COLLEGE PLANNING CHECKLIST………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 2 – 4
WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A COLLEGE?...... …………………………………………………………………………...... ……... 5
FINAL WHERE TO APPLY LIST…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
COLLEGE ADMISSION INFORMATION – Application Deadlines……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
SENIOR COLLEGE TESTING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
OVERVIEW – PRIVATE SCHOOLS & THEIR APPLICATION PROCESSES (the Common App)………...…………………………………………... 9 – 10
TIPS FOR COLLEGE ESSAY………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 10 – 11
BRAG SHEET QUESTIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ……... 12
SENIOR INFORMATION SHEET/RESUME...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 – 14
TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL COLLEGE ADMISSION INTERVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
STUDENT LIST OF REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS………………………..………………………………………………………………………… 16
College information was collected and simplified by Terri Meineke, Counselor, to assist seniors in planning their post-secondary education. Please feel free to contact Ms. Meineke at 707 967-2740 ext. 2105 should you have any questions regarding any of the contents. ENJOY!
SEPTEMBER____ / Read or listen to the high school daily bulletin for college admissions, SAT/ACT test dates, financial aid, etc.
____ / Either create a new, dedicated e-mail for all of your college and financial aid business, or create folders inside your existing e-mail account to put this information. Your email should NOT be . It should be your .
____ / Keep a folder of all college correspondence with copies of applications, etc. Write down all user names and passwords or keep in phone.
____ / If you have not yet taken (or plan to retake) a college admissions test, take the ACT in September, October or December or the SAT in October, November or December. Most colleges will not accept the SAT or the ACT taken after December 1 or the ACT taken after December 8.
____ / Make sure your parents attend the senior parents’ college night on September 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the school library (Spanish translation is available).
____ / College bound student athletes who plan to participate in college athletics need to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse at You need to send your SAT scores to code 9999.
____ / Sign up for the October 26 ACT by September 27. Online registration is available at
____ / See Ms. Meineke to discuss if you should take the SAT Subject Exams.
____ / Register for the October 5 SAT by September 6. Online registration is available at
____ / Meet with college admissions representatives visiting our school. The calendar of visits is available on our counseling website at
____ / Schedule college campus visits.
____ / If you are having trouble selecting a college, make an appointment with Ms. Meineke.
____ / Register for the November2 SAT by October 3.
____ / If you are applying to a private college, start your application on Make sure you complete the supplemental questions for each school (waive rights to see letters of recommendation).
____ / Don’t forget to release your SAT and/or ACT to the colleges you plan to apply.
____ / See Ms. Meineke if you plan to apply for Early Decision or Early Application.
____ / Start preparing essay notes and an outline now for your college and/or local scholarship application.
____ / Attend Ms. Swan’s and Ms. Meineke’s “Brown Bag Lunches.” These relaxing lunchtime gatherings will help you through each step of the application process.
____ / Start on your local scholarship application. The application is available online at the SHHS website. You should also talk to your parents about writing their essay about you.
____ / For private schools you may need to submit the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE online at Click on students, then college planning, then pay for college, then click on CSSPROFILE.
____ / If you plan to apply for Financial Aid, both you and your parent should apply for your unique FAFSA PIN number, which lets you sign your name online electronically. You can get a FAFSA PIN at
____ / Schedule an individual student/parent conference with Ms. Meineke if necessary.
____ / Applications for all California State University and University of California campuses must be submitted online. The CSU site is The UC site is You can start these applications in October.
____ / Analyze college application instructions to find out what information is required and when it must reach the college. Check your e-mail frequently.
____ / Talk to Ms. Meineke and teachers you are asking for recommendations and give them copies of forms provided by the colleges to which you are applying. If you are applying online with the common application at, make sure you invite the teachers so they get a link to complete your recommendation.
____ / Give Ms. Meineke the Secondary School Report section of your private college application forms and a current resume this month. If you are applying online with the common application at, make sure you invite Ms. Meineke as your counselor so she gets a link to complete your school reports online.
____ / Complete your admission essay/personal statement this month. Talk to your English teacher, Ms. Meineke or Ms. Swan about evaluating it and leave ample time for revision.
____ / Submit the initial Local Scholarship Application to Ms. Meineke by October 18.
____ / Register for the December 7 SAT by November 8.
____ / Submit your online completed CSU application beginning Nov. 1 through Nov. 30. Be sure to print a copy of your completed online application.
____ / Submit online your completed UC applications between November 1 and November 30. Be sure to print a copy of your online application.
____ / Register for the December 14 ACT by November 8.
____ / Investigate all potential sources of financial aid. Write to any private programs you have located to ask for information and application materials or go online to their web site. Use the scholarship information or
____ / Remind teachers that recommendations are due soon. Write thank you notes to your teachers.
____ / Complete your applications for private and out-of-state schools and check the deadlines before Winter break.
____ / Ms. Meineke will have the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms in December. You should, however, apply online at
____ / Your family should be working on the FAFSA for mailing immediately after January 1. Apply for your FAFSA PIN number at so that you can submit the FAFSA online.
____ / Prepare for your high school final exams. Your high school grades are important to colleges considering your application. Many schools ask for mid-year grades.
____ / Watch your e-mail for messages from the schools to which you have applied. Most schools will instruct you as to how to create a web portal for further communication with them.
____ / Submit the FAFSA online as soon as possible after January l. Be sure to print a copy ofyour completedFAFSA for your records.
____ / Have your parents attend the Senior College Financial Aid Night on January 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Vintage Hall Board Room (English) or the SHHS Library (Spanish).
____ / Ask Ms. Meineke to submit mid-year grades if any of the colleges to which you have applied require them.
____ / Respond promptly to all requests from colleges to which you have applied.
____ / Pay close attention to housing information you receive from the colleges you have applied to. Some campuses require you to submit housing applications before you know whether you have been admitted. Read deadline information carefully.
____ / FAFSA deadline is March 2 for Cal Grants.
____ / You should hear from most colleges between March 1 and March 31. Respond quickly to their notices. Check your e-mail frequently.
____ / Continue to investigate all possible sources of financial aid. Submit your Local Scholarship Update information to Ms. Meineke by March 21.
____ / If necessary, sign up for college placement exams in English and mathematics. Registration deadline for the California State University system is early March.
____ / Please let Ms. Meineke know when you have been accepted to a college and/or received financial aid or scholarships
____ / Selective colleges begin announcing their selections this month. Seniors accepted by more than one college must make a choice based on individual needs, interests, and preferences. In that situation, visits this month to college campuses may help you decide which to attend.
____ / If you have been accepted to one or more colleges but have not heard from your 1st choice, contact that college or ask Ms. Meineke for help in getting a decision before any non-refundable deposits are due.
____ / If you have chosen a Community College as your 1st choice, talk to Ms. Meineke about taking their placement tests and registering. Napa College and SRJC admissions counselors will be on campus this month to advise prospective students
____ / If necessary, register for the University of CaliforniaAnalytical Writing Placement Exam. The exam date is May 10.
____ / Take AP exams.
____ / Most colleges require a statement or intent from you (with deposit) by May 1st.
____ / If required, take the UC Analytical Writing Placement Exam on May 10.
____ / As soon as you have decided which college's offer of admission to accept, notify all colleges to which you have been accepted of your decision.
____ / Send acceptance deposit by deadline specified and sign-up for any required summer orientation programs. Check your e-mail frequently.
____ / Finalize your college housing plans and send required deposits.
____ / Senior Academic Awards on May 29 at 6:00 p.m.
____ / Ask Ms. Meineke to send your final transcript to your college.
____ / Make sure you respond for Cal Grants, Pell Grants, and any other financial aid offered to you. Failure to do so will result in the aid offer being withdrawn.
____ / Send thank you notes to the donors of any local scholarships which you received.
What Are You Looking For In A College?
SIZE (Circle the most appropriate phrase):
§ A personal atmosphere is important or relatively unimportant to me.
§ I want my teachers to be easily accessible. Yes or No
§ I do or don’t mind being taught by graduate students.
§ Smaller or larger classes are best.
§ Most students aren’t sure about what they want to study in college. They enter college “undecided” and explore their options during their college years. Does this describe your current state of mind? Yes/Not Sure/No
§ Do you have a career goal in mind? Yes/Not Sure/No
a. Do you want to be close to home or are you unsure?
b. Do you prefer a rural (country), suburban (city outskirts), or urban (city) setting?
COST/FINANCIAL NEED (Circle the statements that best describe your situation):
a. Cost is a major factor in choosing a college.
b. Cost is a minor factor.
c. I will need to investigate financial aid options.
d. Cost is not a significant factor; I may attend the best college for me regardless of cost.
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR (Circle the most appropriate phrase):
§ Study abroad options, independent study, ROTC, varsity, intramural or spectator sports. (Be specific about sport and level.) Would you like the option of joining a fraternity or sorority? Are you looking for theater, art or music involvements?
College Exploration Websites:,,, YouTube, Google Earth
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
REACH: Reaches are those places you dream about attending – and which are usually super-competitive in their admission practices. And your grades/scores may be just below what they typically accept.
MID-RANGE: Core schools (or possibles) are those where you are certainly competitive, but there is a lower chance of admission. Your qualifications may fall squarely in their admission standards, but this school may have a more competitive applicant pool, with many applicants with credentials similar to yours.
SAFETY: Safeties are your “best bets” for admission; those that are most likely to admit you. Again, based solely on your grades and SAT/ACT scores – and the college’s historical admission data – you have an excellent shot at admission.
Community College: Late Spring
CSU (California State University): Application Opens
§ The CSU application is available as of October 1 at
- Application can be submitted between October 1 – November 30
UC (University of California): Application Opens
§ The UC application is available as of October 1 at
- Applications can be submitted between November 1 – November 30
The Common Application:
§ The Common Application is accepted by over 500 mostly private colleges and universities across the country and is available now at
- Application deadlines vary by college AND university
When Registering for SAT & ACT – Use School Code/CEEB Code: 052740
ACT (register at
§ Test Date: October 26, 2013
- Registration Deadline: September 27, 2013
- Late Registration Deadline: October 11, 2013 (Late Fee Required)
§ Test Date: December 14, 2013
- Registration Deadline: November 8, 2013
- Late Registration Deadline: November 22, 2013 (Late Fee Required)
SAT & SAT Subject Tests (register at
§ Test Date: November 2, 2013
- Registration Deadline: October 3, 2013
- Late Registration Deadline: October 18, 2013 (Late Fee Required)