
PHILIPPIANS 1v1 Paul and Timothy slaves of-Messiah Jesus to-all the holy-ones in Messiah Jesus namely-the-(ones) being in Philippi with overseers and ministers;

PHILIPPIANS 1v2 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

PHILIPPIANS 1v3 I-am-giving-thanks to my God on every mention of-YOU,

PHILIPPIANS 1v4 Always in my every petition in-behalf-of all of-YOU, the Petition being-made with joy.

PHILIPPIANS 1v5 On YOUR participation with-reference-to the good-news from the first day until now,

PHILIPPIANS 1v6 Having-relied-and-still-relying-on this very-thing, that the (one) having-begun-within among YOU (a) good work will-accomplish (it) until day of-Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v7 According-as it-is just for-me to-be-having this opinion in-behalf-of all of-YOU, because-of having YOU in my heart, in both my bonds and in the defence and confirmation of-the good-news YOU all being fellow-partners of my favor.

PHILIPPIANS 1v8 For the God (is) my witness, as I-am-longing-for YOU all in bowels of-Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 1v9 And this I-am-praying, in-order-that YOUR charity might-exceed still more and more in thorough-knowledge and all discernment,

PHILIPPIANS 1v10 With-reference-to YOUR proving the (things) making-a-difference, in-order-that YOU-might-be-being sincere and not-causing-to-stumble with-reference-to day of-Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v11 Having-been-and-still-filled (with) fruit of-justice the (fruit) through Jesus Messiah, with-reference-to glory and laudation of-God.

PHILIPPIANS 1v12 But I-am-purposing YOU to-be-coming-to-know, brothers, that the (things) against me have-come-and-still-come rather with-reference-to progress of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v13 So-that my bonds in Messiah (are) to-become manifest in the total praetorium and to all the others,

PHILIPPIANS 1v14 And the many-more of-the brothers in Jehovah having-relied-and-still-relying by my bonds to-be more-excessively daring to-be-speaking the word of-the God fearlessly.

PHILIPPIANS 1v15 On-the-one-hand certain-ones are-preaching the Messiah also because-of envy and quarrel(ing), on-the-other-hand certain-ones also because-of well-thinking;

PHILIPPIANS 1v16 The (ones) on-the-one-hand out-of charity, having-known-absolutely that I-am-lying with-reference-to defence of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v17 The (ones) on-the-other-hand are proclaiming the Messiah out-of ambitious-rivalry, not purely, imagining to-be-raising tribulation to my bonds.

PHILIPPIANS 1v18 What for? Further, that in-every manner, whether in-coverup or in-truth, Messiah is-being-proclaimed, and in this I-am-rejoicing; BUT also I-shall-rejoice;

PHILIPPIANS 1v19 For I-know-absolutely that this will-result to-me with-reference-to salvation through YOUR petition and additional-supply of-the spirit of-Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v20 According-to my eager-expectation and hope and that in not-one (thing) I-shall-be-ashamed, BUT in all boldness-of-speech as always, now also Messiah shall-be-magnified in my body, whether through life or through death.

PHILIPPIANS 1v21 For to-me to-be-living (is) Messiah and to-die-off (is) gain.

PHILIPPIANS 1v22 But if (it-is) to-be-living in (the) flesh, this to-me (is)(a) fruit of-work, and which I-shall-select I-am not making-known.

PHILIPPIANS 1v23 But I-am-being-held-together out-of the two, having the desire with-reference-to unloose and to-be with Messiah, for for-much better rather;

PHILIPPIANS 1v24 But to-be-continuing in-the flesh (is) more-necessary because-of YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 1v25 And this having-relied-and-still-relying-on I-know-absolutely, that I-shall-remain and I-shall-remain-beside with YOU all, with reference-to YOUR progress and joy of-the trust,

PHILIPPIANS 1v26 In-order-that YOUR boast might-be-exceeding in Messiah Jesus in me through my presence again with YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 1v27 Only YOU-yourselves-be-living-as-citizens worthy of-the good-news of-the Messiah, in-order-that whether having-come and having-seen YOU or being-away I-might-hear the (things) concerning YOU, that YOU-are-standing-firm in one spirit, with-one soul contesting-together for-the trust of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v28 And in not-one (thing) being-scared by the (ones) opposing, one-who (is-not-scared) he-is to them (a) demonstration of-destruction, but of-YOU (a sign) of-salvation, and this (sign) from God;

PHILIPPIANS 1v29 Because to-YOU it-was-bestowed-favor in-behalf-of Messiah, not only to-be-trusting with-reference-to him BUT also to-be-suffering in-behalf-of him,

PHILIPPIANS 1v30 Having the same struggle such-as YOU-saw in me and now YOU-are-hearing (of) in me.


PHILIPPIANS 2v1 If therefore (there-is) certain comfort in Messiah, if certain consolation of-charity, if certain participation of-spirit, if certain bowels and pities,

PHILIPPIANS 2v2 YOU-fulfill my joy in-order-that YOU-might-be-having the same opinion, having the same charity, fellow-souled, having the one opinion,

PHILIPPIANS 2v3 Not-one (thing) according-to ambitious-rivalry nor according-to vainglory, BUT in-the humbleness-of-opinion (ones) considering, holding one-another above themselves,

PHILIPPIANS 2v4 Each (ones) not contemplating the (things) of-themselves, BUT each (ones) also the (things) of-others-different.

PHILIPPIANS 2v5 YOU-be-having this opinion in YOU which also (is) in Messiah Jesus,

PHILIPPIANS 2v6 Who existing in form of-God considered not the being equal with-God (a thing for) seizure,

PHILIPPIANS 2v7 BUT he-emptied himself having-taken form of (a) slave, having-become in similitude of-MEN;

PHILIPPIANS 2v8 And having-been-found in-figure as MAN he-humbled himself having-become obedient as-far-as death, but death of-(a)-cross.

PHILIPPIANS 2v9 and on-this-account the God exceedingly-exalted him and bestowed-a-favor to-him the name, namely-the-one above every name,

PHILIPPIANS 2v10 In-order-that in the name of-Jesus every knee might-bend of-(those)-in-(the)-heavenly and of-(those)-earthly and of-(those)-subterranean,

PHILIPPIANS 2v11 And every tongue might-acknowledge that Jesus Messiah (is) Jehovah with-reference-to glory of-God (the) Father,

PHILIPPIANS 2v12 So-that, my cherished (ones), according-as YOU always obeyed, not as in my presence only BUT now much more in my absence, YOU-be-working-out the salvation of-yourselves with fear and trembling;

PHILIPPIANS 2v13 For God is the (one) operating in YOU even to-be-willing and to-be-operating in-behalf-of the well-thinking. (of God:)

PHILIPPIANS 2v14 YOU-be-doing all (things) separate-from murmurings and deliberations,

PHILIPPIANS 2v15 in-order-that YOU-might-become faultless and uncontaminated, children of-God, unblemished, midst of (a) crooked generation even having-been-and-still-twisted, among whom YOU-are-appearing in (a) world as light-givers,

PHILIPPIANS 2v16 Holding-upon (a) word of-life, with-reference-to (a) boast for-me with-reference-to (a) day of-Messiah, that I-ran not in vain nor tired-from-labor in vain.

PHILIPPIANS 2v17 And even if I-am-being-poured-out-a-drink-offering on the sacrifice and public-ministry of YOUR trust, I-am-rejoicing and I-am-rejoicing-together with-YOU all:

PHILIPPIANS 2v18 But the same (boast) also YOU-yourselves-be-rejoicing and YOU-be-rejoicing-together with-me.

PHILIPPIANS 2v19 But I-am-hoping in Jehovah Jesus to quickly send Timothy to-YOU, in-order-that I myself also might-be-of-good-soul having-come-to-know the (things) concerning YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 2v20 For I-am not having one equal-souled, one-who will-be genuinely anxious (about) the (things) concerning YOU;

PHILIPPIANS 2v21 For the (ones) all are-seeking the (things) of-themselves, not the (things) of-Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 2v22 But YOU-are-coming-to-know the proof of-him, that as child to-father he-was-(a)-slave with me with-reference-to the good-news.

PHILIPPIANS 2v23 On-the-one-hand therefore I-am-hoping to-send this (one) at-once as (soon as) I-might-see-from-a-distance the (things) concerning me;

PHILIPPIANS 2v24 On-the-other-hand I-have-relied-on-and-still-rely in Jehovah that I myself also shall quickly come.

PHILIPPIANS 2v25 But I-considered (it) necessary to-send to YOU Epaphroditus my brother and fellow-worker and fellow-soldier, but YOUR apostle and public-minister of my need,

PHILIPPIANS 2v26 Since-indeed he-was longing-for YOU all, and being-distressed, for-the-reason-that YOU-heard that he-was-weak.

PHILIPPIANS 2v27 For also he-was-weak almost to-death; BUT the God had mercy (on) him, but not him only BUT also me, in-order-that I-might not have grief upon grief.

PHILIPPIANS 2v28 Therefore more-diligently I-sent him, in-order-that having-seen him again YOU-might-rejoice and-I myself might-be less-grieved.

PHILIPPIANS 2v29 Therefore YOU-be-welcoming him in Jehovah with all joy, and YOU-be-holding the (ones) such-as-these honored,

PHILIPPIANS 2v30 That because-of the work of-Messiah he-drew-near as-far-as death having-risked [the] (his) soul, in-order-that he-might-fill-up the thing-lacking of-YOU of-the public-ministry to me.


PHILIPPIANS 3v1 Therefore, my brothers, YOU-be-rejoicing in Jehovah. To-be-writing to-YOU the same (things) on-the-one-hand for-me (is) not troublesome, on-the-other-hand for-YOU (is) sure.

PHILIPPIANS 3v2 YOU-be-looking-at the dogs, YOU-be-looking-at the bad workers, YOU-be-looking-at the cutting-down.

PHILIPPIANS 3v3 For we ourselves are the circumcision, the (ones) serving in-spirit of-God and boasting in Messiah Jesus and not having-relied-and-still-relying-[on] in flesh,

PHILIPPIANS 3v4 Although I (am) having reliance also in flesh. If some-one, another, is-thinking to-have-relied in flesh, I more;

PHILIPPIANS 3v5 In-circumcision eight-days-old, out-of race of-Israel, of-tribe of-Benjamin, Hebrew out-of Hebrews, according-to law (a) Pharisee,

PHILIPPIANS 3v6 According-to zeal pursuing the assembly, according-to justice, the (justice) in (the) law having-become faultless.

PHILIPPIANS 3v7 BUT things-which were to-me gains, these-things I-have-considered-and-still-consider (a) disadvantage on-account-of the Messiah.

PHILIPPIANS 3v8 BUT yea-therefore I-am also considering all (things) to-be (a) disadvantage on-account-of the holding-above of-the knowledge of-Messiah Jesus my Lord, on-account-of whom I-was-disadvantaged (by) all the (things), and I-am-considering (them) refuse[s] in-order-that I-might-gain Messiah

PHILIPPIANS 3v9 And I-might-be-found in him, not having my justice the (justice) out-of law, BUT the (justice) through trust of-Messiah, the justice out-of God upon the trust,

PHILIPPIANS 3v10 To-come-to-know him and the powerful-deed of his standing-again and participation of his sufferings, being-formed-together to his death,

PHILIPPIANS 3v11 If by-any-means I-might-arrive with-reference-to the out-resurrection the (one) out-of dead[s].

PHILIPPIANS 3v12 Not that I already took or I-have already been-made-and-still-am-perfect, but I-am pursuing if I-might also apprehend, on which also I-was-apprehended by Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 3v13 Brothers, I myself am not-yet figuring myself to-have-apprehended, but one (thing), on-the-one-hand forgetting the (things) behind on-the-other-hand stretching-myself-out [upon] to-the (things) in-front,

PHILIPPIANS 3v14 I-am-pursuing according-to (a) goal with-reference-to the prize of-the above calling of-the God in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 3v15 Therefore as-many-as (are) perfect (ones), let-us-be-having this opinion and if YOU-are-having-an-opinion something differently, the God will-uncover this also to-YOU;

PHILIPPIANS 3v16 Further, with-reference-to which we came-first, in-the same to-be-in-line.

PHILIPPIANS 3v17 YOU-be-becoming fellow-imitators of-me, brothers, and YOU-be-contemplating the (ones) thus walking-around according-as YOU-are-having us (as-a) pattern.

PHILIPPIANS 3v18 For many are-walking-around (of) whom I-was often saying to-YOU, but now also weeping I-am-saying, the enemies of-the cross of-the Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 3v19 Of-whom the finish (is) destruction, of-whom the god (is) the belly and the glory in their shame, the (ones) having-an-opinion (of) the earthly (things).

PHILIPPIANS 3v20 For our community is-existing in heavens, out-of the-place-where we-are also waiting-anxiously (a) savior Jehovah Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 3v21 Who will-transfigure the body of our humbling conforming (it) to-the body of his glory, according-to the operation of him being-able also to-subject to-him(self) [the] all (things).


PHILIPPIANS 4v1 So-that my cherished and longed-for brothers, my joy and crown, YOU-be-standing thus firm in Jehovah, cherished (ones).

PHILIPPIANS 4v2 I-am-entreating Euodia and I-am-entreating Syntyche to-be-having the same opinion in Jehovah.

PHILIPPIANS 4v3 Yea I-am-asking you also, genuine yoke-fellow, you-yourself-take them together, they-who contested-together with me in the good-news also with Clement and my other fellow-workers, the names of-whom (are) in (a) book of-life.

PHILIPPIANS 4v4 YOU-be-rejoicing in Jehovah always; again I-shall-say, YOU-be-rejoicing.

PHILIPPIANS 4v5 Let YOUR lenience come-to-be-known to-all MEN. The Lord (is) near.

PHILIPPIANS 4v6 YOU-be-being anxious (about) not-one (thing), BUT in every (thing) in-the prayer and in-the petition let YOUR requests be-made-known to the God with giving-of-thanks.

PHILIPPIANS 4v7 And the peace of-the God namely the (peace) holding-above every mind will-protectively-guard YOUR hearts and YOUR thoughts in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 4v8 Therefore, brothers, as-many (things) as are true, as-many (things) as august, as-many (things) as just, as-many (things) as pure, as-many (things) as lovable, as-many (things) as of-good-repute, if any virtue and if any laudation,

PHILIPPIANS 4v9 YOU-be-figuring these (things); which (things) also YOU-learned and YOU-took-along-to-yourselves and YOU-heard and YOU-saw in me. YOU-be-practising these (things); and the God of-the peace will-be with YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 4v10 But I-was-rejoiced in Jehovah greatly that already YOU-flourished at-one-time again to-be-having-an-opinion in my behalf, and on which YOU-were-having-an-opinion but YOU-were-without-season.

PHILIPPIANS 4v11 Not that I-am-saying according-to lack; for I myself-learned in which (things) I-am to-be self-sufficient.

PHILIPPIANS 4v12 And I-know-absolutely to-be-being-humbled, and I-know-absolutely to-be-being-exceeding; in every (thing) and in all (things) also I-have-been-and-still-am-initiated to-be-being satisfied and to-be-being-hungry, and to-be-being-exceeding and to-be-being-lacking.

PHILIPPIANS 4v13 I-am-able (to-do) all (things) in the (one) making me powerful.

PHILIPPIANS 4v14 Further, YOU-did rightly having-participated-with me in-the tribulation.

PHILIPPIANS 4v15 But YOU yourselves also know-absolutely, Philippians, that in beginning of-the good-news, when I-went-out from Macedonia, and-not-one assembly participated with-me with-reference-to (an) account of-giving and of-taking if not YOU alone,

PHILIPPIANS 4v16 Also that in Thessalonica also once even twice YOU-sent to-me with-reference-to the need.

PHILIPPIANS 4v17 Not that I-am-seeking-after the present, BUT I-am-seeking the fruit namely-the (fruit) abounding with-reference-to YOUR account.

PHILIPPIANS 4v18 But I-am-holding-off all (things) and I-am-exceeding; I-have-been-and-still-am-filled having-received of Epaphroditus the (things) of YOU, (a) smell of-fragrance, (a) sacrifice accepted, well-pleasing to-the God.

PHILIPPIANS 4v19 But my God will-fill YOUR every need according-to his riches in glory in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 4v20 But to our God and Father (be) the glory with-reference-to the ages of-the ages: Amen.

PHILIPPIANS 4v21 YOU-greet every holy (one) in Messiah Jesus. The brothers with me are-greeting YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 4v22 All the holy (ones) are-greeting YOU but especially the (ones) out-of the family of-Caesar.

PHILIPPIANS 4v23 The favor of-the Lord Jesus Messiah (be) with YOUR spirit.