New zipLogix™ Member Benefits from DAR
and Changes Announced by dotloop
Effective August 15, 2017
DAR makes its entire real estate forms library available at no charge to all DAR Realtor® members, via either zipLogix™ (the maker of zipForm®) or dotloop.Changes are coming to both delivery vehicles as of August 15, 2017.
New Member Benefit from DAR
The National Association of Realtors® provides zipForm® Plus as a membership benefit free of charge with access to the following tools and features:
- A comprehensive transaction management system, or zipTMS®
- Security for all communications and documentation viazipVault®
Beginning August 15, DAR will provide all Realtor® members with access to additional zipLogix™ benefits:
- zipMobile® web application with TouchSign® provides the capability to easily manage secure document signings and communications from digital devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
- Digital Ink® is a secure digital signature service that integrates with zipForm® Plus.
Your elected representatives at DAR, all of whom are Realtors® like you, made the decision to invest in zipMobile® and Digital Ink® as member benefits for several reasons:
- Cost savings: This option was significantly less expensive than dotloop’s proposal to DAR to offer all menbers its Premium edition.
- zipForm® Plus is the most widely used forms software acrossstates in our region and provides a highly secure communication vehicle for users.
- zipForm® Plus is a free member benefit of the National Association of Realtors, and zipLogix™ is owned by the California Association of Realtors.
- zipForm® Plus provides Realtors® with a comprehensive, secure transaction management system—an increasingly critical benefit as cyber fraud has become one of the biggest threats our members face.
Dotloop Announces Changes
- Dotloop recently announced changes to their forms delivery system (aka, “Freemium” edition) which has been a free service.
- Effective August 15, those who have been using dotloop’s Freemium edition will be limited to 10 “loops” per user, per lifetime, with support available only online and via email.
- As of August 15,dotloop’s Premium edition will cost individual users $29 per user per month or $299 per year. The cost to DAR to offer dotloop Premium to all DAR members as a member benefit was evaluated by the DAR Forms Committee and Board of Directors, and was ultimately determined to be cost-prohibitive.
- Dotloop is offering a 50% discount to DAR members who subscribe to the dotloop-Premium service through the end of this year. Promotional codes for that discount are 50%MONTHLY for monthly subscribers, and 50%ANNUAL for yearly subscribers. Beginning January 1, 2018, dotloop will offer a 20% discount to members who subscribe to the Premium service, and 15% to brokerages subscribing to the dotloop-BUSINESS platform (excluding KW, due to their unique national arrangement and payment systems).
- DAR has made no changes to its agreement with dotloop. DAR members and subscribers will continue to have access to the DAR forms library via both dotloop and zipLogix™.
- Agents whose brokerages have paid for a dotloop Broker Dashboard account are not expected to experience any change in service from dotloop as a result of their recent announcement.
Key Facts
- DAR members may choose to use either zipLogix™ or dotloop to access the DAR forms library. DAR has made no changes to our agreement with dotloop.
- Information and FAQs will be provided on the DAR website and e-newsletter as needed.
- DAR leadership is committed to providing members with cost-effective services that meet their needs and help solve their challenges.