November 17 2016
Present: M. Millman, M. Popowich, D. Beaudry, C. Simard, O. Barnes, S. Brodie, H. Wiebe.
Absent: J. Eccles-Kreger
WELCOME (M. Popowich)
- Meeting commenced at 6:35 pm
- Request to approve meeting minutes from Sept 15, 2016 & Oct 20,2016 were requested, H. Wiebe seconded, All in favor.
Current enrollment – approximately 570 students
- A selection of Grade 5 students performed with the WSO at the Centennial Concert Hall
- We had a lovely and meaningful Remembrance Day assembly that involved a lot of student voice
- We’ve had three pizza hot lunches two at early years and one at middle year’s level and they have been well received. Monies raised from the hot lunches are used to support activities, guest speakers and grade 5 camp.
- SMP is again running an afterschool literacy club for grade 1 – 6 students on Wed & Thursdays with Frontier College through a grant from the Winnipeg Foundation
- We had a Great Spirit Week before Halloween. Lots of students participated in the fun.
- Middle years opted to do Halloween activities instead of a dance. It was also a lot of fun.
- Our school now has a GSA club. Inaugural meeting was great & now deciding on a name.
- All teachers and EAs had a wonderful presentation from the Rainbow Resource Centre on supporting our LGBTT2Q+ community
- We had a Camp Stephens presentation for our grade 5 parents as we continue the tradition of sending our grade 5 students to camp in the spring.
- Report cards will be going home on November 28th
Education Practices: Literacy – SMP hosted its first literacy night for K – 2 families. Families had a chili dinner & fruit for dessert, then while the kids played, adults learned how to better support their children in home reading. At the end, families were invited to the library to take out books and read with their child. We continue to participate in monthly Professional Learning Community Sessions (PLCs) regarding reading in the content areas. We are currently looking at ways to enhance classroom libraries and the school libraries with books that represent our population.
* Educational Practices: Numeracy – We continue to participate in monthly Professional Learning Community Sessions (PLCs) regarding math conversations and how they can enhance understanding in students. We are in the process of ordering math manipulatives for classrooms to enhance student learning.
* Safe and Caring Schools – We hold monthly assemblies where we recognize and celebrate attendance and positive behaviour. This month we also had a presentation on becoming more litter less.
* AAA – SMP just hosted our first community smudge. Approximately 75 people attended and all 4 nations were represented.
* French and French Communication and Culture – French Immersion had an assembly at the beginning of the month. The entire assembly was in French.
* We have begun planning the Festival du Voyageur for the entire school. We are looking at expanding our activities and including outdoor activities.
STAFFING UPDATE: Welcome Mr. Shymko who is replacing Mr. Jackson until the winter break
Staffing and Attendance: Numbers remain about the same.
Other Matters:
- I arranged for the five microwaves that were missed in the spring to be serviced and one was found to be leaking. I purchased another one and have replaced the faulty microwave. As we have had the majority of the microwaves serviced now, I propose that we change the servicing to the fall. Only three microwaves were checked in the spring and one was only a few months old. I can then pay the bill for this check as it will count as our annual service.
- With the Christmas season approaching, it is our practice to give our Middle Years students who microwave an extra $10 on their December cheques. I would also like to give supervisors a gift card towards lunch. The amount to be decided by the board.
D. Beaudy motioned this request, H. Wiebe 2nd the request, All in Favor.
- The one teachers request for a doll house hasn’t been filled, due to allowable funds, all in favor to forego this request.
Financial matters:
- We had a good deposit for November and were not too far off payroll. We paid $500 to the school for Lunch Monitor rewards and treats. I dropped the books off at Curries for the annual audit the day after our last meeting. They phoned this morning and the audit is complete. The cost is $322.06.
CSA Financial Report November 201610,591.75 / Opening Balance Oct 1
280.00 / Show & Save Deposit
(3,950.00) / Paid to Show & Save
(1,129.99) / MY Library furniture
(1,000.00) / Art Teacher
(13.00) / Patrol Trip
(500.00) / Patrols
4,278.76 / BALANCE
*** Costs for Ice Cream Party x 3 still needs to come out as well ***
- Show and Save Books Sold: 393
- Pizza Hotline Orders: All the order forms were sent out, cards will be picked up on Nov. 28, PAC to have table for order pick up during Parent-Teacher conferences, Leadership students to help on Friday. Need to organize all orders for pick up, Mon. Nov 28, Heidi and Christa to help at Marcella’s.
- Marcella advised she has put out $$ for PAC expenses, Danielle motioned for a $200 float to be approved for Chair, Heidi 2nd it, All in favor. If additional funds are needed through the year, Marcella to advise PAC and funds can be approved.
- Show and Save: All done for the year, we were missing 3 books (Marjorie advised this is normal), Extra pizza lunch and juice boxes were needed.
- Winter Concert: Christa asked if there was a way to film the concert, so avoid parents blocking the view of others, by filming the event on a phone, Ipad, etc.? Marjorie advised that Ecole Margaret Underhill has filmed their school concerts in the past, Christa to contact the school (Joelle Giroux) to collect more info.
- Bake sale to be held by PAC at Winter Concert, Christa volunteered to organize. Marjorie suggested that the Leadership Students would love to help out. Need to handout letters asking for baking (nut free), $$ donations or volunteer help the first week of Dec. Bake sale will need plastic gloves, plates, plastic wrap/Ziplock bags, price tags and all baking needs to arranged and pack on Dec. 19th, at the school.
- CSA Constitution: is out dated, we do have some written suggestions for improvements that were provided to Christa by Danielle, we can review the constitution in the spring, need to type it up and have it on the SMP website for access for everyone.
- Spring Craft Event: Confirmed it will be held on April 6th, time still to be confirmed, possible from 6 – 9 pm. Marjorie already has the permit in place. Need to add this event to the next school newsletter. It was suggested that we attend other school craft events to get more information on how to put them on, talk to vendors, etc. Christa, Danielle and Heidi to work on that.
- CSA Board (in front hallway), Christa requested funds be allowed to redo it. Will gather cost of materials and present to board in future for approval. It was suggested we request materials from teachers who may have extra; we could paint the board, in lieu of using the fire proof paper. Will review the cost to have a new PAC sign for that area.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.
Next meeting will be on Thursday Jan. 19th, 2017 and will be a potluck event.