Phone: 08259-288643 / Mobile 9449598832
FAX: 08259-288401
CIN No:CIN-U85110KA1970SGC001919
No: EE(MSP)H/M1D / 2015-16/702
Sealed bids in two parts are invited for the supply of 3 Core 50 Sq mm Copper CableforVUGPHfrom regular manufacturers / authorised suppliers of these materials.
1) The Bidder shall have the following Pre-Qualifying Requirements.
a) The bidder should be a regular manufacturer / authorised suppliers of these materialsandhas successfully supplied similar itemsto at least two reputed organisation. The order copies have to be furnished as a proof of experience.
b) The bidder should have a minimum average annual turn over of Rs.10.00 lakhs during any two of the last five consecutive financial years (2010-11 to 2014-15) and shall furnish Annual turnover report duly certified by Chartered Accountant.
c) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 5,000/-( RsFive Thousand only) shall be furnished in the form of DD drawn on Corporation Bank, Hosangadi 576282, Kundapura Tq., Udupi Dist., Karnataka State, in favour Assistant General Manager (Finance), Varahi Hydro Electric Project, KPC Limited,Hosangadi-576282, Kundapura Tq, Udupi Dist., along with the stipulated tender documents in separate cover.Tender document not accompanied with requisite EMD would not be considered.
2)Application for Bid document shall be accompanied by a Crossed Demand draft in favour of Assistant General Manager (Finance), Varahi Hydro Electric Project, KPC Limited, Hosangadi-576282, Kundapura Tq., Udupi Dist., Karnataka State, payable at Corporation Bank, Hosangadi-576282, Kundapura Tq., Udupi Dist., Karnataka State, for Rs.106/- (cost of tender Document of Rs.100-00 + 5.5% VAT i.e. 106-00), if required by post / courier Rs.100/- extra, shall be paid as postal charges and KPCL is not responsible for any postal / courier delay.
3)The bids shall be submitted in two separate covers sealed and duly Superscribed as Part - Ishall consist of "Pre-qualification and Technical bid " along with DD towards EMD and Part-II shall consist of "Price Bid". Tender notification number and date shall be indicated along with the due date for opening on the cover.
4) Those bidders whose contract have been terminated / foreclosed by KPCL or whose performance has not been satisfactory while executing the contract of KPCL within the last 10 years are not eligible to participate in the bid.
5) Calendar of Events (Tender schedule is):
Date of issue of blanktender documents. / From 22-07-2015 to21-08-2015upto 04.30 p.m.
Last date for receipt of completed Tender documents / 24-08-2015 upto 04.00 p.m.
Date of opening of Part-I (pre-qualification technical bid) / 26-08-2015 @ 04.30 p.m.
Date of opening of Part-II (price bid) / Will be intimated later
6) Validity of offer : The bid shall be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of Part-I
7) After evaluation of technical and pre-qualification bid (Part-I) and “ whose offers meet thepre-qualification requirement of the Tender / Bid in complete Manner ” will be accepted and only such bidder’s price bid (PART-II) will be opened. The date of opening of price bid (PART-II) will be intimated later.
8) Completion period: Three months from the date of Purchase Order.
9) The bid documents are not transferable. Incomplete bids or bids without EMD or Telegraphic / E-mail quotation is not acceptable. Corporation shall not be responsible for delay in receipt or non-receipt of bid documents sent through post / courier.
10) Further information if required can be had from office of the Executive Engineer (Machinery,stores& purchase), Varahi Hydro Electric Project, KPCL, Hosangadi- 576282, Kundapura Tq., Udupi Dist., Karnataka. Phone No. 08259-288643, FAX : 08259-288401, Mobile : 9449598832.
CC : Deputy Commissioner Udupi Dist., / Tender Bulletin Officer,
Udupi Dist. Udupi – 576 101 – for kind information.
: ECES- for kind information.
: SE(E)V – for kind information
: SE(CSD)Bangalore – for kind information and along with soft copy to arrange to
publish the Brief Tender Notification in KPCL Website.
: EE(E)V3 / AGM(F)H– for information.
: Mf / Oc / Docket