Phone: 910-347-2958 Dixon High School Fax: 910-347-3932

160 Dixon School Road

Holly Ridge, NC 28445

Dear Students:

Welcome to English I! I am so excited for the upcoming semester. I’ve always enjoyed sharing what I know and inspiring others. I hope to encourage every one of you to realize your potentials.

You come to school to learn, so I want to you to feel comfortable asking questions freely in class. Every student can learn, but every student is not the same. I will dedicate my time to reach you where you are and incorporate all the learning styles so that everyone will be able to succeed, but I can’t do it alone. I need you as students to come to class prepared and ready to learn. I hope you will learn time management and place your school work at the top of your priority lists.

If there are ever any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me by going to and finding my name under the DHS Staff link. It is my duty to assist my students in any way I can. I will work hard for you all, and in return I expect my students to do the same for me. I want this to be a pleasant year for everyone. Above that, I want this year to be a productive one.

After completing this semester, you will be equipped with more skills to face any challenge that comes your way, and be one step closer to becoming high school graduates! Let’s have a great semester!


Mrs. Amber Jones

English I

Amber Jones……….. 2014-2015

Course Description (from Onslow County Schools High School Course Selection Guide)

English I provides a foundational study of literary genres (novels, short stories, poetry, drama, literary nonfiction, informational text). It also emphasizes influential U. S. documents and at least one Shakespearean play. In addition to rich reading experiences, this course includes extensive writing opportunities in the argumentative/ persuasive, informational/ explanatory, and narrative modes. Other aspects of the course include extensive language (grammar and mechanics) experiences as well as a thorough survey of necessary speaking and listening skills to include research skills.

Course Objectives and Curriculum

The curriculum for English Language Arts is based on the Common Core Standards. Those standards are divided into five major sections:

1.  Reading Literature

a.  Citing textual evidence

b.  Determining themes or central ideas

c.  Providing an objective summary of a text

d.  Analyzing author’s structure and character development and how those things affect the plot

e.  Determining meanings of words or phrases

f.  Analyzing point of view of culture context

g.  Analyzing key representations, scenes, or characters in multiple artistic mediums

h.  Analyzing how authors use allusions to draw from source material

i.  Reading and comprehending literature at the appropriate grade level and text complexity by the end of the course

2.  Reading Informational Text

a.  The objectives for reading informational text are almost identical to those for reading literature barring a few exceptions:

b.  Analyzing how an author unfolds a series of events

c.  Analyzing how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined

d.  Evaluate the argument or claims in a text and determine if they are valid; identify false statements

e.  Analyze significant U.S. documents

3.  Writing

a.  Writing arguments to support claims

b.  Writing explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas

c.  Writing narratives to develop real or imagined events

d.  Producing clear, coherent, and well developed writings

e.  Developing and strengthening writing by planning, editing, and revising

f.  Using technology to produce, publish, and update writing products

g.  Conducting research to solve a problem or answer a question

h.  Gathering relevant information from multiple authoritative sources

4.  Speaking and Listening

a.  Initiating and participating in a range of collaborative discussions

b.  Presenting information clearly, concisely, and logically

c.  Adapting speech to a variety of contexts

5.  Language

a.  Demonstrating command of standard English conventions, capitalization, punctuation, spelling

b.  Applying knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

1.  Be respectful and attentive in class. (No sleeping)

2.  Do not use profanity in my classroom.

3.  Be on time and seated before the bell rings.

4.  Come to class prepared with all necessary materials.

5.  Refrain from use of cell phones and other electronic devices during class.

6.  Remain seated until dismissed at the end of class.

Supply List

·  1½ inch 3 ring binder (at least)

·  2 Pocket folder

·  Loose-leaf paper

·  Blue/ black ink pens (work submitted in gel pens/ bright colors will be returned to students to rewrite in an acceptable color before grading)

·  Pencils

·  Laptop

Grading Policy

·  30%- Class work/ Homework

·  30%- Tests/ Projects

o  All tests will be announced at least one week in advance. Test formats may include multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, essay, etc…

·  20%- Quizzes

o  Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. You will not be quizzed or tested on material that has never been taught or assigned.

·  15%- Writing Prompts

o  Students will be given weekly or bi-weekly free response writing prompts modeled after SAT and ACT formats.

·  5% Binder Checks

o  Binder checks may be announced or unannounced.

Grading Scale Final Grades

·  A =100-93%

·  B= 92-85%

·  C= 84-77%

·  D= 76-70%

·  F= 69 and below

·  25%- 1st 6 Weeks

·  25%- 2nd 6 Weeks

·  25%- 3rd 6 Weeks

·  25%- Final Exam (State Exam)

English I Final Exam

The English I final exam is now created by the state of North Carolina but it is not the same as an EOC (End of Course Exam). The state-generated exam is called a North Carolina Final Exam. These NC Final Exams are given to every student in the state who takes English I. Results of the NC Final Exam will take longer to grade than traditional teacher-made exams; please allow a few weeks for the results to come in before inquiring about final or exam grades. There are NO EXEMPTIONS from the NC Final Exams. The format may incorporate both multiple choice questions and constructed response questions.

Power School

Along with the other schools in the county, Dixon High School has moved to an online grading software system called PowerSchool. With this system, parents will have access to student grades starting after the third week of school. Login information will be provided when generated. Please allow 5 school days before short assignments are posted (under 20 questions). Longer assignments or tests will be posted within 7 school days. Research papers and other essays will be posted within 10 school days. With PowerSchool, parents will have greater and more consistent access to their student’s progress.

Teacher Website

Visit under my name to see announcements, major assignments, important links, PowerPoint presentations done in class, and notes (notes can be found under the “FORMS” link). I will make literary notes available in advance. IF YOU PRINT YOUR NOTES BEFORE COMING TO CLASS, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO WRITE IN CLASS. Printing notes is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. If you do not have your notes printed BEFORE class, YOU WILL WRITE. No exceptions. I will NOT allow you to go to the library to print notes at the beginning of class. Come prepared. This is a privilege that can be revoked.


As the county moves to a one-to-one format, the classroom instruction will become enhanced even more by technology. Each English I class period will have a group in Edmodo which will contain folders with necessary documents and notes. It is vital that students come to class prepared with charged laptops every day.

Late Work

Late work will automatically have 5 points deducted for every day it is late. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignments or tests you missed. Visit under my name to see what assignments you may have missed. The number of school days absent is equal to the number of days you have to make up missed work.


All assignments must be turned in to the basket with a name, date, and class period written on the top right corner of the paper. Any work submitted without this information will not be graded. Please remove ragged edges before turning in work. When graded work is returned to you, KEEP IT IN YOUR BINDER.


Cheating is a serious offense and will not be tolerated in this class. This offense will result in a grade of zero in addition to a parent contact.

*The teacher does reserve the right to amend these rules and guidelines at any time.

English I

Amber Jones


I, ______, have reviewed and fully understand the English I syllabus.

Student signature ______Date ______

Student Class Period ______

Parent/ Guardian name ______

(Please print clearly)

Parent/ Guardian signature ______Date______

Please provide contact information below:

Parent/Guardian home number: ______

Parent/Guardian cell number 1: ______

Parent/Guardian cell number 2: ______

Parent/Guardian email address: ______

(Please print clearly)

Do you have reliable internet at home?

Circle: YES NO