Welcome to the course; we look forward to working with you.
There are a number of matters that I need to bring to your attention. The PGCE is an intense programme, which draws on a range of staff expertise and facilities, and it is important that we make maximum use of them when they are available. For this reason the first three weeks of the course involve a lot of practically related activities and will be very intensive and strenuous – so be prepared!
The outdoor and adventurous activities course will be carried out at the Priestley Centre, Torver, on Lake Coniston and will be from Wednesday 20th September to Friday 22nd September 2017. The cost of the residential and transport will be covered by Edge Hill University.
If you have your own equipment for walking, please bring this with you. You will also need old trainers or sandals for the water-based activities. As there will be a “night” orienteering exercise, a good torch with a broad beam [i.e. not a mobile phone!] is also an essential item of equipment for you to bring, for that event, as is a whistle. We will discuss other matters relating to this programme in the first two days at Edge Hill but please contact me in advance if you have any questions.
According to the demands of health and safety, whistles should not be shared and you will therefore require your own. Whilst in University and in school, you should have your whistle with you for all practical sessions, as you may be required to umpire or referee.
All trainees are expected to wear Edge Hill kit. This is available from Premier Sports in Ormskirk.You will be given guidance on this on your arrival and the kit will be available to purchase during the first week of the course. We expect you to wear this kit when you are on school experience.
Clear guidance on the course and coursework submissions is contained in the Course Handbook and you will be given access to this on the first day of your PGCE.
It is important that, as teachers, you are able to demonstrate an appropriate level of standard English. It is an expectation that informs our assessment of all assignments and of your professional work in schools. We encourage you, therefore, if you have any concerns in respect of your use of English language to spend some time addressing these between now and the commencement of the course.
All teachers of physical education need to be competent and confident in their use of ICT. An initial skills audit is included in this pre-course booklet. This will be reviewed on your arrival and support sessions will be available for trainees (as twilight activities) during the year. You will have access to all of the technical resources available in Edge Hill’s LINC building. Your ICT skills will be used to produce assignments, lesson plans, work sheets, task cards, displays and will have a multitude of other uses. The use of a range of technical equipment such as heart-rate monitors, iPads may also be required in school
In a subject as diverse as ours, subject knowledge is an aspect which trainees need to strengthen: most trainees will have some areas of weakness within it. To this end you should enrol on as many different NGB award courses as you can. The aspects in least need of support or enrichment are, generally, major games where trainees, generally, have had sustained exposure to the sports. Gymnastics, hockey, netball, volleyball, racquet games (not squash) and orienteering are recommended. Any opportunity that you can take to observe or to be involved with dance or dance teaching will be invaluable. There will be an opportunity to take some award courses during the year.
There are many physical education web sites available and you should become familiar with them. One of the most important is andSport England and the Youth Sport Trust also have their own sites as do all the national governing bodies of sport. Two other important sites are where school inspection reports can be found, and the department for Education. Familiarity with these sites will be of value as you commence your course and will help you to begin to demonstrate that you have some of the skills in place required for the recommendation for QTS.
Until the 4thSeptember, enjoy your summer and do as much groundwork preparation as you can.
Best wishes: I look forward to meeting you again then. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.
Rob Burgess
Course Leader – PGCE Physical Education
Tel: 01695 584807