PROJECT NAME:Date: / Author:
Campus: / Building/System:
Levels (Rooms)/Topic:
This form will be completed by the Project Manager and sent to the Projects Administrator or PMO.
This form is part of the Project Procedures:
Other College:
No funds can be committed to a project until this form has been completed in full, authorised and registered on ICIS. This form is to be used where costs cannot be submitted within current budgets and must be referred to the Project Review Board. /
Approval of the PID This document requires the following approvals. Signed approval forms are kept in project files. Financial approvals on page 2.
Position / Name / Signature / Date of IssueProject Mgr
Building/Campus Mgr
Project Director
Faculty Link Manager
Senior Supplier
Director of Support Services Division
Import from Project Brief and expand/update if necessary. Please include details of:
Project Definition
Key deliverables
Please include details of:
Proposal of roles and responsibilities, e.g. Project Manager, Director, User Coordinator
Outline of proposed development plan
Justification for project
a) Describe the benefits envisaged upon successful completion of the project.
b) Does the project lead to a financial return or cost saving measurable in quantifiable gains?
c) For building projects, please outline how environmental efficiency is being sought.
Assessment of Benefit
d) Brief summary of the current problem (or opportunity) which this particular project will address and how?
e) Who will benefit from this project?
f) What will be considered a successful outcome? (e.g. faster processes, cost savings, reduction in errors).
g) What measure will be used to assess outcomes (e.g. KPI’s such as costs, lead times, survey scores)
h) Does any current/retrospective information exist to enable a ‘before and after’ evaluation (e.g. Kips/ Metrics/ Survey Results etc) (Yes/No)? Please elaborate.
i) Are there any dependencies outside this project that will affect a successful outcome? (e.g. other related projects, successful achievement of other benefits, operational changes)
Management of benefits realisation
j) Who will be responsible for managing the benefits realisation phase of the project? What time period is needed before benefits are completely realised (e.g. financial return/cost saving achieved)?
Proposed budget for project /recurrent costs
[Describe how budget has been estimated. Also indicate contingency and recurrent costs which arise as a result of the project being completed. For a new building, these would be running costs; for a new IT system, they may relate to license / upgrade costs or the need for additional support staff.]
Option analysis
[Describe options and costings assessed during the process of selecting a recommendation].
Risks and Uncertainties
Imperial College - Commercial in Confidence
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PIDlet with business case.DOC Insert Project Name Date:
1. Financial Programme: The financial start date will usually be well in advance of the construction start date as consultancy fees are often incurred from inception. /Financial Start Date: / Financial End Date: /
2. Project Cost / Cost (including VAT) / Source of Quote /
Enabling activities / £ /
Construction / £ /
Fit out and Furnishings / £ /
Design/ Professional Fees / £ /
ICT direct costs / £ /
Other / £ /
Feasibility study (to be subtracted from project cost to reimburse feasibility fund) / £ /
Property Costs Sub-total / £ /
Decanting costs / £ /
Associated Costs Sub-total / £ /
Grand Total* / £ /
3. Source of Funds / Value / Cost Centre /
/ £ /
/ £ /
/ £ /
Total* / £ /
* - Project Cost total and Source of Funds total must be equal. /
4. Confirmation: In signing this form the Project Director confirms that: /
The budget has been developed with appropriate input from the Project Board and Support Service Divisions / q /
All College regulations relating to the Project will be complied with / q /
A Project Brief has been completed and approved / q /
The VAT and other Tax implications of the project have been considered / q /
There is an undertaking to deliver the project in accordance with the agreed budget, programme and scope. / q /
Position / Project Director / Project Manager /
Signature: / …………………………… / …………………………… /
Date: /
5. Approval /
/ Management / Finance /
£0-250k / HoD or Delegate / Faculty/Division Finance Officer /
Name: /
Signature: / ……………………… / ……………………… /
Date: /
6. Project Administration /
Received by Finance:
Name: / Signature: ………………………… / Date: ……………. /
Received by Project Manager(s):
Name: /
Finance code allocated: /
Imperial College – Commercial in Confidence
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