Woonsocket Public Schools

Physical Education Grade 4, Trimester 1, Unit 5

Invasion Games

Number of Instructional Days: 3-4 / 1 Day = 40 Minutes
Content to Be Learned
·  Recognize the rules and procedures of invasion games.
·  Work cooperatively with others.
·  Demonstrate safe practices in game situations.
·  Discuss the use of basic offensive and defensive tactics during invasion and net activities in non-complex settings.
Essential Questions
·  Why is it important to follow the rules and safety procedures during invasion games?
·  Why is teamwork an important part of invasion games when trying to achieve a common goal?
·  Why is sportsmanship important when playing in a competitive setting?
·  How important is the use of offensive and defensive tactics when making decisions during invasion games?
Written Curriculum

Rhode Island Physical Education Standards and Performance Indicators

Standard 1: Students will demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

4-5.S1.5 - apply beginning strategies in various games and sports.

4-5.S1.6 - transfer movement skills between activities at a rudimentary level.

4-5.S1.7 - practice activities to increase skill competence.

Standard 2: Students will apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

4-5.S2.2 - use critical elements of fundamental and specialized movement skills to provide
feedback to self and others (e.g. self/peer assessment of: transfer of weight,
opposition skills, point to target).

4-5.S2.3 - use rudimentary strategies for offensive and defensive concepts (e.g., off ball
movement, recognize passing lanes, scoring strategies, passing ahead).

4-5.S2.4 - transfer movement skills, concepts, and principles between activities at a
rudimentary level.

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

4-5.S5.1 - use self control in game and movement activities.

4-5.S5.2 - follow activity-specific laws, rules, procedures, and etiquette.

4-5.S5.3 - utilize safety principles in activity situations and settings.

4-5.S5.4 - work cooperatively and productively with a partner and/or a group to
accomplish a set goal.

4-5.S5.5 - work independently and on task for developmentally appropriate periods of

4-5.S5.6 - describe and use appropriate ways to peacefully resolve conflicts.

4-5.S5.7 - interact appropriately with peers while participating in group activities.

Clarifying the Standards

Prior Learning

In grade 3, students demonstrated responsibility for their behavior and the outcome of games while working cooperatively with others. Students showed support for each other and recognized the importance of rules and proper etiquette.

Current Learning

In grade 4, students are applying good decision making practices by following rules and safety procedures. They are showing teamwork, sportsmanship, proper etiquette and responsibility when playing games. They also are practicing offensive and defensive strategies during game situations.

Future Learning

In grade 5, students will work on cooperation skills in competitive settings and making positive decisions during invasion games. They will learn offensive and defensive strategies and apply them in game situations.

Resources and Websites

·  Rhode Island Physical Education Framework (RI Department of Education)

·  National Standards & Grade Level-Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education (NASPE)

·  SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators

·  National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

·  Thrive Physical Education - website

·  PE Central - website

·  CATCH Activity Box Grades 3-5 (Flaghouse)

·  Ready-to-Use P.E. Activities Grades 3-4 (Landy, Landy)

Taught Curriculum

Learning Objectives
Students will:
·  Learn proper rules and safety practices.
·  Work cooperatively.
·  Perform good decision making practices during offensive and defensive strategies.
·  Establish positive sportsmanship behavior.
Skills and Concepts
·  Sportsmanship
·  Offensive/defensive strategies
·  Etiquette and responsibility
·  Safety practices during games
·  Teamwork / Activities
·  Warm-ups/stretching
·  Dodging/fleeing skills
·  Sport skill lead-up games
·  Small-sided games
·  Games requiring moving in open spaces

Instructional Strategies


Woonsocket Public Schools


Woonsocket Public Schools



Woonsocket Public Schools

·  Common goal

·  Cooperation

·  Defense

·  Offense

·  Rules

·  Safety

·  Sportsmanship

·  Teamwork


Woonsocket Public Schools

Effective Instructional Strategies
The teacher applies the following appropriate practices:

·  Sets clear goals and objectives for student learning and performance.

·  Forms pairs, groups or teams in ways that preserve every student’s dignity and self-respect.

·  Begins class with a set warm-up including stretching.

·  Plans for skill and concept instruction and provides adequate time to practice, skill development and feedback based on appropriate skill analysis.

·  Organizes their classes to maximize opportunities for all students to learn and be physically active.

·  Uses small-sided games or lead-up games to allow students ample opportunity to participate.

·  Uses a variety of direct and indirect teaching styles to provide for student success.

·  Allows students guided choices such as equipment and rule modification.

·  Emphasizes critical thinking and problem solving tactics and strategies using higher order questions.

·  Shows enthusiasm for an active, healthy lifestyle.

·  Provides feedback on a consistent basis.

·  Includes technology to enhance the lesson’s effectiveness.



·  Effort, participation, cooperation rubric


·  Teacher observation

·  Questions and answers