Packer Hockey Agenda-November 2, 2017
7:00pm SSP High
●Call to Order at 6:43pm
●Approval of Minutes
●President Greeting
President Shawn Gallahue thanked former President Kevin Gellerman for his service and for helping with the transition to new officers. Gallahue explained that the transition will be working on updating a master email list and filling empty board positions.
President: Shawn Gallahue
Vice President: Open
Treasure: Jason Luhrs
Secretary: Open
●Treasure Report
○Jason will have a complete report at next meeting. He is transitioning into the position.
○Booster fee is $250.00 and Jason will be collecting fees after the teams are made
○Equipment will come from Moensie but Jason will also help collect money from equipment that has been ordered.
●VFW Fundraiser-November 11 (12:00-4:00pm)
○Meat Raffle: sign-up ready
○Tacos: sign-up ready and each grade level of boys has a shift to work-please see the sign-up form
○Raffle-decided to put a raffle for WILD tickets (Luhrs) and ______
●Committee Assignments
○Website/DIBS: Michael Stanfeski
○Chuck-a-Puck: Patty Roloff
○Parent Hospitality Room: Lisa Forebrook and Kim Kluender
○Team Meals: Captain Parents (Gellerman, Rohrer, Toensing, Brandecker)
●Coach Macho’s Update
○Apparel: Coach wants the boys wearing matching clothes in the rink.
○Focus on healthy snacks: almonds, chocolate milk and information from Nick Stalock
○Missing Jerseys; maroon #10 and maroon #11. If people used for senior pictures or other reasons please talk with Macho. He wants the jerseys returned as soon as possible.
○Team Meals/Bonding: Coach would like to have meals for boys after home games on Saturdays. Team bonding events and participating in youth games.
○Looking forward to the New Ulm tournament. More information to come.
●Team Pictures
○Team Pictures/Individual Pictures for Lobby: Dan Grevas will be doing the team pictures. Macho will setup the date. Macho wants boys in full uniform for the team picture. Lisa and Jen will work on independent pictures-possible parent taking those pictures is the deadline (Nov. 20) with no exceptions. The numbers will immediately be assigned after tryouts and that info will get to Chad. Winter jacket can be optionally purchased by Advanced Sportswear for $76.00 with details on the jacket. Chandra will help with that purchase. The mandatory outfit will be worn during away games, home games, and team bonding.
●Chuck-a-Puck: The VFW will sponsor it this year. Patty will contact Ira. The sign will need to be changed to take the previous sponsor off. There will be sign-ups for one/two people to sell them each home game.
●Out-of-Town Tournament:
○Booster is paying for meals
○Player Room Assignments due by November 16
○Parent Rooms must be reserved by November 16: be sure to due this right away due to busy hotels with many tournaments happening.
●Corporate Sponsorship Tournament Update: Michelle Lehman is asking for boys’ parents to join the girls’ parents in contributing to asking businesses for sponsorship in the joint fundraiser. Last year 51 businesses donated. We are working together for a 50/50 share. Michelle would like all the parts wrapped-up by November 15th. She sent a master spreadsheet for parents to sign-up.
●Tournament Update from Troy:
○There is a spreadsheet to sign up on
○Michael will put it on DIBS
○94 slots so that’s about 1.5 slots per family
○Duties will be assigned if slots are not full.
●Scrimmage Fest: see notes above
●Next meeting: December 6, 2017 at 7pm at Woog.