Exploring Technology Systems 1
Mr. Cook
1st 9 weeks – Technological Issues and Impacts (TE022YB)
2nd 9 weeks – Exploring Technological Issues(TE022YA)
Grades- 7, 8 Prerequisites - none
This course focuses on students’ understanding how technological systems work together to solve problems and capture opportunities. As technology becomes more integrated and systems become dependent upon each other, these skills are becoming essential for students to learn and master for their future careers in design and engineering. This course has a specific concentration on the connections between technological systems. During the semester, students will learn 2D and 3D technical drawing skills to develop accurate representations of systems that exist, or are being developed.
Exploring Technology Systems 1
Ms. Carter –
1st 9 weeks – Technological Issues and Impacts (TE022YB)
2nd 9 weeks – Exploring Technological Issues(TE022YA)
Grades- 7, 8 Prerequisites - none
This course gives students a general background on the different issues involvingtechnological systems, with specific concentration on the connections between many technological systems in the modern world. During the semester, students will study and analyze modernsystems, with a specific emphasis on structures and construction and their impacts on society. These concepts will be learned withhands-on projects through the process of designing, developing, and analyzing various existing structures, as well as developing and analyzing new design ideas that are developed by the student.
Exploring Technology Systems 2
Mr. Cook
1st 9 weeks – Maintaining Technological Systems (TE022YC)
2nd 9 weeks – Technological Systems in the Designed World (TE022YD)
Grades- 7, 8 Prerequisites - none
This course focuses on students’ understanding how technological systems are designed, developed, and maintained. During this course, students will learn to use woodworking hand tools and power tools to build models, prototypes, and final products of new technological systems. These systems will be evaluated for effectiveness, redesigned, and improved using the Engineering Design Process. Special focus is placed on developing technological systems to support daily life and improved existing systems.
Exploring Technology Systems 2
Ms. Carter
1st 9 weeks – Maintaining Technological Systems (TE022YC)
2nd 9 weeks – Technological Systems in the Designed World (TE022YD)
Grades- 7, 8 Prerequisites - none
During this course, students will study Transportation, Power, and Energy, and focus on how they relate to engineering. Students will analyze and examine how these systems impact society both positively and negatively. Throughout the course students will explore various aspects of Transportation, Power, and Energy through engaging activities, hands-on projects, and engineering design. Students will follow the Universal Systems Model as well as the Engineering Design Model in order to design, create, and troubleshoot. Throughout the semester, students will learn how to use various power-tools and hand-tools in order to create both mock-ups and prototypes from wood.
Exploring Engineering and Design 3 (aka: Technology and Design)
Mr. Cook and Ms. Carter
1st 9 weeks – Design and Creativity (TE012YE)
2nd 9 weeks – Technology and Society (TE012YF)
Grades- 6 Prerequisites - none
This course focuses on applying the design process in the invention or innovation of a new product, process, or system. Through engaging activities and hands-on projects, students focus on understanding how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs. Emphasis is placed on brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, testing, and refining designs. Students develop skills in researching information, communicating design information, and reporting results.