MEETING MINUTES – January 28, 2014
PRESENT:Denyse McCord, Ashley Harpool, Paul Evans, Kim Hollar, Paul Dennis, Greg Ward, Michael Hernandez, Jeff Christie
ABSENT: Ashley Dennis, Jennifer Evans,Jennifer Evans,Rickey Jackson, Toby Malone
MINUTES: The minutes for the November’smeeting were look over by everyone. Greg Wardmade a motion to approve. Denyse McCord seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The financial statement was looked over by everyone. Paul Evans made a motion to approve. Ashley Harpoolseconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.
- Baseball –Paul Evans went over the towns we would be playing with. He proposed we sign up for a “rain out” app. Remind 101 is free.
- Secretary - Ashley Harpool resigned from position. She filled out all forms to be taken off of all accounts. After the meeting adjourned the board went into an Executive Session and appointed Tiffany Hague to the position effective immediately.
Softball – Kim Hollar went over dates and locations for registration for spring season. She will attend the commissioners meeting on January 30.
Meeting Location – Yogis Diner will be staying open for dinner so the board needs a new meeting location. Greg Ward will see about using Intermediate and Paul Evans will check on using the show room at Empire.
Daddy Daughter Dance – Mindy Johnson presented a proposal to run the DDD through PPYSA. Denyse is going to get with the accountant for tax purposes. Greg Ward made a motion. Paul Dennis seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Soccer – Michael Hernandez went over the spring league with the board. We will playing with Game Time, Whitesboro and Tioga for an 8 week season.
Golf – Jeff Christie stated that he is raising the price of golf to $125 for 2 months.
Parks and Rec – Paul Dennis stated that they are currently working on a budget for 2014.
Adjourn: Paul Evans made a motion to adjourn. Denyse McCord seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.