Havelock Academy

Broadening Horizons

Behaviour for Learning Policy

2013 - 2014


Havelock Academy aims to provide an emotionally literate and restorative environment in which all learners (students, staff and parents, as well as those friends who form part of the wider community) may thrive. Such a setting will allow all students to develop an awareness of their own moral, personal and spiritual capacities, as well as sensitivity for the values and beliefs of others.

Havelock Academy aims also to promote self discipline and respect, good behaviour and courtesy, courage and leadership. In doing this it will expand students’ self-esteem, self-awareness, responsibility, motivation, empathy, regard for authority and positive relationships.

In promoting relationships, the academy aims further to ensure just and fair treatment for all with due regard for individuality and circumstance, including race, gender, culture, social status and vulnerability. It will intervene as early as possible to protect and enhance the welfare of all community members.

The aim of all staff is to create an environment that is safe and calm, free from disruption, bullying, harassment and violence in order to ensure that every opportunity for learning is provided and taken up.

Darren Wood

Deputy Principal for Pastoral Care

February 2014


To continue to drive up standards of Behaviour for Learning at Havelock to ensure every child fulfils their potential.

The Behaviour for Learning Policy at the Academy is a statement of good practice which allows all students to learn and all teachers to teach. It covers all aspects of the Academy that contribute to a positive learning environment and Academy ethos. All members of the Academy are expected to help maintain an environment conducive to learning of which the fundamental tenets are mutual respect, courtesy, tolerance and restoration.

Effective Behaviour for Learning :-

• To support effective teaching and learning

• To contribute to mutual respect and the building of positive relationships

• To maintain an orderly environment both within the Academy and the community

• To adhere to an agreed set of Behaviour for Learning principles

• To gain the agreement and active support of teachers, support staff and parents

• To promote Student Voice in regard to Behaviour for Learning expectations and Rewards

• To work in partnership with parents to encourage positive behaviour and attitudes

• To reward good behaviour and achievement

• To deal with incidents of poor behaviour with a restorative approach.

Roles and Responsibilities Behaviour and Safety

Role / Summary of responsibilities in relation to Behaviour and Safety Policy
Principal / Strategic overview of all school policies, behaviour management strategies, withdrawals from mainstream lessons to R3, ASE and ASE PLUS, and referrals to the BAC.
Responsible for reintegration meetings following withdrawal from mainstream lessons where appropriate.
Responsible for final decisions on Fixed Term and Permanent Exclusions.
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning/Quality Assurance / Responsible for supporting the DP (Behaviour and Safety) in maintaining a fully consistent approach across all teachers in the application of the behaviour policy.
To support in the effective running of ASE when appropriate.
To act on behalf of the DP (Behaviour and Safety) in his absence.
Deputy Principal (Data and Attainment) / Ensuring access to data in order to track the academic progress of students across the Academy to ensure appropriate pastoral intervention.
To support in the effective running of ASE when appropriate.
To act on behalf of the DP (Behaviour and Safety) in his absence.
Deputy Principal (Behaviour and Standards) / Strategic overview of the Behaviour and Safety Policy to ensure all processes are being followed. Responsibility for reviewing and adapting the behaviour policy when and where necessary.
Operational responsibility for liaising with Heads of House to ensure that the behaviour policy is applied consistently across the Academy.
To ensure Heads of House are liaising effectively with tutors and teachers to maintain consistent application of the behaviour policy.
Strategic overview of students at alternate provision.
Strategic overview of BAC referrals and responsible for attendance at the weekly BAC meeting.
Responsible for final decision on withdrawals from mainstream lessons to R3, ASE, ASE PLUS, and FTE.
Strategic overview of risk assessed and vulnerable students.
Head(s) of Faculty/Subject Leaders / Responsible for ensuring the consistent application of the behaviour policy within their faculties and liaison with the Pastoral team through RAP meetings to ensure effective intervention strategies.
Head(s) of House / Responsible for leading their house team of tutors and monitoring tutors’ role in the consistent application of the behaviour policy and liaison through RAP meetings to ensure effective intervention strategies.
Provide support for tutors in understanding and applying restorative approaches.
Responsible for identifying and acting appropriately on safeguarding concerns and behavioural issues and responsible for attending subsequent external agency meetings.
Responsible for supporting all students and staff members in the consistent application of the behaviour policy.
Responsible for the submission of BAC referrals.
Support in R3 and ASE when appropriate and to liaise closely with Ian Shuttleworth and the LSP, Behaviour and Restorative Justice.
To conduct Restorative Justice meetings and employ restorative approaches where appropriate.
Tutors / Responsible for mentoring and supporting individual students in their tutor group and referring safeguarding concerns and behavioural issues to Head of House or other relevant person.
Responsible for recording all relevant behaviour incidents on SIMS.
Check equipment and uniform on a daily basis and review student’s attitude to learning during tutorial.
Classroom Teachers / Responsible for ensuring the consistent application of the behaviour policy in lessons.
Responsible for recording all relevant behaviour incidents on SIMS and for referring safeguarding concerns and behavioural issues to Head of House or other relevant person.
Plan stimulating and engaging lessons that students will enjoy.
Responsible for planning lessons which provide a variety of learning styles/multiple intelligences to engage and enthuse all students and which are pitched at the appropriate level and differentiated so that all students can access the learning and be challenged.
Learning Support Practitioner, Behaviour and Restorative Justice / Responsible for the management of R3.
Responsible for the investigation of serious complaints from students, staff members, and the public.
As main Police liaison, safeguarding and Child Protection officer, responsible for attending external agency meetings.
Learning Support Aspect Practitioner – ASE Manager / Responsible for the efficient running of ASE.
To support students in ASE withdrawn from mainstream lessons to reflect on and amend their behaviours in order to successfully reintegrate them into mainstream lessons.
Designated Person
(Helen Owen) / Responsible for ensuring child protection issues are dealt with appropriately.
Responsible for ensuring that all IEPs are updated and completed by staff members and that all LSPs consistently apply the Behaviour for Learning policy in lessons.
LSPs and Learning Mentors / Responsible for ensuring the consistent application of the behaviour policy across the Academy.
Responsible for recording all relevant behaviour incidents on SIMS and for referring safeguarding concerns and behavioural issues to Head of House or other relevant person.

Academy Agreed Behaviour for Learning Principles

Our top ten

The ten principles below have been agreed by consultation with all members of the Academy and should be adhered to at all times:-

·  Always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Say please and thank you to people, always try to be kind in the things you say. Ask yourself how a similar situation would make you feel.

·  Always listen when the teacher is talking or when others are making a contribution to learning

When you want to contribute to a discussion in a lesson, put your hand up first.

·  Always allow others to get on with their learning.

Avoid becoming involved in silly behaviour in lessons. Value the learning experience.

·  Always use good manners and treat others with respect.

Smile and be nice to others, hold open a door, say good morning…

·  Always attend the Academy regularly and on time.

Good attendance and punctuality are essential in life. You can only learn when you are present.

·  Always look after and respect the environment.

Always use the litter bins, if you see litter on the floor, pick it up and place it in a bin.

·  Always complete both classwork and homework to the best of your ability.

Take pride in your work, enjoy the feeling of doing something well.

·  Always speak to others in a polite and respectful way.

Talk to people with respect and in a pleasant manner.

·  Always arrive at classes with the correct equipment and in full uniform.

Always bring the correct equipment so you are prepared for the lesson and the time is used well. Don’t waste valuable time during lesson asking to borrow equipment.

·  Always respect other people’s values and strive to maintain positive relationships.

Everyone has a right to an opinion; respect other people’s views and beliefs.

When students behave as they are expected to, they should be:

• Praised specifically for what they have done well.

• Rewarded through a phone call home (please consult with Head of House before contacting home), letters home, post cards of praise, stickers etc.

• Informing the tutor and Head of House and a positive entry on to SIMS.

What happens when things do not go as we expected? We must deal with all issues with consistency.

If a student is not allowing others to get on with their learning, by talking whilst the teacher is talking or when others are contributing to learning, they should be:

•  Given a clear message that they should stop.

•  Given a warning that they will be choosing to move seats if they choose to continue.

•  Moved seat if they continue to disrupt learning.

•  Given a detention if they still continue.

•  Removed from the class either temporarily, outside the room until the teacher has had chance to talk with them, or to the Removal room, if they still continue.

•  Place the incident on to SIMS and copy in the Subject Leader, Head of House and Tutor

•  The classroom teacher should then meet with them to discuss their behaviour, the harm it causes and what needs to happen to put things right using Restorative Justice (RJ) approaches.

If a student disrupts lots of lessons then Subject Teachers, Head of Faculty, Form Tutor, Head of Year and/or their Pastoral Manager should work together with the students and their parents to discuss the behaviour, the harm it is causing and what needs to happen to put things right. The student will be placed on report. This would form R2 level of the Behaviour intervention strategy (see appendix 3)


If there is no improvement then parents might be asked to sign a contract, the student may be referred to the After School Education (ASE) which is R4 level of the Behaviour intervention Strategy. SLT will be involved.

If a student is not treating others as they themselves would like to be treated by making personal and hurtful comments or speaking to others in a disrespectful way, they should be:

• Reminded of the Academy ethos and expectations.

• Given a clear message that they should stop.

• Asked to meet with the person they have made the comments about as well as a member of staff to discuss what was said, the harm caused and what needs to happen to put things right using RJ approaches.

• If they continue they may be removed from normal school lessons in to the removal room or in to R3 (see appendix 3). This will result in Restorative intervention to discuss the behaviour, the harm it is causing and what needs to happen to make things right.

If the behaviour continues, the consequence will be to escalate the consequence to R4.

• Place the incident on to SIMS and copy in the Subject Leader, Head of House and Tutor

If students do not attend the Academy regularly and on time or are late for lessons, they should:

• Be reminded of the Academy ethos and expectations.

• Make up the time they miss at breaktimes, lunchtimes or after school detention.

• Be asked to attend a meeting to discuss their truancy/lateness, the harm it causes and what needs to happen to put things right using RJ approaches.

Please appendix 6 for the Attendance Policy.

If a student is not treating others as they would like to be treated by using threatening behaviour, they should be:

•  Removed from lessons and placed in to R3 initially or R4 if it is not the first incident of this kind or excluded if it is deemed appropriate.

•  Required to have a meeting with a member of staff and their parent to discuss what happened, the harm caused and what needs to happen to put things right using RJ approaches.

•  Place the incident on to SIMS and copy in the Subject Leader, Head of House and Tutor

•  Asked to meet with the person they have used violence against as well as a member of staff to discuss what happened, the harm caused and what needs to happen to make things right using RJ approaches.

If a student does not show respect for other people’s values and does not strive to maintain positive relationships by using abusive language towards members of staff they should be:

•  Removed from lessons with immediate effect to the removal room and placed in to R3 for the following day. They will be required to have a meeting with the member of staff and their parent to discuss what happened, the harm caused and what needs to happen to put things right using RJ approaches.

•  Place the incident on to SIMS and copy in the Subject Leader, Head of House and Tutor

If the student uses abusive language towards members of staff repeatedly they will be placed into R4 and SLT will be involved. The student may be required to have a meeting with the member of staff and their parent to discuss what happened, the harm caused and what needs to happen to put things right using RJ approaches if it is appropriate.

If a student is not using good manners and treating others with respect by not saying good morning or holding doors open, they should: