal Studies
SPAN R104 – Intermediate Spanish 2 – First Reading changes had been made.
ANAT R101 – General Human Anatomy – First Reading changes had been made.
PHSO R100 – Human Physiology – First Reading changes had been made.
PHSO R100L – Human Physiology Lab –First Reading changes had been made.
Student Services
Second Reading Approval
ANAT R101, FT R152, FT R153, FT R154, FT R155, PHSO R100, PHSO R100L, SPAN R104
Career & Technical Education
Andres Orozco presented the TV courses. There was a question as to whether the course title duplicates existing THA courses.
TV R108A –Acting for TV and Film I –Cover Sheet changes: Check SLO appendix. Course Outline changes: II.B.2. - Correct to range of hours (80-90). II.I. Check Student Option only, not all three boxes.
TV R108B –Acting for TV and Film II –Cover Sheet changes: Check SLO appendix. Course Outline changes: II.B.2. – Correct to range of hours (80-90). II.I. Check Student Option only, not all three boxes. VII.A. Committee questioned the textbook title and if this is the most recent edition available. If it is the most recent, add the statement – This is the most recent edition available.
Liberal Studies
COMM R105 – Oral Interpretation of Literature –Course Outline changes: II.B.2. Change to range of hours (48-54).
Note: All SPCH classes being changed to COMM, which will require non-substantial change notification to state chancellor’s office. Jenny to prepare documents noting change for SPCH R100 to COMM R100.
Student Services
First Reading Approval
COMM R105, TV R108A, TV R108B
Distance Learning Approval
Prerequisite Approval
ANAT R101, PHSO R100, PHSO R100L, TV R108B
Note: UCLA course listed for ANAT R101 may need to be revised.
Consent Items
The ART course was presented by Gwen.
ART R198C - Portfolio/Gallery Presentation – Course Outline changes: II.C. Prerequisite – ART R106A. Prerequisite changes: 1. ……and knowledge from ArtART R106A
Shannon reported:
- ASSIST embarking on a project to modernize ASSIST’s software technology and updating the application to better meet current and anticipated future needs. Calling it ASSIST: The Next Generation.
- CSU GE-Breadth and IGETC submissions begin on December 1st and are due by Friday, December 11th. This process happens only once per year.
- CSU looking for CCC faculty who want to learn more about the GE course review and approval. Contact Ken O’Donnell and he’ll put you to work.
- CSU considering adding CLEP to the IB and AP tests they accept and apply toward GE requirements.
- LDTP is being “re-envisioned” due to budget constraints. Goal is to preserve the curriculum and articulation work already completed. The LDTP Statewide course patterns will be maintained. LDTP submissions have been suspended except Accounting and Economics which will be accepted through Dec. 11th for the last time. The use of LDTP as a guaranteed admission pathway has been suspended indefinitely though individual CSU campuses remain free to use completion of LDTP patterns as the basis for transfer admission guarantees.
- C-ID: Supranumber, faculty-driven system to assign that number to significant transfer courses. Each C-ID number identifies a lower-division, transferable course commonly articulated between CCC’s and public universities (as well as many independent institutions). C-ID descriptors are being written intersegmentally, with CSU, UC, CCC, and independent college faculty working together. LDTP course descriptors are being used in the C-ID project, so it has strong support from the CSU. The challenge is to get the UC to accept it as well. This project has strong support from the state Academic Senate (CCC’s).
- Southern California Intersegmental Articulation Council (SCIAC) Region 6 meeting was held on Oct. 30th at National University in Camarillo. National University reported enrollment increase of 5% this year and the University of La Verne was up 10%. CSUN reported they will not be accepting applications for Fall 2009 after November 30th as they have already reached their application targets. Santa Barbara City College reported that they had a very positive accreditation visit with no recommendations in Standard II at all. They will be moving to CurricUNET soon. University of California, Santa Barbara reported that students would now have to complete their 60 transferable units and all requirements in spring prior to fall transfer and that the minimum GPA for transfers has increased to 3.0 (and 3.3 for engineering). The UC’s are anticipating a 15% increase in tuition for spring and again for fall but that has not yet been voted on by the Board of Regents.
DTRW Report
Jenny was not there. AOs and registrars are still at work on comparable courses list. CB 21 coding webinar will be held Wednesday, November 18. Full prerequisite enforcement will be in place in the fall. Board policy and administrative regulations on guidelines for additional degrees were not completed since last time. DCSL addressed the issue, now under discussion. Question of developing a uniform process for the granting of proficiency awards was discussed. (Further discussion of local awards ensured.) Who would be in charge of such a review, EVPs? Faculty with EVPs tasked to start the discussion. Do proficiency awards need to be approved by the board, per Title 5?
DCSL Report
Discussion ensued regarding the process of dropping students for non-payment.
Curriculum Committee Description from Shared Governance Document
Jenny distributed copies for review. Discussion ensued regarding the question of the proportionality of representation of small departments versus larger departments. Because the Curriculum Committee is a sub-committee of the academic senate, we use the same proportionality for membership as the senate, and any change in this definition of membership would have to come through the senate.
SLOs and the Curriculum Committee
SLO discussions have been drawing out Curriculum Committee discussion and issues with identifying most recent iteration for review. Therefore, SLOs will not come to the committee; they will be handled by LOT. The question was raised again of LOT role in participatory governance, as curriculum is a senate responsibility.
CRM Curriculum
Discussion of concerns raised about whether the CRM program is under threat of cancellation and the ability to achieve SLOs if dining room experience not available to students. Carmen assured that “there is no plan or discussion of getting rid of the CRM program.” She talked about supply budgets and their effect on dining room cutbacks.
Core Courses
Discussion ensued regarding the concern that the campus budget forums, and the summary presented at PBC, did not reflect accurately the intent of the Core Courses document, and that as summarized the actual language of the document could be taken as a much more limited vision of the college’s identified core.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.