WarstonesPrimary School

Personal Health and Social and Economic Education

Approved:September 2015

Due for review:September 2017

Signed:(Chair of Governors)

Warstones Primary P.S.H.E Policy and Guidance





Equality, Diversity and Accessibility

Extra- Curricular Activities

Staff Development

Leadership and Management

Monitoring and Evaluating

Policy Update and Review Date

Appendices - Long Term Plan Year A & B


"PSHE education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society."The PSHE Association.

In September 2013, the DfE published a new National Curriculum.Whilst PSHE education remains a non-statutory subject, section 2.5 of the National Curriculum framework document states that:

‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice.’

At WarstonesPrimary School we will be following the advice given by Wolverhampton Healthy School team for PSHE. Our long term plan showing coverage across year groups is available below.

PSHE is embedded throughout daily life at Warstones. We model positive relationships, self-image and communication skills with others in all our day-to-day interactions, as well as teaching skills in discrete P.S.H.E. lessons.

Through P.S.H.E we promote children's personal, social and economic development, as well as their health and wellbeing. It helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. Children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and community. They learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. It gives children an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are part of being a good citizen and introduces them to some of the principles of prudent financial planning and understanding. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life-long learning.


Our aim is to ensure that we produce well-rounded, happy healthy children, equipped with the necessary life skills for the wider world.

At Warstones we regard PSHE as an important, integral component of the whole curriculum. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring that it:

  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children and of society.
  • Prepares our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they already face and for adult life.
  • Provides information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically.
  • Encourages our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment

These include

  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Know how to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Be aware of safety issues, including how to respond in an emergency.
  • Know how to manage change, including puberty, transition and loss.
  • Develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships within a range of social and cultural contexts.
  • Know how to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships.
  • Know how to recognise risky or negative relationships, including all forms of bullying and abuse, and ask for help.
  • Know how to respect equality and diversity in relationships.
  • Know the importance of responsible behaviours and actions.
  • Be responsible and independent members of the school community.
  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society.
  • Know about the importance of respecting and protecting the environment.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.
  • Know about where money comes from, keeping it safe and the importance of managing it effectively.
  • Have a basic understanding of enterprise.



Our P.S.H.E. curriculum covers 7 major sub-headings:

Back to School

Anti-bullying & Getting On With Everyone

Dealing With Feelings

Money & Me

Wolverhampton Drug Education Programme


Keeping Safe

Teaching and Learning

  • Lessons will be planned to provide appropriate challenge for all pupils, to extend more able and provide appropriate levels of support in order for all pupils to make progress.
  • The learning environment will enable all pupils to recognise their own and others’ strengths and areas for improvement and provide them with appropriate tasks to improve and succeed.
  • A variety of teaching styles will be used to engage the learners, providing them with the opportunity to learn from visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities as well as links to the topic curriculum.
  • Lessons will provide appropriate activities which enable pupils to develop as independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers and effective participators.

Each year group will receive a discrete P.S.H.E lesson bi-weekly which will last one-hour and will be delivered by a H.L.T.A. This will be supplemented throughout the daily lessons by the class teacher. Where necessary, the class teacher will lead lessons on, for example, Road Safety which comes under the Keeping Safe sub-heading. This will involve taking the children out of school to learn how to cross the road in a safe way. This will then be supplemented by activities in the classroom.

At times we have specialist who come in to teach the children. These include the School Nurse, Cycle Training experts and the local PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) supports the school will sessions on Internet Safety, Stranger Danger information, Theft and Using Social Media Safely (Year 6).

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

Children are informally assessed by staff throughout their work and the reports given to parents will reflect this. Recording of work will be in a form appropriate to the planned focus and will be shown in teacher’s planning. Evidence of PSHE will be in a variety of forms e.g. photographs as well as written work. The very nature of PSHE means that careful consideration should be given to the best means of recording. Written work may not always be appropriate and staff will use their professional judgment in this.

Equality, Diversity and Accessibility

All pupils can access a broad and balanced P.S.H.E curriculum, which meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of pupils, including those who have diverse special educational needs, disabilities, gifted and talented pupils and those who have English as an additional language. Lesson planning, delivery and assessment tries to ensure that pupils are provided with appropriate and effective opportunities to actively participate and succeed in the whole range of learning opportunities offered within and outside the curriculum.

At Warstones we also offer optional residential visits yearly, from Year 2 upwards. This gives children the opportunity to be independent, learn to take responsibility for their own belongings, and make decisions about their safety and well-being. It encourages them to think about the feelings of others and how their behaviour affects them. The amount of opportunities that the children have at Warstones is excellent and can only be achieved through the generosity of staff giving up their own time.

Extra CurricularActvivites

Throughout their school life, children are given the opportunity to take part in

extra-curricular activities organised and lead either by teaching staff or outside bodies, for example Soccer 2000. These take place either after school or during lunchtime. These activities include but not exclusively ipad club, laptop club, choir, Change for Life, badminton, netball, gymnastics, multi-skills, book club and other sports linked activities.

Staff Development

Opportunities for the development of all staff should be provided in order to enhance the quality and confidence of delivering P.S.H.E within school. The needs of the staff will be identified through the monitoring and evaluation of the subject which is undertaken by the designated Subject Leader and should be done in conjunction with the whole school development plan. The subject leader will ensure that any development opportunities undertaken by staff are disseminated throughout the school where necessary to further enhance the quality of P.S.H.E.

Leadership & Management

The Subject Leader is responsible to the Head Teacher and will ensure that the following points associated with the role are considered and carried out where appropriate:

  • Developing good classroom practice
  • Attending courses to further own professional development and providing information and support for colleagues
  • Monitoring classroom practice and planning, auditing needs for CPD to ensure high quality delivery and setting future targets
  • Make all resources available to all staff, including policy, schemes of work, assessment materials, resources to support learning
  • Extending relationships and contacts beyond the school and in the local community
  • Keeping up to date with guidelines from the P.S.H.E. Association and DfE.

Monitoring & Evaluating

Subject monitoring and evaluating will be carried out by the Subject Leader with support from the SLT where appropriate. The school will utilise the following strategies and measures in order to evaluate standards in P.S.H.E.

  • Observation of teaching and learning, including support staff, to assist in the identification of strengths and development needs to share with staff across the school.
  • Assessment of pupil progress and achievement
  • Pupil interviews
  • Written and photographic evidence

LC Sept 2015

Warstones Primary School – P.S.H.E Policy