Pesticide Management/Pesticide Application
- Prohibition of Application During School Hours - No application of a pesticide may be made in any building or on the grounds of any school during regular school hours or during planned activities at any school except in an emergency.No one shall apply a lawn care pesticide on the grounds of any public school with students in grade eight or lower except that an emergency application of a lawn care pesticide may be made to eliminate a threat to human health as determined by the superintendent of schools.
- Pesticide Applicator – Only a person with a supervisory certification or a person with an operational certification who is under the direct supervision of a supervisory pesticide applicator (as described in section 22a-54 of the Connecticut General Statutes) may apply a pesticide in the district. The only exception to this shall be the emergency application of a pesticide to eliminate an immediate threat to health where it is impractical to obtain the services of certificated personnel.
- Emergency Application – An application may be made to eliminate an immediate threat to human health if it is necessary to make the application during such a period and such emergency application does not involve a restricted use pesticide, as defined in section 22a-47 of state statutes.
- Entering an Area Where a Pesticide Has Been Applied - No student may enter an area where a pesticide has been applied until it is safe to do so according to the provisions on the pesticide label.
- Registering to Receive Notice of a Planned Pesticide Application - Parents or guardians of children in any school and school staff who so desire may receive advanced notice of a planned pesticide application by registering in writing at each building for which they desire to receive such notice. Each school shall maintain a registry of persons requesting such notice.
- Content of a Notice of a Planned Pesticide Application – A notice of a planned pesticide application shall include:
- The name of the active ingredient of the pesticide being applied,
- The name of the target pest,
- The location of the application on the school property,
- The date of the planned application, and
- The name of the school administrator, or a designee, who may be contacted for further information.
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Pesticide Management/Pesticide Application
- The notice of the intent to apply a pesticide should be delivered to such persons at least 24 hours prior to the time that the application is to take place at a school.
III. RECORDS OF PESTICIDE APPLICATIONS - A copy of the record of each pesticide
application at a school shall be maintained at the school for a period of five years.
Regulation Approved: 7/16/01
Regulation Revised: 5/19/08
Wallingford, Connecticut