Petworth Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Petworth Town Council Offices
7pm, Tuesday, 26th January 2016
Julie Aguilar (NP Clerk)
David Burden (Member SG)
Douglas Cooper (Chair of SG)
Rob Evans (Chair of Getting Around Working Group)
Elizabeth Hodgkins (Member SG & Chair of E, S & D Working Group)
Chris Kemp (PTC & Chair of Leisure & Well-being Working Group)
Ian McNeil (Member SG & Representative of Housing Working Group)
Lucy Howard (SDNPA)
Matthew Kinghan (Nexus Planning)
Rosa Pawsey (Member SG)
Alex Rees (Chair of Working & Shopping Working Group)
John Riddell (Member SG)
Lee Scott (Member SG)
Apologies for absence
Pip Aitken (Co-opted member of SG & Chair of Housing Working Group)
Sarah Nelson (SDNPA)
Report on SDNPA Planning Committee meeting held on 21st January 2016
DC provided an update on the results of this important planning meeting that centred around the progress of various Neighbourhood Development Plans including Petworth. SDNPA has adopted Option C whereby Petworth can continue with the development of its plan with the support of SDNPA where necessary. The chairman of the SDNPA expressed his gratitude for the time and effort being devoted to the plans.
LH echoed these sentiments whilst urging the Working Groups to make progress to meet the pre-submission deadline in support of the Petworth Neighbourhood Development Plan as well as the SDNPA’s wider Local Plan.
DC also advised the committee that examiners have dismissed the building design requirements put forward by the Clapton Neighbourhood Development Plan and have deemed them unenforceable.
Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd December 2015
Approved without changes.
Action points from meeting held on 22nd December 2015
- CK to share list of definitions for ‘well-being’ and organise the much-needed large-size (A1) town centre maps.
The issue with the maps lies with the original login details into the Ordnance Survey system which no longer appear to work. CK will pursue and, if no progress is made, will enlist the help of the SDNPA.
- LH offered her support and will check with the GIS department at SDNPA to find out how to obtain the maps and report directly back to CK.
Declarations of Interest
JA expressed concern that the majority of Working Group volunteers have still not completed and returned their Declaration of Interest forms, an important part of Town Council best-practice and compliance.
- JA to give each Working Group chairperson copies to share with their respective teams and get them to complete and sign at their next meeting.
Working Groups – Progress
Leisure & Well-being
The questionnaire to expand on the findings of the original Baseline Report and Issues Consultation Report has now been circulated to 42 organisations covering all age groups. The deadline is 30th January and 19 responses have been received to date.
The objective is to establish the town’s needs now and for the future population. CK anticipates the greatest need will be the doctor’s surgery. Petworth is well served by sports and recreational facilities, all of whom appear to be expanding.
Working & Shopping
AR’s team has met three times and held an additional meeting with the Getting Around Working Group.
The Working Group has drafted a vision statement specifically around working and shopping and has developed a wish list to facilitate a vibrant economy.
AR explained that very few areas of the Working Group’s plans are directly impacted by land development with suggested sites for affordable shopping likely to be retained within the town centre.
AR has met up with Sarah Nelson of SDNPA to discuss the upcoming retail study. The results of this study are scheduled to appear in March and AR expressed his concern over the timing because the team’s plan will largely depend on the outcomes of this study. He asked for the consultants hired by SDNPA to help guide his team by informing him of major developments as and when they occurred rather than wait until the final results appeared. This will save time and ensure the Working Group is going in the right direction.
AR talked about plans to reclaim the Market Square with regular markets offering a broad range of affordable goods. This could provide an alternative solution should the SDNPA study indicate no need for a larger supermarket in Petworth.
The team has identified car parking as a major challenge and agrees with the Getting Around Working Group that more is required in Petworth. They have also identified primary and secondary retail sites and begun evidence gathering.
RP has drafted a framework plan to identify any gaps.
AR is positive that the Working Group will meet the end of March deadline subject to the timeliness and results of the SDNPA retail study.
Extra discussion around the Co-op Food Store
CK mentioned the complexity of Petworth and its requirements for a supermarket. The balance is to meet the needs of a town with 40% social housing with the commercial viability of any new supermarket project. A new supermarket should be positioned as serving a much larger area than the central Petworth hub to make it viable.
He also provided an update on the Co-op Food Store and expressed his concern to LH that the SDNPA’s sharing of planning information to Petworth Town Council is poor and that PTC is never asked for input. To his knowledge, the Co-op needs planning consent for a plant room to house the ventilation system (noise is an issue) and for signage.
RE added that the issues around loading and unloading should be resolved in the near future.
Getting Around
Attached are RE’s notes relating to activities to date.
There are three main elements for the Working Group – Town Square, supermarket and car parking.
Alan Baxter’s traffic report is expected towards the end of March and RE recommended there should be a workshop for all Working Groups to share their findings to date, flag up potential issues, conflicts and identify gaps before progressing to the final outline plan stage. (See ACTION section).
The team has been in touch with Haslemere Station to discuss better links with Petworth (especially for commuters).
RE expects to meet the deadline subject to input from other Working Groups (in particular Housing).
LH mentioned that SDNPA has commissioned a transport study that will include Petworth. The report, conducted by Hampshire County Council, is scheduled to be published in April.
Environment, Sustainability & Design Quality
EH reported the great emphasis placed on biodiversity and ecology by the SDNPA and suggests modifying the Vision for Petworth statement accordingly.
Nigel Flynn has met up with Sarah Nelson from the SDNPA.
MK explained that Government building regulations are the only way to back up sustainability of design. The team might consider engaging with local landowners and house builders to keep them updated and onboard to avoid future conflict.
CK suggested being creative and perhaps looking at building licences and covenants to ensure higher than building regulation sustainability (along the lines of Poundbury near Dorchester).
The team should also look at sourcing local materials such as stone, an approach that saves fuel, transport costs and protects the environment. There are still several minor quarries in Petworth and Fittleworth that could be investigated.
EH’s team has looked into the subject of housing density and concluded that 4.28 hectares are required to ensure 150 houses are properly spaced, perhaps three areas of 50 dwellings each at targeted SHLAA sites.
RP outlined the methodology the Working and Shopping Working Group are using to progress its plan (developing a vision statement for the group based on the Steering Group one; look at other NDPs such as Petersfield to glean ideas for structure and even objectives that can be tweaked for Petworth; create own objectives then policies).
CK suggested looking at lessons learnt from past housing developments in Petworth and AR recommended meeting up with other Working Groups (such as Housing) to help flesh out the E,S & D plan.
IM provided an update on behalf of PA. The main questions focus around the location of sites, type of housing required and a mechanism to deliver new housing.
On 22nd January, the team had a productive meeting with CDC’s Housing Delivery Team and Hyde Martlet, Petworth’s social housing provider.
The team has also surveyed local estate agents to establish where the main requirements are for new housing. It appears that low-cost, starter homes top the list. In terms of catering for retirees and the older generation, evidence is needed to establish whether Petworth should follow the recent Courthouse development approach (which has been very successful) versus the McCarthy & Stone option (where many apartments remain unsold).
IM said the next priority is to concentrate on looking at a mechanism to deliver new housing (which depends on the views of the Leconfield Estate and close partnership with housing providers such as Hyde Martlet).
MK explained that the housing delivery mechanism is beyond housing policy and that it is better to focus on identifying sites for development. LH agreed. Working with Leconfield Estate and housing providers is crucial.
CK said that affordable housing should span different earning capacities (ie, from £20,000 - £60,000 incomes) and that policies should be written in a way that prevents developers from building housing that is the most profitable for them without taking into consideration local needs.
LH added that the Housing Working Group should be mindful that it conforms to SDNPA Local Plan policy (eg, 40% social housing – a broad definition that could encompass traditional social housing, shared ownership or even starter homes).
IM flagged up the issue of Pip Aitken’s busy schedule and other commitments and that the team needs to make the most of her availability in the first half of February to secure her very valuable strategic input to progress the plan.
MK explained that a vital part of the process is to establish reasoning behind the selection and allocation of sites. IM welcomes Nexus’ input in providing selection criteria. For example, DC’s meeting with Lord Egremont suggested that the Leconfield Estate has strong views about where sites should be but this needs to be backed up with evidence that the sites have been independently assessed.
AGREED: to hold a cross-Working Group meeting with SDNPA and Nexus in attendance to discuss and agree the site selection criteria (see ACTION section).
- JR to send copy of the Leisure & Wellbeing questionnaire to JA for sharing.
- LH to check the exact status of the Co-op planning application and report back to AR directly.
- ALL Working Group chairs and Matthew Kinghan to meet up for a workshop (see update from Getting Around WG) at 2pm, Tuesday 23rd February, Petworth Town Council Offices. RE to invite Trenton Williams to this meeting.
- DC to liaise with EH to set up a separate progress session to support the E,S & D Working Group.
- ALL Working Group chairs, Nexus and SDNPA to pencil in their diaries a meeting to agree site allocation selection criteria at 2pm, Wednesday 10th February, Petworth Town Council Offices. IM to check Pip Aitken’s availability ASAP. LS to represent RE. JA to confirm meeting ASAP.
- MK to provide examples of site assessment criteria prior to the meeting on 10th February. JA to circulate.
SEA Appraisal
MK said that the SEA needs to be done before the pre-submission document and that five weeks’ consultation are required as part of the process. Work needs to start as soon as possible.
CK confirmed the grant funds from SDNPA have now been received.
MK recommended conducting a ‘soft’ consultation session, for example, a drop-in day, to educate residents about the progress of the plan, in particular housing, before the actual plan is submitted.
Education is important to engage residents and help overcome resistance from certain organisations in Petworth who exert great influence in the community.
AGREED: to hold such as event positioning it as a platform to engage and educate rather than seek approval. To be discussed at next SG meeting.
- CK to instruct Nexus Planning to proceed with the SEA.
- LH asked whether the Steering Group required formal responses to the two letters submitted to the SDNPA Planning Committee by Douglas Cooper and Lord Egremont. None required.
- AR asked whether there is a co-ordinated approach when engaging with Lord Egremont in relation to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. In theory, Petworth Town Council, as owners of the plan, should be the liaison point although it was AGREED that communication could be carried out independently.
- DC announced the positive news that the contentious legal issues relating to the Loxwood plan have been resolved and that Loxwood won the court case.
Next meeting
The next meeting takes place at 7pm on Tuesday 23rd February at Petworth Town Council Offices following the workshop at 2pm.
The meeting closed at 10.30 pm.