Region 4 Education Service Center

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Leadership Network Meeting

April 6, 2017

Announcements/Information/ Celebrations
Welcome and Introductions / Folder:
·  Agenda
·  Notetaking Guide
·  Resources / A special welcome to Mr. Brent Pitt, Director of Students with Sensory Impairments at the Texas Education Agency!
DHH Leadership Network Portal / Link: / Access the handouts provided during today’s meeting at our online DHH Leadership Network Portal.
Steps to access the portal:
1)  Go to URL listed.
2)  Click on Deaf or Hard of Hearing Leadership Network.
3)  Save site to your website favorites for future access.
Inspiring Your Staff / Link:
Why Great Leaders (Like Richard Branson) Inspire Instead of Motivate / Inspiration pulls you towards something that stirs your heart, mind, or spirit. We are inspired by a person, an event, or a circumstance.
~ Marissa Levin, “Why Great Leaders (Like Richard Branson) Inspire Instead of Motivate”
National News
House of Representatives Bill
H.R. 1120: Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act / Link:
115th Congress 1st Session: H.R. 1120 / ·  Introduced on February 16, 2017.
·  Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce
·  To promote and ensure delivery of high quality special education and related services to students with visual disabilities or who are deaf or hard of hearing or deaf-blind through instructional methodologies meeting their unique learning needs; to enhance accountability for the provision of such services, and for other purposes.
·  Finding #5 on p. 7 … It has been the U.S. Department of Education’s position since 1992 that “[a]ny educational setting that does not meet the communication and related needs of a child who is deaf does not allow for the provision of [a Free Appropriate Public Education] and cannot be considered the [Least Restrictive Environment] for that child.”
Title I – Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
·  General Provisions
·  Early Intervention
·  National Activities
Title II – Students With Visual Disabilities
·  General Provisions
·  Anne Sullivan Macy Center on Visual Disability and Educational Excellence
Title III – Children and Youth Who are Deaf-Blind
·  General Provisions
·  Early Intervention
·  National Activities
Deaf Mascot / Link: / ·  Portland, Maine
·  Portland High School Bulldogs state basketball champions
·  Kamron King a.k.a. “Kam the Ham”
Texas Talk
Senate Bill 1997: Services for Individuals who are DeafBlind / Links:
S.B. No. 1997 / ·  Introduced on March 10, 2017.
·  This bill relates to the establishment of a pilot program for professional support service providers services for persons who are deaf-blind.
·  It would revise Chapter 81 of the Texas Human Resources Code.
·  A support service provider would provide visual and environmental information, sighted guide services, and communication accessibility in person’s preferred language and communication mode.
·  A support service provider would not provide personal care, run errands alone for, or make decisions, for a person who is deaf-blind, teach or instruct a person who is deaf-blind, or interpret for a person who is deaf-blind in formal settings, such as medical, legal, or business appointments.
·  The pilot would be located in two counties in TX where a significant deaf-blind population resides.
House Bill 3209: Memorandum of Understanding for RDSPDs / Link:
H.B. No. 3209 / ·  Introduced on March 7, 2017.
·  This bill relates to the development of a memorandum of understanding between the Texas Education Agency and Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf regarding performance evaluation requirements for accountability purposes.
·  It would revise Chapter 30 of the Texas Education Code.
·  The MOU would establish the method for developing and reevaluating a set of indicators of the quality of learning at RDSPDs.
·  The MOU would establish the process for TEA to conduct and report on an annual evaluation of program performance on the indicators.
·  The MOU would establish the requirements for an RDSPD to publish, discuss, and disseminate an annual report describing the educational performance of the RDSPD.
·  The MOU would establish the process for TEA to conduct monitoring reviews.
·  The MOU would establish the type of information an RDSPD shall be required to provide through PEIMS.
Senate Bill 354: Language Acquisition for Children with Hearing Loss / Link: / ·  Updates and potential impact provided by Mr. Brent Pitt.
State Plan for Children who are DeafBlind / ·  Stakeholders meeting was held March 29, 2017 at TSBVI. Participants from the Houston area included Marina McCormick, Elaine Robertson, and Dr. Ginger Gates.
For more information, contact Brent Pitt at or 512.463.9414
STEM Camp 2017 / Handouts:
Texas School for the Deaf STEM Camp flyer
TSD Summer STEM Camp-Frequently Asked Questions
Link: / ·  This camp for deaf and hard of hearing 9th – 12th grade students focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
·  Dates: Sunday, June 18 – Friday, June 23, 2017
·  Students must submit applications and certain requirements
·  Cost: $100 fee that covers activities, meals and housing
For more information, contact Michelle Halvorsen at
Region 13 ESC DHH Video Library / Link: / Region 13 ESC has uploaded several informational videos on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing webpage. They are free to access and include the following titles:
·  Top 10 Tips for Teachers of Students with Hearing Loss
·  Interpreting and Co-Teaching for Students Who are D/HH
·  First Experience Teaching a Student with Hearing Loss
·  Setting the Student Up for Success
·  Supporting the Staff
·  Ideal Inclusion Settings
·  Benefits and Challenges
·  What We Can Do
·  Impact of Hearing Loss on Speech and Language
·  Amplification
·  Understanding Hearing and Hearing Loss
·  Can You Hear Me?
·  Hearing Loss on Intake Referral Form 2
·  Air Conduction vs. Bone Conduction
For more information, contact Elaine Young at or 512.919.5170
Texas Hands and Voices / Handouts:
P.A.U.S.E Retreat DFW
P.A.U.S.E. Retreat El Paso
Link: / Kellie Berger, Executive Director
Sofia Meza, Parent Guide
For more information, contact Kellie Berger at or Sofia Meza at
Regional Resources
Stakeholder Updates / Stakeholders Groups and Organizations
Early Childhood Intervention Agencies
Melinda Webb School & The Center for Hearing and Speech
2017-2018 DHH Events / Open Enrollments & Collaborations: the following events are open for anyone to attend
·  Science Strategies for Elementary Teachers of the Deaf
·  IFSP Outcomes and Language Development for Children Birth to Three
·  In-class Support Strategies for Teachers of the Deaf
·  Music Interpreting
·  New RDSPD Administrators Webinar Series
·  Spotlight on Technology: What’s New for Students with Hearing Loss
·  Itinerant Services for Students who are DHH
·  ECI Collaboration: Agencies & Schools
·  SEE Skillshop
·  Deaf Education Teacher Collaboration
·  Educational Audiologist Collaboration
Leadership Network & Professional Learning Communities: the following events are open to invited individuals only
·  DHH Leadership Network Meetings
·  DHH Itinerant Teacher PLC
·  DHH Administrator PLC
Community Partnerships
·  DHH Student Fair
UbiDuo 2 / Link: / ·  Technology that allows deaf and hard of hearing individuals to communicate face-to-face with others in real time.
·  Allows communication to be direct and confidential.
·  Device options include wired or wireless. Wireless does not depend on a WiFi connection.
·  Device starts up in under 3 seconds for fast access.
·  Possible use for students: office visits to nurse or principal, conferences with teachers, providing input during an IEP meeting, etc.
·  Possible use for staff: conferences with school personnel, parent teacher conferences, etc.
Hot Topics
Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities Updates / Handouts:
·  Dear Colleague Letter regarding LRE for Preschoolers with Disabilities / Vision and Hearing Screening must be a part of the evaluation. School nurses are encouraged by the TDHS to screen all children younger than 4 years of age who can reliably respond to the screening tests. The availability of these tests cannot delay the timelines for the evaluation.
Region 4 will host a professional development on April 20 to discuss smooth transitions between ECI and LEAs.
New federal regulations do not require the reporting of significant disproportionality in placement of 3-5 year olds. Stay tuned for how this may change PBMAS Indicator #5.
There is a new Dear Colleague Letter regarding LRE for preschoolers with disabilities. This letter updates the February 29, 2012 letter. The language has changed from a “strong preference for educating students with disabilities in regular classes with appropriate aids and supports” to “should have access to inclusive high-quality early childhood programs.” Additionally the letter addresses services to students who are currently participating in regular classroom programs. The placement team must consider any potential harmful effect on the child and on the quality of services before removing the child from the regular program.
For more information, contact Sonja Hollan at or 713.744.6340
For Your Information
2017 Spring STAAR Administration / Handout:
To the Administrator Addressed Letter from Commissioner Morath / After listening to district feedback regarding state assessment procedures, Commissioner Mike Morath has issued some changes to be implemented during the spring administration.
Support for Students with Disabilities / Region 4 ESC would like to support the districts and charters by providing a promo code for Special Education staff to attend General Education trainings at Region 4.
General Education departments do not have the advantage of grant funds to help underwrite the cost of their offerings. Therefore, their fees are often higher than the traditional $35/day of Special Education trainings. The promo code will bring the fee for the General Education training down to $35/day.
We feel that it is important to ensure that our Special Education staff have mastery of the instructional content in order to support the progress of students with disabilities, including access to the general curriculum.
Promo code = SPEDAGC2017
Please share with us the positive impact for students with disabilities as a result of the vouchers and promo-codes. Email Dr. Ginger Gates at
For more information, contact Dr. Ginger Gates at or 713.744.6586
Open Forum
Professional Development Opportunities
Visual Phonics: See the Sound / Acquire a basic understanding of how the visual phonics system of sound-gesture-symbol relations is used with students with auditory discrimination as well as reading and writing skills challenges. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.
Session ID: 1294949
Dates: June 27-28, 2017
Time: 8:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Fee: $70
For more information, contact Marina McCormick, , 713.744.6329
Region 4 Summer Conferences / Handout: SPED Summer Conference Flyer
Link: / Special Education Sponsored
·  Signing Exact English (SEE) Skillshop
·  Region 4 Autism Symposium
·  Summer Evaluation Institute 2017
·  Access to General Curriculum (AGC) Institute
·  Texas Assistive Technology Network Statewide Conference
·  Preschool Summer Institute: Early Childhood Special Education
·  Texas Behavior Support State Conference
·  Summer Institute: Section 504/ADA
General Education Sponsored
·  Region 4 Social Studies Conference
·  STEAM Institute
·  Region 4 ESC Annual Reading and Writing Conference
Region 4 ESC Customized Services / ·  professional development sessions
·  technical assistance
For more information, contact the SPED Department 713.740.6386

For an electronic version of this note-taking guide and handouts, visit the DHH Leadership Network Portal at: Page 11 of 11