Sankey Valley St. James Primary School Sport Premium Report 2017 – 2018
For the academic year 2017-2018 the school will receiveapproximately £10,000 income to spend on school PE and Sport. The school has planned to use this funding in a variety of ways to improve and develop teaching and learning of PE across the whole school, as well as encouraging children to lead healthy lifestyles, enjoy PE and sport and experience high quality teaching. We will also develop opportunities for competitive sport. The funding aims have a lasting impact on provision of PE and sport within our school.
Spending and Impact of PE Funding
Focus / Cost / Staff Involved / Proposed ImpactSpecialist PE teacher to lead whole school CPD and undertake paired teaching and observations. / £5180 / PE subject leader,
PE coach
All staff / This will enable whole school PE curriculum to have a more defined structure. High quality PE lessons will be delivered to each class (one lesson per week in KS2 and KS1 and shorter fundamental skills sessions for Foundation stage) and class teachers will be able to observe and work alongside the specialist PE coach.
Cluster PE Competition Provisions (paid to the lead High School) / £500 / PE subject Leader / This is continuing from the previousyears as the children all enjoyed being able to engage in competitive games against other schools.
This year the focus is more on embedding teamwork whilst also putting in to practice the skills being taught and learnt.
Total Gymnastics / £3300 / PE subject Leader
Head Teacher, all staff / This is a new initiative that we are trialling as a school, the company being fronted by Beth Tweddle. The hope is to promote gymnastics throughout the school to both boys and girls and to promote the values that the company stands for, i.e. determination, resilience, creativity, courage, teamwork, respect. The company will run an after school club and also a PE session in school time that the teachers can observe and learn from.
PE website subscription / £195 / PE subject leader, all staff. / This will help with staff confidence and assist in planning quality, progressive lessons.
Training of PE subject leader and other staff in school. (Cover for supply to attend training and cost of courses) / £200 / PE subject leader
All staff / This will improve staff confidence and ability in teaching different aspects and areas of PE. Staff will be able to attend training courses of interest and then feedback to all staff to develop CPD.
PE resources/equipment / £250 / PE subject leader
All staff / We are again allocating some of the funding towards ensuring that resources and equipment is kept up to date and that the curriculum is well resourced.
Transport to PE competitions / £500 / PE subject leader, Head teacher / This will enable a school sports team(s)to attend any bespoke tournaments separate from the cluster PE competition, for example, tag rugby.
Total spent / £10125