PhotoShop Project #5 Child IDs

Using Photoshop, create TWO Child Identification Cards. The first card can becarried by parents/guardians and caregivers at all times. The card should contain a high resolution digital color photo, a space for a fingerprint and all of the information needed to be presented to law enforcement to aid in the rapid and safe recovery of a lost or missing child. Follow the guidelines below:

  • For the Child ID set the size width to 3.4 inches by 2.15 inches long. This is the same as a driver license or credit card.
  • For the Refrigerator ID set the size width to 3 inches by 4 inches long.
  • Use colors that make the information easy to read. Follow the sample pictures.
  • Submit only your TWO final ID cards as JPEG images renamed: “ps5FirstName LastName p#_Child-ID” and “ps5 FirstName LastName p#_Fridge-ID” ( with your name and period number).

You can bring in your pictures on a thumb drive or your phone or get your pictures from Google images or any website. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new document. Give it the dimensions according to the purpose you want it to serve. I intend to have these printed, so I want my resolution to be at 300 pixels/inch and the color mode to be RGB.

  1. Give it a transparent background because we are going to create a custom background color.
  2. You are now set to pull in your image/s. Go to File > Place… and browse to the photo you want to place into the ID. Photoshop will place it in the center of the document and give you a frame around it. Now this is where you get creative. Feel free to move, rotate and resize the photo just placed.
  3. You can add some layer styles to give the illusion as if the image is really lying on the background. Double click the photo layer. Add a drop shadow and a stroke. Refer to the images below for the settings. You can of course play around with these and use different values.

  1. To duplicate the layer styles you can hold the Alt key and then click and drag on the “fx” icon and then drop it onto the new layer to copy the layer styles.
  1. The most important part of the ID is the text information. The key is to make an effect that looks like a text box that is filled, bordered, semi-transparent etc.You will have to create an object shape (box) and place it just behind (under) the text box.Linking the two allows you to move them around easily (Shift-click each layer in the layers pallet to select both and choose the link button at the bottom of the window for layers). Follow the sample below and the hair and eye color codes on the last page:

  1. Now make a “Refrigerator ID” for grandparents and/or relatives. This I.D. should contain a high resolution digital color photo & vital information to be used in case the child is lost, in an accident or other medical emergency when with a relative or friend. Follow the sample below: