Quran Reading Assessment Grid
Age-related expectations / End of YR / End of Y1 / End of Y2 / End of Y2 / End of Y3 / End of Y3 / End of Y4 / End of Y5 / End of Y5 / End of Y6Level / Rc / Rb / Ra / 1c / 1b / 1a / 2c / 2b / 2a / 3c / 3b / 3a / 4c / 4b / 4a / 5
Letter / Recognises half of the Arabic Alphabet in single form / Recognises most of the Arabic Alphabet in single form / Recognises all of the Arabic Alphabet in single form / Recognises half of the Arabic Alphabet in joined form
Understands that single letters are presented in different ways when in initial, medial or end form. / Recognises most of the Arabic Alphabet in joined form / Identify various forms of letters / Recognises letters correctly on sight / Be confident in Identifying all forms of letters / Be confident in Identifying and pronouncing all forms of letters / Be fluent in Identifying and pronouncing all forms of letters / Begin to recognise when the round Taa becomes a Haa / More confident in identifying when the round Taa becomes a Haa / Confident and fluent in reciting the round Taa correctly / Be fluent in Identifying and pronouncing all forms of letters in sentences / Begins to identify
More confidently
Harakah / N/A / N/A / N/A / Begins to identify the names of the single, double & elongated Harakah / More confidently identifies the name of the single, double & elongated Harakah
Begins to identify the Sukoon / Identifies the symbol for Madd by name, understanding it as an elongation / More confidently identifies the name of the single, double & elongated Harakah / Identifies the symbol for Madd by name, understanding it as an elongation. / Begins to identify Waqf / More confidently implements waqf / Identifies waqf and implements it confidently / Can explain the concept of Qalqalah / Attempts to apply Qalqalah / Applies Qalqalah appropriately
Ghunnah/Ikhfaa / N/A /
/ N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Can explain the concept of Ghunnah and its Makhraj / Applies Noon & Meem Mushaddad Ghunnah / Attempts to recite Ikhfaa using colour coded text. / Applies Ikhfaa using the colour coded textRecitation / Attempts to pronounce the letters correctly / Begins to identify the differences in the pronunciation of certain letters / Identifies the differences in the pronunciation of all the letters / Pronounces the all the letters confidently and correctly / Differentiates between single, double & elongated Harakah in recitation / Joins letters on Sukoon and Shaddah / Distinguishes between Sukoon and Shaddah / Begins to identify Madd and pronounces with elongation. / Applies all the Madds appropriately /
Recites several words in one breath
/ Frequently recites from stop to stop / When stopping in between points of Waqf, recites from an earlier point. / Attempts to read with tune and melody. / Recites with fluency and confidence.Recites with tune and melody.
Attitude / Sustains independent reading. of the letters / Begins to read the letters aloud confidently to an audience. / Reads aloud the letters confidently to an audience. / Sustains independent reading. of the words / Begins to read the words aloud confidently to an audience. / Reads aloud the words confidently to an audience. / Sustains independent reading. of two word sentences / Begins to read two word sentences aloud confidently to an audience. / Reads aloud two words confidently to an audience. / Sustains independent reading of sentences / Begins to read sentences aloud confidently to an audience. / Read sentences aloud confidently to an audience. / Recite fluently and confidently full sentences independently / Recite fluently and confidently full sentences aloud
Rules / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Begins to identify Alif Madd, Yaa Madd and Waaw Madd / Attempt to implement Long and Short Madd / Attempt to apply Madd correctly when followed by a shaddah / Understand and apply the rule of sukoon followed by shaddah / Understand and apply coherently the rule when there’s tanween followed by a shaddah / Recognise and apply Qalb confidently / Recite the Noon Wiqayah confidently and correctly
A Reading Assessment Grid to Inform Target Setting
W / 1C / 1B / 1A / 2C / 2B / 2A / 3C / 3BOverview
/ Recognises one or more words or letters. / Recognises a few familiar words in simple texts. / Reads a range of familiar words. / Reads simple texts with meaning. / Reads most of a simple unfamiliar text independently. / Reads a simple unfamiliar text almost accurately and with pace. / Reads simple unfamiliar texts accurately. / Reads a small range of texts (both fiction and non-fiction). / Reads a range of texts from several genres.Word recognition and phonic knowledge
/ Begins to associate sounds with patterns in rhymes, with syllables and with words, signs, symbols and letters. / Begins to read on sight, words for YR from appendix list 1 in NLS Framework and other familiar and important words.Identifies initial sounds.
Begins to blend phonemes and use phonic knowledge. / Reads on sight, several words for YR from appendix list 1 in NLS Framework and other familiar and important words.
Identifies final and some medial sounds.
Blends phonemes to read most CVC words.
Uses phonic knowledge to attempt unknown words. / Reads on sight, some words from appendix list 1 in NLS Framework and other familiar and important words.
Consistently blends phonemes to read CVC words.
Uses phonic knowledge to attempt unknown words. / Reads on sight, most words from appendix list 1 in NLS Framework and other familiar and important words.
Consistently blends phonemes to read words containing consonant clusters in initial and final positions.
Blends phonemes to read words containing long vowel phonemes. / Reads on sight, words from appendix list 1 in NLS Framework and other familiar and important words.
Competently and confidently blends phonemes to read words containing consonant clusters in initial and final positions.
Competently and confidently blends phonemes to read words containing long vowel phonemes. / Competently and confidently reads on sight, high frequency words from appendix list 1 in the NLS Framework and other important and familiar words.
Recognises the full range of trigraphs and vowel digraphs e.g light, leaf.
Identifies syllables in order to read polysyllabic words.
Recognises common prefixes and suffixes and regular verb endings to construct the meaning of words in contexts. / Begins to recognise a wider range of prefixes and suffixes to construct the meaning of words in context.
Shows awareness of the function of apostrophes for omission and pronounces contracted forms correctly.
Recognises most words with the full range of consonant digraphs, e.g. kn, wr, ph. / Recognises a wider range of prefixes and suffixes to construct the meaning of words in context.
Recognises the function of apostrophes for omission and pronounces contracted forms correctly.
Reads words with silent letters.
Recognises the full range of consonant digraphs, e.g. kn, wr, ph.
Grammatical awareness
/ Reads simple sentences. / Uses knowledge of simple sentence structures to predict and check reading. / Reads with some awareness of punctuation e.g. full stops. / Uses awareness of the grammar of a sentence to decipher new or unfamiliar words.Reads familiar texts aloud with fluency and expression appropriate to the grammar, e.g. pausing at full stops and raising voice at questions. / As 2C and
Begins to takes account of a range of punctuation when reading e.g. exclamation marks, speech marks. / Reads aloud with intonation and expression, taking account of a range of punctuation, e.g. speech marks, exclamation marks.
Uses awareness of grammar to decipher new or unfamiliar words e.g. to predict from text, read on, leave a gap and re-read. / As 2A and
uses a range of strategies to read accurately including awareness of grammar and punctuation. / Confidently uses a range of strategies to read accurately. Reads aloud with intonation and expression taking account of a wide range of punctuation e.g. commas.
Maintains understanding when reading pronouns. Reads dialogue appropriately.
Use of context
/ Understands what they have read in a simple text. / Expects written text to make sense.Uses the meaning of simple stories to support predictions. / Uses context cues successfully when reading simple texts. / Uses an understanding of incidents, characters and settings to make predictions.
Uses awareness of dialogue to read with expression.
Uses an understanding of the structure of recounts, reports and instructions to make predictions. / Begins to read ahead to establish meaning.
Begins to make predictions using experience of reading books written by the same author or based on similar themes.
Begins to use an understanding of the content of non-fiction to make predictions. / Reads ahead to establish meaning.
Makes predictions using experience of reading books written by the same author or based on similar themes.
Uses an understanding of non-fiction to make predictions. / As 2A and
begins to be aware that language is used to create effects e.g. adjectives and adverbs for description and used to create detailed mental images. / Knows that language is used to create effects.
Knowing how texts work
/ Knows that words, signs, symbols and pictures carry meaning and that in English, print is read from left to right and from top to bottom. / Begins to understand and use correctly, terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning etc.Begins to track text in correct order.
Begins to make 1-1 correspondence between written and spoken words. / Identifies the patterns and structures of rhyme and patterned text when retelling and reciting.
Understands and uses correctly, terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning etc.
Tracks text in correct order most of the time.
Makes 1-1 correspondence between written and spoken words. / As 1B and secure in understanding and using correctly, terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning etc.
Secure in tracking text in correct order.
Secure in making 1-1 correspondence between written and spoken words. / Understands the difference between fiction and non-fiction books. Make predictions about their content.
Recognises ways to create emphasis in text.
Understands how simple charts and diagrams add information. / As 2C and
comments on features such as plot, setting, characters and how information is presented in non-fiction texts. / Makes comparisons between books, noting similarities and differences e.g. layout, theme, characters, settings.
Understands how to use alphabetically ordered texts to retrieve information.
Gains an overall impression of a text by making predictions about content/subject by skim reading. / Begins to understand the differences between prose and playscripts.
Begins to understand features of page layout in non-fiction texts e.g. titles, subheadings, labels, diagrams and charts.
Begins to understand how to use indexes to locate specific information. / Develops an understanding of the differences between prose and playscripts.
Develops an understanding of features of page layout in non-fiction texts e.g. titles, subheadings, labels, diagrams and charts. Develops an understanding of how to use indexes to locate specific information.
Comprehension, Interpretation and Response
/ Enjoys books and handles them carefully. / Expresses an opinion on what has been read.Recounts the main points in correct sequence. / Expresses an opinion about stories, poems and non-fiction books.
Locates and reads significant parts of the text identifying main points in correct sequence.
Understands the structure of a simple story and uses when re-enacting and retelling. / As 1B and comments on events in fiction and non-fiction. /
Literary Texts
Identifies, discusses and can recount the main events or key points in a text identifying the major points and key themes.Relates story settings and incidents to own experience.
Compares stories, identifying common themes, characters, structures and contributes to discussions.
Non-Fiction Texts
Locates specific information in the text to find answers to simple questions. / As 2C and comments on how characters relate to one another and comments on features such as plot, setting and how information is presented in non-fiction texts. /Literary Texts
Refers to text to explain meaning.Makes simple inferences about thoughts, feelings and reasons for actions.
Identifies key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories.
Begins to understand the effects of different words and phrases e.g. to create, humour, images, atmosphere.
Generates questions before reading.
Non-fiction Texts
Begins to understand how non-fiction texts work. Begins to evaluate the usefulness of the information in a particular text for answering questions. /Literary Texts
Begins to explore underlying themes and makes references to text to support ideas. Has some awareness of the different voices in stories.Begins to discuss the actions of the main characters and justifies views using evidence from the text.
Non-Fiction Texts
Begins to identify the main points and summarise. Begins to use notes to summarise the main points from a passage or text.Begins to evaluate the usefulness of information. /
Literary Texts
Explores underlying themes and ideas making clear reference to text. When reading aloud shows awareness and understanding of the different voices in stories.Discusses the actions of the main characters and justifies views using evidence from the text.
Identifies the main points and summarises. Uses notes to summarise the main points from a passage or text. Evaluates the usefulness of information.Attitude
/ States a like/dislike ofpictures or story. / Returns to favourite books, songs, rhymes to be re-read and enjoyed. / As 1B and begins to express preferences. / Sustains independent reading to complete texts at appropriate level.
Makes choices from a selection of texts and begins to justify preferences. / As 2C and justifies preferences. / Makes choices about which texts to read based on prior reading experience and bibliographic knowledge.
Responds to text discussing preferences with reference to favourite characters and books with similar themes. / Begins to sustain silent reading to include longer, more complex texts. Begins to draw on knowledge of authors and types of books they write to inform choices.
Begins to read aloud confidently to an audience. / Sustains silent reading to include longer, more complex texts.
Draws on knowledge of authors and types of books they write to inform choices.
Reads aloud confidently to an audience.