thank you for finally getting back to me even if it was via, a site I have to use since this is the vehicle you have chosen to contact me and the other Petitioners.
Any way in your letter, you still insist the name change to the Highlanders Museum was in 2000, I have spoken to a certain person you named in this, and as you know I worked at the Museum at the time, and I can assure you the Museum was not called the Highlanders Museum then, have you seen the Standing Orders for 4 SCOTS, and my photo taken outside the front door of the Museum with the name of the Museum which appeared in the Regimental Magazine…..and I know the name was changed after I left employment there, in 2008.
Now about all who were there on the Petition day were not invited in to discuss our grievances as you now claim, if my memory serves me right we all declined to visit the Museum, but were never offered any discussion.
On your quote……The discussion on the various social media sites has been marked by both ignorance of the key facts and a disappointing level of malicious comments and vindictiveness. Hence, my decision that I am not prepared to enter into this debate on social media…….
This I find all very disappointing, as you have not been in touch with me apart from telling me I can read your reply , along with everyone else on, this to me , shows your contempt for me and the other petitioners.
I don’t think you have explored any chances of changing the name back with the MOD….and have been told it would not make any difference to the MOD what we called our Museum……..and in my opinion will not……you seem determined to carry on in this we know best attitude, and this will not mend this rift we now feel has been created with us.
You said in your letter that the Museum Board met on the 13th of Feb, would it not have been acceptable for the Board to have a couple of the Petitioners present at this, seeing we represent so many concerned people who support the petition.
So Peter , to you and your team, if you would like to meet face to face with representatives of the petitioners, we would welcome the opportunity , after all ,we are not all as ignorant of the facts as you insinuate , we petition for the Regiment, we do not seek to destroy it, we would support it a lot more if you would listen to us, and not ignore us , and cease to carry on the way you are.<br/>